Customisation Options

Clients may choose to use the Sign-Off Module “as is” by conforming to the default setup and workflow and data stores. Alternatively, clients may use the Module purely as a starting point for building a suitable system with additional functionality.

Customisation Details
Adding Maven repositories and extracting the source code, prior to installation, in order to build the entire project.
This will build the executable JAR files for ActivePivot, ActiveMonitor, and an optimised version of the UI.
Building & deploying the Sign-Off Module
Making changes at start-up to the following components:ActivePivotActiveUIActiveMonitor Guidelines for developing on the Sign-Off Module
Setting a sign-off workflow, including policies for resolving conflicts Customizing the sign-off workflow
Upgrading the Sign-off Module and merging new versions Making Upgrades

Derivative Works and Clients' IP

In the project, source code is delivered and IT users are free to make derivative works (which become the clients' IP) to adapt to their data sources and requirements.
