Migration notes 3.1

This page explains the changes required to migrate to the stated version of the Sign-Off Module.

Migrate to 3.1

Upgrading from version 3.0.0 - see Sign-Off Module 3.1 Release Notes.

The Sign-Off Module is using ActivePivot 5.9.6 and ActiveUI 4.3.17.

For new features and fixes included in these releases, please see the ActiveUI documentation and ActiveUI Migration Notes, and the release notes for ActivePivot.



In the Application database
Table Details
ADJUSTMENTDEFINITION Contains records of adjustment definitions
ADJUSTMENTEXECUTION Contains records of adjustment executions

In the Audit log database

Table Details
ADJUSTMENTDEFINITIONENTITY Contains audit records of adjustment definitions


Modification Table Column Type Description
Added ADJUSTMENTREQUESTENTITY DEFINITIONID VARCHAR The definition ID of the associated adjustment definition
Added ADJUSTMENTREQUESTENTITY EXECUTIONID VARCHAR The execution ID of the associated adjustment definition
Added ADJUSTMENTREQUESTENTITY TASK VARCHAR The name of the associated sign-off process definition
Added ADJUSTMENTREQUESTENTITY TASKID VARCHAR The ID of the associated sign-off process instance


Added stores

Store Details
AdjustmentsDefinition Caches database data for adjustment definitions
AdjustmentsExecution Caches database data for adjustment executions


Added cubes

Cube Details
AdjustmentsDefinition Allows UI to retrieve data for adjustment definitions
AdjustmentsExecution Allows UI to retrieve data for adjustment executions

Added hierarchies in cube

Cube Dimension Hierarchy Level Datastore field Details
AdjustmentsExecutionCube validFrom validFrom validFrom validFrom Added to cube
AdjustmentsExecutionCube validTo validTo validTo validTo Added to cube


The SignOffAdjustmentExecutionService class that handles the execution of adjustments has been updated to handle adjustments persistence, execution and auditing.

The SignOffAdjustmentStatusRestService has been changed and now provides the list of adjustments for a process instance ID with their latest status, as well as the audit trail of each individual adjustment execution.

The SignOffProcessInstanceWorkflowService class has been changed to handle multiple initiations.
