Migration notes 3.1

This page explains the changes required to migrate to the stated version of the Datastore Helper.

Migrate to 3.1.1-AS6.0

Upgrading from version 3.1.0 - See Datastore Helper 3.1.1-AS6.0 Release Notes.

No migration required from Datastore Helper 3.1.0-AS6.0.

Migrate to 3.1.0

Upgrading from version 3.0.0 - See Datastore Helper Release Notes

API changes

Added configurator options

Method Details
IDatastoreConfigurator#addStore(IStoreDescription store) Adds the given store to the GLOBAL schema.
IDatastoreConfigurator#addReference(IReferenceDescription reference) Adds the given reference to the GLOBAL schema.
IDatastoreConfigurator#storeBuilder() Creates a store builder for the GLOBAL schema.
IDatastoreConfigurator#referenceBuilder() Creates a reference builder for the GLOBAL schema.

Behavior changes

Enabled schemas

The GLOBAL schema is now enabled by default, with stores added to the GLOBAL schema being available regardless of which other schemas are enabled.


Stores defined against the GLOBAL schema apply customizations defined against other schemas, if those other schemas are enabled.

As an example, defining a Base store with Book and Trade fields in the GLOBAL schema, and enabling an Aggregate schema with the Trade field removed as a customization will result in a Base store without a Trade field.