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- Data Health Check
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- Tips for Validating the Calculations
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- Viewing QIS Numbers
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- Workaround for deadlock issue when attempting to create partitions for reference stores
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Data Cubes
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Measure variations
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--- ES (Basic)
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--- ES (Capital Constrained)
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--- ES (Capital Unconstrained)
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--- ES (Capital)
test ../ test cube/es-current-ratio-stress.html
--- ES (Current Ratio)
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--- ES (ISES)
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--- ES (Liquidity Adj.)
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--- ES (Model Variation)
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--- ES (PnL Vector)
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--- ES (PnL Vector) CCY
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--- ES (PnL Vector) Expand
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--- ES (PnL Vector) Non-Modellable Idiosyncratic
test ../ test cube/es-pnl-vector-non-modellable-non-idiosyncratic.html
--- ES (PnL Vector) Non-Modellable Non-Idiosyncratic
test ../ test cube/es-pnl-vector-raw.html
--- ES (PnL Vector) RAW
test ../ test cube/es-ses-stress.html
--- ES (SES)
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--- IMCC
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--- IMCC Indicator
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--- LH
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--- Omega
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--- Previous LH
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--- SES
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--- SES max
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--- Squared ES (Liquidity Adj.)
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--- Squared LHScaleFactor
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Data Stores
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Extending the Accelerator
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FRTB Accelerator Interpretation and Implementation of BCBS 457
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The stressed expected shortfall, for each risk-class and each 1-year period.
Hierarchies required in the view
S E S = √ I ∑ i = 1 I S E S 2 N M , i + √ J ∑ j = 1 I S E S 2 N M , j + √ ( ρ ⋅ K ∑ k = 1 S E S N M , k ) 2 + ( 1 − ρ 2 ) ⋅ K ∑ k = 1 S E S 2 N M , k
Here’s how the measure is implemented:
For I_type non-modellable risk factors and J_type (non-modellable idiosyncratic credit risk factors and non-modellable idiosyncratic credit risk factors) - it aggregates the squared stress scenario capital charges by risk factor (see ES (ISES) ), then takes a square root.
For K_type non-modellable risk factors, it computes the ES measure for each risk factor (see ES (SES) ) and aggregates them with the prescribed correlation factor.
We recommend using the [Risk].[Idiosyncratic] hierarchy to break down the charge into idiosyncratic and non-idiosyncratic components and the [Risk].[Risk Classes] hierarchy to display the risk factor’s risk class.
The SES measure disregards the actual capital treatment of individual positions and computes charges as if all positions are under IMA. We recommend applying a filter on [Booking].[FRTB Model] equal to “IMA” to limit the scope to positions officially under the “IMA” approach.
See also