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FRTB Accelerator Interpretation and Implementation of BCBS 457
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Naming pattern: Measures with “Incremental” behavior follow the name
pattern:Main Measure Name Incremental.
The Incremental measures evaluate the impact of a trade or a group of
trades (‘current scope’) on the result at a selected
ReferenceLevel ,
by comparing it with a computation as if the considered trade or
aggregate of trades were hypothetically removed.
M i n c r e m e n t a l ( scope ) = M ( portfolio ) − M ( portfolio excl scope )
In the following example, the IMCC
measure is showing the impact of individual desks on the firm-level
IMCC number.
In this example, the ReferenceLevel
is set to Enterprise.
IMCC for desk “Bonds” is -17 mio, which means, that this portfolio is reducing firm-level IMCC by 17 mio.
To validate the incremental measure for desk “Bonds”, let’s compute
firm-level IMCC with a filter excluding the desk:
From the screenshot above, we can see that IMCC is approximately 17 mio
higher (109.7 - 92.6) if the “Bonds” desk positions were closed-out.
Follow this link to see the measures with the described behavior:
Incremental Measures .