Legal Entity Imports

Download sample file: LegalEntityImports.csv

This file is used to import pre-calculated Capital Charge values at the legal entity level, for use in reporting.

This Legal Entity Imports file type is identified using the pattern: **/LegalEntityImports*.csv (as specified by legal-entity.imports.file-pattern). This file is loaded using the LegalEntityImports topic. See the Topic Aliases table for an understanding of the topic aliases associated with each topic.

Field Key Null FieldType Description Example
AsOfDate Y N Date ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ Timestamp (at close of business) for the data.
ParameterSet Y N String The Parameter Set for which the imported values are calculated CRR2
CubeMeasure Y N String The name of the measure whose value is being imported. “GIRR Delta Risk Charge High”
LegalEntity Y N String The Legal Entity to assign the imported, pre-calculated values to.
Value N N Double The pre-calculated value to import.
Ccy N N String The currency that Value is expressed in. USD