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The FRTBParameters.csv file provides the FRTB regulation parameters, correlation factors and risk weights. You can run simulations on parameter set values using the Parameter Sets What-If Widget.

File format

Field name Description
Name The parameter name
Value The value set for the parameter
Date The start date that the parameter takes effect
ParameterSet The parameter set to which the parameter belongs (default = BCBS)

File values

Name Value Date ParameterSet BCBS 457 Reference Description 0.999 2016-01-01 [MAR21.45] Multiplier to the GIRR delta rho correlations, for aggregating between two weighted sensitivities and within the same bucket with the same tenor but different curves. Also used for curvature where all tenors are moved at the same time. 0.4 2016-01-01 [MAR21.46] Floor parameter defined in the footnote 13 to [MAR21.46] 0.03 2016-01-01 [MAR21.46] Theta parameter defined in the footnote 13 to [MAR21.46] 0.999 2016-01-01 [MAR21.47] Multiplier to the GIRR delta rho correlations, for aggregating between two weighted sensitivities and within the same bucket with different tenors and different curves 0.4 2016-01-01 [MAR21.48] GIRR delta rho correlation between a weighted sensitivity to the inflation curve and a weighted sensitivity to a given tenor of the relevant yield curve 0 2016-01-01 [MAR21.49](1) GIRR delta rho correlation parameter between a weighted sensitivity to a cross-currency basis curve and a weighted sensitivity to a given tenor of the relevant yield curve 0 2016-01-01 [MAR21.49](2) GIRR delta rho correlation parameter between a weighted sensitivity to a cross-currency basis curve and a weighted sensitivity to inflation curve 0 2016-01-01 [MAR21.49](3) GIRR delta rho correlation parameter between a weighted sensitivity to a cross-currency basis curve and a weighted sensitivity to another cross-currency basis curve (if relevant). 0.5 2016-01-01 [MAR21.50] GIRR delta gamma correlation parameter, used for aggregating GIRR risk positions across different buckets (ie different currencies) 1.4142135623731 2016-01-01 [MAR21.44] Optional GIRR delta risk weight divider 0.35 2016-01-01 [MAR21.54](1) CSR non-Sec rho_name correlation parameter 0.65 2016-01-01 [MAR21.54](2) CSR non-Sec rho_tenor correlation parameter 0.999 2016-01-01 [MAR21.54](3) CSR non-Sec rho_basis correlation parameter 0.8 2016-01-01 [MAR21.55](1) CSR non-Sec rho_name correlation parameter for buckets 17 and 18 0.5 2016-01-01 [MAR21.57](1) CSR non-Sec gamma_rating correlation parameter 0.99 2016-01-01 [MAR21.60] CSR Sec CTP rho_basis correlation parameter defined in [MAR21.60] 1.25 2016-01-01 [MAR21.65] Multiplication factor defined in [MAR21.65] which is used to CSR Sec non-CTP risk weights for buckets 9-16 1.75 2016-01-01 [MAR21.66] Multiplication factor defined in [MAR21.66] which is used to CSR Sec non-CTP risk weights for buckets 17-24 0.035 2016-01-01 [MAR21.67] CSR Sec non-CTP delta risk weight for bucket 25 set in [MAR21.67] 0.4 2016-01-01 [MAR21.68] CSR Sec non-CTP rho_tranche parameter set in MAR21.68 0.8 2016-01-01 [MAR21.68] CSR Sec non-CTP rho_tenor parameter set in MAR21.68 0.999 2016-01-01 [MAR21.68] CSR Sec non-CTP rho_basis parameter set in MAR21.68 0 2016-01-01 [MAR21.70] CSR Sec non-CTP gamma correlation for aggregating delta risk positions across buckets 1 to 24 0 2016-01-01 [MAR21.71] Gamma “other” parameter value is used for the correlation between the CSR Sec non-CTP “other” buckets and the buckets 1-24. See [MAR21.71] interpretation note in the release notes. TRUE 2016-01-01 [MAR21.45](5) When evaluating the CSR Sec non-CTP Delta (or Vega) Risk Charge [MAR21.4](5), whether to add the “other” bucket Delta (or Vega) Risk Position after taking the square root (“true”), or include the “other” bucket with the rest inside the square root (“false”). See [MAR21.71] interpretation note in the release notes.
sa.csr-sec-non-ctp.curvature.other-bucket.added TRUE 2016-01-01 [MAR21.5](4) When evaluating the CSR Sec non-CTP Curvature Risk Charge [MAR21.5](4), whether to add the “other” bucket CurvatureRisk Position after taking the square root (“true”), or include the “other” bucket with the rest inside the square root (“false”). See [MAR21.71] interpretation note in the release notes. 0.999 2016-01-01 [MAR21.78](1) Equity rho correlation for the same name when one risk factor is spot and the other is repo
sa.equity.large-emerging-market.correlation 0.15 2016-01-01 [MAR21.78](2)(a) Equity rho correlation between two sensitivities within the same bucket that fall under large market cap, emerging market economy (bucket number 1, 2, 3 or 4).
sa.equity.large-advanced.correlation 0.25 2016-01-01 [MAR21.78](2)(b) Equity rho correlation between two sensitivities within the same bucket that fall under large market cap, advanced economy (bucket number 5, 6, 7 or 8).
sa.equity.small-emerging-market.correlation 0.075 2016-01-01 [MAR21.78](2)(c) Equity rho correlation between two sensitivities within the same bucket that fall under small market cap, emerging market economy (bucket number 9).
sa.equity.small-advanced.correlation 0.125 2016-01-01 [MAR21.78](2)(d) Equity rho correlation between two sensitivities within the same bucket that fall under small market cap, advanced economy (bucket number 10).
sa.equity.index.correlation 0.8 2016-01-01 [MAR21.78](2)(e) Equity rho correlation between two sensitivities within the same bucket that fall under either index bucket (bucket number 12 or 13). 0.999 2016-01-01 [MAR21.78](4) Multiplier for the Equity rho correlation for different names when one risk factor is spot and the other is repo 0.15 2016-01-01 [MAR21.80](1) Equity gamma correlation for buckets 1-10 0.75 2016-01-01 [MAR21.80](3) Equity gamma correlation for buckets 12 and 13 0.45 2016-01-01 [MAR21.80](4) Gamma correlation between an Equity index bucket and buckets 1 to 10
sa.commodity.rho-tenor.correlation 0.99 2016-01-01 [MAR21.83](2) Commodity rho_tenor correlation parameter
sa.commodity.rho-basis.correlation 0.999 2016-01-01 [MAR21.83](3) Commodity rho_basis correlation parameter
sa.commodity.correlation 0.2 2016-01-01 [MAR21.85](1) Commodity gamma correlation parameter for buckets 1 to 10
sa.commodity.other-commodity.correlation 0 2016-01-01 [MAR21.85](2) Commodity gamma correlation parameter for bucket 11 0.15 2016-01-01 [MAR21.87] A unique relative risk weight that applies to all the FX sensitivities. 1.4142135623731 2016-01-01 [MAR21.88] Divider for specific currencies
sa.fx.correlation 0.6 2016-01-01 [MAR21.89] FX gamma correlation parameter
sa.fx.curvature.divider 1.5 2016-01-01 [MAR21.98] Value by which to divide the Curvature CVR+k and CVRk values, when they do not reference the reporting (or base) currency 0.55 2016-01-01 [MAR21.92] RW_sigma parameter used to determine vega risk weights (see footnote 24 under [MAR21.92]) 4 2016-01-01 [MAR21.92] Decimal places in RWk in [MAR21.92]
sa.vega.rho-option-maturity.alpha 0.01 2016-01-01 [MAR21.93](1)(a) Alpha parameter in the GIRR vega rho_option maturity formula
sa.vega.rho-underlying-maturity.alpha 0.01 2016-01-01 [MAR21.93](2)(a) Alpha parameter in the GIRR vega rho_underlying maturity formula
sa.correlation.stress.low 0.75 2016-01-01 [MAR21.6](3) Multiplier used to obtain correlations under the “low correlations” scenario
sa.correlation.stress.high 1.25 2016-01-01 [MAR21.6](2) Multiplier used to obtain correlations under the “high correlations” scenario
sa.drc.maturity.default 0.25 2016-01-01 [MAR22.15] If maturity is not explicitly provided for a position, then the SA DRC calculation will use this default value in its maturity scaling calculation
sa.drc.maturity.min 0.25 2016-01-01 [MAR22.15] Floor to the maturity value in the DRC SA maturity scaling calculations
sa.drc.maturity.max 1 2016-01-01 [MAR22.15] Cap to the maturity value in the DRC SA maturity scaling calculations
sa.fx.reporting-currency EUR 2016-01-01 Enables the definition of different reporting currencies for different jurisdictions if required.
sa.fx.base-currency EUR 2016-01-01 [MAR21.14](b) Sets the base currency defined in [MAR21.14](b). Only used if sa.fx.use.base-currency is set to TRUE.
sa.fx.use.base-currency FALSE 2016-01-01 [MAR21.14](b) Flag used to enable the base currency approach. If set to false, the sa.fx.base-currency parameter is ignored.
sa.fx.use.fx-divider FALSE 2016-01-01 [MAR21.98] If this parameter is set to TRUE, then the CVR calculated as follows: CVR=CVRdivisoreligible/x+CVRnoneligible where x is defined bysa.fx.curvature.divider
sa.rrao.risk-weight.other 0.001 2016-01-01 [MAR23.8](2)(b) RRAO risk weight for instruments bearing other residual risks specified
sa.rrao.risk-weight.exotic 0.01 2016-01-01 [MAR23.8](2)(a) RRAO risk weight for instruments with an exotic underlying specified 0.016 2016-01-01 [MAR21.43] GIRR delta risk weight for the cross-currency basis risk factors 0.016 2016-01-01 [MAR21.43] GIRR delta risk weight for the inflation risk factors 3 2016-01-01 [MAR21.46] Decimal places in ρkl in [MAR21.46]
sa.drc.sec-non-ctp.risk-weight-floor 0.012 2016-01-01 [MAR22.34](1) Refers to BCBS 374 and the risk weights as set out in paragraphs 68-69 0.012 2016-01-01 The risk weight floor for SEC-ERBA STC.
sa.drc.adjustment.apply false 2016-01-01 Set to true to add the DRC Adjustments to the Gross JTD.
sa.drc.use-zero-risk-weight false 2016-01-01 Since 3.1.1 Set to true to handle Zero Risk Weight DRC non-Sec exposures differently. false 2016-01-01 Since 3.1.1 Set to true to turn off the DRC non-Sec Maturity Scaling 3M floor when offsetting. TRUE 2016-01-01 [MAR21.53] If set to TRUE, then the calculation will use the alternative Risk Weight for CSR non-Sec covered bonds with rating higher than AA- (see footnote 17 under [MAR21.53]) 0.015 2016-01-01 [MAR21.53] Covered bonds risk weight, if alternative risk weight is enabled according to the footnote 17 under the [MAR21.53] (see also parameter
sa.csr-nonsec.bucket.covered-bonds 8 2016-01-01 [MAR21.53] footnote 17 CSR non-Sec bucket for Covered Bonds Sector
sa.other.bucket.equity 11 2016-01-01 [MAR21.72] Table 9 Equity other bucket
sa.other.bucket.csr.ns 16 2016-01-01 [MAR21.51] Table 3 CSR non-Sec other bucket
sa.other.bucket.csr.secctp 16 2016-01-01 [MAR21.58] CSR Sec CTP other bucket
sa.other.bucket.csr.secnonctp 25 2016-01-01 [MAR21.62] Table 7 CSR Sec non-CTP other bucket
sa.other.bucket.commodity 11 2016-01-01 [MAR21.82] Table 11 Commodity other bucket
sa.index.buckets.equity 12;13 2016-01-01 [MAR21.72] Table 9 Equity index buckets
sa.index.buckets.csr-ns 17;18 2016-01-01 [MAR21.51] Table 3 CSR non-Sec index buckets
sa.girr.major-ccy-adjustment false 2016-01-01 [MAR21.44] Whether or not to divide risk weights for major currencies by square root of 2.
sa.fx.major-ccy-adjustment false 2016-01-01 [MAR21.88] Whether or not to divide risk weights for some currency pairs by square root of 2. 4 2016-01-01 [MAR21.92] Number of decimal places to round formula results to achieve values in Table 13 3 2016-01-01 [MAR21.46] Number of decimal places to round formula results to achieve values in Table 2 0.975 2016-01-01 [MAR33.3] Confidence level for calculating IMCC ES values
ima.var.confidence-level 0.999 2016-01-01 [MAR33.20] Confidence level for calculating IMA DRC VaR
ima.rho.imcc 0.5 2016-01-01 [MAR33.15] Value of rho used in IMCC calculations 0.6 2016-01-01 [MAR33.17] Value of rho used in SES calculations
ima.base-horizon 10 2016-01-01 [MAR33.4] Base liquidity horizon for IMCC ES calculations
sa.girr.inflation-basis-adjustment true Boolean flag. If true to include inflation and cross-currency basis curves when dividing major currency risk weights by sqrt 2. If false these curves are excluded.
sa.csr-nonsec.bucket.covered-bonds 10 2016-01-01 CRR2
sa.other.bucket.csr.ns 18 2016-01-01 CRR2
sa.other.bucket.csr.secctp 18 2016-01-01 CRR2
sa.index.buckets.csr-ns 19;20 2016-01-01 CRR2
sa.drc.adjustment.apply true 2016-01-01 CRR2
sa.girr.inflation-basis-adjustment false 2016-01-01 CRR2
sa.drc.use-zero-risk-weight true 2016-01-01 CRR2 Since 3.1.1 true 2016-01-01 CRR2 Since 3.1.1