Updating datastore definition documentation

The files in this folder constitute the source for the datastore definition topics in the published help. Changes you make to these files are reviewed by the doc team and then published to the https://artifacts.activeviam.com/documentation/accelerators/ folder.

Before you start:

To see the current documentation for the datastore definitions, you can open the generated Help project in the /documentation/flare/FRTB_Flare/Output folder

To modify a file:

[!TIP] So that you can see your rendered markdown as you type, use a text editor that has a markdown preview pane. For example Atom, MarkdownMonster, VisualStudioCode

  1. Open the file you want to edit.
  2. Edit the markdown.
  3. Check in the preview pane that your updated text is rendered as you intended, then save.
  4. Convert the modified markdown file to html using the following pandoc command:
    pandoc datastore-[filename].md -f markdown -t html -s -o datastore-[filename].html
    For details see "Converting files with Pandoc"
  5. Commit your changes.
  6. Create a pull request, and set a member of the documentation team (NKY, PBU) as reviewer.