UI settings

Module settings

A module is designed to operate on top of an existing server. This interaction is configured through the Module Settings, and because this is specific to each setup, these do not come with a default value.

Cube-specific module settings

These settings have to be specified for each applicable Cube of each applicable server under the availableApplicationServers module setting. You can use the "*" key as a wildcard to apply a unique configuration to all the Cubes within that server.

A server name not listed in this setting is considered excluded from the scope of the module.

  availableApplicationServers: {
    [serverName: string]: {
      [cubeName: string | *]: {
        // Cube-specific module settings go here
Key Type Description Example
asOfDateDimensionName string The name of the as-of date dimension of this Cube.
asOfDateHierarchyName string The name of the as-of date hierarchy of this Cube.
asOfDateLevelName string The name of the as-of date level of this Cube.

Sign-off module settings

Key Type Description Example
filteredApplicationCubes Record<string, string[]> List of cube names per server key on which the sign-off features are not available. When setting cube-specific module settings explicitely for each cube of a server, the filtered cube can be omitted. {"FRTB": ["StressCalibrationCube"]}
adjustmentRestrictedData { dimensionName: string, hierarchyName: string, namePath: string[]}[] List of the dimension, hierarchy and name path to the restricted data that should be prevented from being adjusted. adjustmentRestrictedData: [{ dimensionName: "Risk", hierarchyName: "Risk Classes", namePath: ["AllMember", "RiskData"]}]

SignOff settings

Key Type Description Example
adjustmentCommentLevel string The name of the “comment” level of the adjustment Cube.
adjustmentFiltersLevel string The name of the “filters” level of the adjustment Cube.
adjustmentIdLevel string The name of the “executionId level of the adjustment Cube.
adjustmentInputLevel string The name of the “input” level of the adjustment Cube.
adjustmentLiveFromLevel string The name of the “liveFrom” level of the adjustment Cube.
adjustmentLiveToLevel string The name of the “liveTo” level of the adjustment Cube.
adjustmentReasonLevel string The name of the “reason” level of the adjustment Cube.
adjustmentsPopoverInformationDisplay string[] List of hierarchy names whose details to display in the adjustment popover. ["Desks", "Books", "Trades"]
adjustmentsServerNameLevel string The name of the “serverName” level of the adjustment Cube.
adjustmentStatusLevel string The name of the “status” level of the adjustment Cube.
adjustmentsWorkflowStatusLevel string The name of the “workflowStatus” level of the adjustment Cube.
adjustmentTypeLevel string The name of the “type” level of the adjustment Cube.
adjustmentUserLevel string The name of the “user” level of the adjustment Cube.
adjustmentValidFromLevel string The name of the “validFrom” level of the adjustment Cube.
adjustmentValidToLevel string The name of the “validTo” level of the adjustment Cube
adjustmentCubeSettings {name: string, asOfDate: {dimensionName: string, hierarchyName: string, levelName: string}, task: {dimensionName: string, hierarchyName: string, levelName: string}} The name of the adjustment cube and Level coordinates of the task and asOfDate.
allowedStatusForArchive string The status a task must have for the “Archive” button to be enabled. "PUBLISHED"
allowedStatusForDelete string The status a task must have for the “Delete” button to be enabled. "SAVED"
allowedStatusForEdit string The status a task must have for the “Edit” button to be enabled. "PUBLISHED"
allowedStatusForPublish string The status a task must have for the “Publish” button to be enabled. "SAVED"
areWorkflowButtonsHidden boolean Whether to hide the action buttons in the task toolbox.
availableRoles string[] List of roles allowed to be selected as participants for workflows. ["USERS", "MANAGERS"]
failedStatuses string[] List of statuses to consider as failed when looking at the task audit.
fields Record<string, ScopeHierarchy[]> The list of hierarchies for each cube name in the task’s scope.
isValidFromFieldDisabledForAdjustments boolean Whether to disable the “validFrom” field when creating an adjustment.
signOffButtonInformation Record<string, Record<string, ButtonInformation>> Maps a workflow to a Map of button names to their respective configuration.
signOffInstanceAsOfDateDimensionName string The name of the as-of date dimension in the SignOffProcessInstanceCube.
signOffInstanceAsOfDateHierarchyName string The name of the as-of date hierarchy in the SignOffProcessInstanceCube.
signOffInstanceAsOfDateLevelName string The name of the as-of date level in the SignOffProcessInstanceCube.
signOffInstanceKeyDimensionName string The name of the key dimension in the SignOffProcessInstanceCube.
signOffInstanceKeyHierarchyName string The name of the key hierarchy in the SignOffProcessInstanceCube.
signOffInstanceStatusDimensionName string The name of the status dimension in the SignOffProcessInstanceCube.
signOffInstanceStatusHierarchyName string The name of the status hierarchy in the SignOffProcessInstanceCube.
signOffInstanceStatusLevelName string The name of the status level in the SignOffProcessInstanceCube.
signOffRoleActionMap Record<string, Record<string, string[]>> Maps a workflow to a map of roles to a list of authorized actions.
signOffServerName string The server key of the server hosting Atoti Sign-Off "SignOff"
signOffStatusProgress Record<string, {color: string; percentage: number;}> Maps a status to a color and a completion percentage. This customizes the Daily Progress Task widget’s appearance.
signOffWorkFlowMap Record<string, {name:string; participants: string[];}> Maps a workflow to a name and a list of participant types to be set when creating a task definition.
startDailyProgressStatus string The action that initiates a task instance (for which a snapshot is taken).
taskDefinitionCategoryDimensionName string The name of the category dimension in the task definition Cube.
taskDefinitionCategoryHierarchyName string The name of the category hierarchy in the task definition Cube.
taskDefinitionCubeName string The name of the Cube holding the task definition data.
taskDefinitionNameDimensionName string The name of the name dimension in the task definition Cube.
taskDefinitionNameHierarchyName string The name of the name hierarchy in the task definition Cube.
taskDefinitionWorkflowStatusDimensionName string The name of the workfow status dimension in the task definition Cube.
taskDefinitionWorkflowStatusHierarchyName string The name of the workflow status hierarchy in the task definition Cube.
taskInstanceCubeName string The name of the Cube holding the task instance data.


Key Type Description Example
dimensionName string The name of the dimension.
hierarchyName string The name of the hierarchy.
levels string[] List of levels available for this scope.
isParentChild boolean Whether this hierarchy is a “parent-child” hierarchy.


Key Type Description Example
actionKey string The key of the action this button triggers on the server. "approve"
actionStatusesAllowed string[] List of statuses for which is button enabled. ["PENDING"]
buttonName string The button label. "Approve"
commentRequired boolean Whether a comment is required for this action.