
For user-facing changes, refer to the What’s New page.
For information on upgrading from previous versions, see the Atoti Sign-Off Migration Notes

Note on issue keys

Each update is referenced with an issue key which is an internal reference. You can quote this to ActiveViam support if you have any questions about an item listed below.



Download the distribution files here

You can download the following zipped distribution files:

  • UI source code.
  • UI build that does not require an installation and can be directly deployed.
  • Source files that can be used to build the module.
  • Maven repository required to build the project and run the tests.


    The Atoti Server 6.1.0 Maven repository files have been removed from this zip, so you’ll need to download them separately. Click here to locate them.

  • Offline documentation that can be served by the module.


  • Upgrade to Atoti Server 6.1.0: Atoti Sign-Off has been upgraded to Atoti Server version 6.1.0.
  • Upgrade to Atoti UI 5.2.x: Atoti Sign-Off is now compatible with Atoti UI version 5.2.x.
  • Java 21: Atoti Sign-Off now requires Java 21 to compile and run. This is to be compatible with Atoti Server.

Known issues

Issue Key Details
SO-529 Uploading tasks through the UI without a valid-to date fails.

Dependency versions

Component Version
Adjustments Services API 4.1.0
Atoti Server 6.1.0
Atoti UI 5.2.x
Common Dependencies BOM 2.1.0 (com.activeviam.apps)
Common Parent POM 2.1.0 (com.activeviam.apps)
Java JDK21
Sign-Off API 4.1.0
UI Components 5.2.1


Issue Key Details
SO-537 Added REST endpoint /settings to send server properties sign-off.workflow-configuration and sign-off.roles.
SO-571 Added a call to /sign-off/update-state to update the task on the application server side.


Issue Key Details
SO-586 Atoti Sign-Off has been upgraded to Atoti Server version 6.1.0



Download the distribution files here

You can download the following zipped distribution files:

  • UI source code.
  • UI build that does not require an installation and can be directly deployed.
  • Source files that can be used to build the module.
  • Maven repository required to build the project and run the tests.


    The Atoti Server 6.0.13-sb3 Maven repository files have been removed from this zip, so you’ll need to download them separately. Click here to locate them.

  • Offline documentation that can be served by the module.


  • Improved Adjustment executions widget: The Adjustment executions widget now supports sorting from the column headers. It also fixes a bug that prevented additional columns from having column headers.
  • Improved Task Toolbox: The Task Toolbox filters also apply to the Adjustment executions widget so you can easily see adjustments relating to a given task. A new checkbox in the Task Toolbox lets you prevent filters from being applied to the relevant widgets.
  • Audit: Including deprecated workflows in the UI settings to maintain the audit history is no longer needed.

Known issues

Issue Key Details
SO-529 Uploading tasks through the UI without a valid-to date fails.

Dependency versions

Component Version
Adjustments Services API 4.0.0
Atoti Server 6.0.13-sb3
Atoti UI 5.1.x
Common Dependencies BOM 2.0.0 (com.activeviam.apps)
Common Parent POM 2.0.0 (com.activeviam.apps)
Java JDK17
Sign-Off API 4.0.0
UI Components 5.0.40


Issue Key Details
BAS-1803 Task toolbox filters are optionally applied to the dashboard.


Issue Key Details
BAS-1804 Task toolbox filters are also applied to the adjustment execution widget.
BAS-1806 The adjustment execution widget now supports sorting.
BAS-1821 The audit task information now comes from the activiti so we no longer need to maintain deprecated workflows in the UI settings.


Issue Key Details
BAS-1808 The adjustment execution widget shows headers for non-default columns.
BAS-1848 Fixed issue where configured fields in the UI settings did not exist in all cubes.



Download the distribution files here

You can download the following zipped distribution files:

  • UI source code.
  • UI build that does not require an installation and can be directly deployed.
  • Source files that can be used to build the module.
  • Maven repository required to build the project and run the tests.


    The Atoti Server 6.0.13-sb3 Maven repository files have been removed from this zip, so you’ll need to download them separately. Click here to locate them.

  • Offline documentation that can be served by the module.


  • Atoti Server upgrade : Atoti Sign-Off has been upgraded to Atoti Server 6.0.13-sb3.
  • Spring Boot upgrade : We have upgraded Spring Boot to version 3.2.0, which uses Spring Framework 6.
  • Common Parent POM and Common Dependencies BOM upgrade: The Common Parent POM and the Common Dependencies BOM have both been upgraded to version 2.0.0.
  • Activiti upgrade : We have upgraded Activiti to version 8.1.0 to be compatible with Spring Boot 3.
  • Improved Task Inventory : You can now download your existing tasks.
  • Improved adjustments : Review adjustments more easily with improved adjustment audit history.
  • Display custom error messages in the UI : The UI will display custom error messages if the response type is in the structure of a ProblemDetail object. For more details, see Customizing UI exceptions.
  • UI Activation : An import of react-query is required when using signoff-sdk. See UI activation for more details.

Known issues

Issue Key Details
SO-529 Uploading tasks through the UI without a valid-to date fails.

Dependency versions

Component Version
Adjustments Services API 4.0.1
Atoti Server 6.0.13-sb3
Atoti UI 5.1.x
Common Dependencies BOM 2.0.0 (com.activeviam.apps)
Common Parent POM 2.0.0 (com.activeviam.apps)
Java JDK17
Sign-Off API 4.0.1
UI Components 5.0.35


Issue Key Details
BAS-1505 Added custom UI exception handling for ProblemDetail responses.
BAS-1570 Values are formatted with commas when performing an adjustment.
BAS-1686 Task definitions can now be exported to CSV.
BAS-1687 You can now select all definitions in the Sign-off Task Definitions widget.
UIACL-186 Added the filters and measures to the adjustment audit trail to help with reviewing.


Issue Key Details
BAS-1686 The Download button in the Sign-off Task Definitions widget now downloads the existing tasks rather than a template.
SO-470 Upgraded to Atoti Server 6.0.13-sb3, including Spring Boot 3.2.0.
SO-512 The analysis hierarchy members are pre-populated in the adjustment modal when used as an input.
UIACL-931 React-query is now handled as a peer dependency. See UI activation for more details.


Issue Key Details
BAS-1625 The deserialization of the ExportStatusWithTaskIdDTO class will no longer fail due to unrecognized formats. This provides backwards compatibility with custom database values.
BAS-1687 Task definitions are now selectable in bulk.
BAS-1715 Fixed a timeout issue with the SignOffProcessDefinitionWorkflowRestController when uploading files.
SO-517 Use sanitized strings to prevent potential log injection in SignOffAdjustmentExecutionService.
SO-519 Fixed an issue where the starter jar didn’t start from the command line, by reverting to the CLASSIC loader implementation for Spring’s Nested Jar Support.



Download the distribution files here

You can download the following zipped distribution files:

  • UI source code.
  • UI build that does not require an installation and can be directly deployed.
  • Source files that can be used to build the module.
  • Maven repository required to build the project and run the tests.


    The Atoti Server 6.0.9 Maven repository files have been removed from this zip, so you’ll need to download them separately. Click here to locate them.

  • Offline documentation that can be served by the module.


  • Re-applying adjustments : When an application server fails and restarts, previous adjustments are automatically applied for tasks that are not yet approved. Refer to the User Guide for more information.
  • Java 17 upgrade : Atoti Sign-Off is now compatible with, and requires, Java 17.
  • Atoti Server upgrade : Atoti Sign-Off has been upgraded to Atoti Server 6.0.9.
  • Spring Security upgrade : We have upgraded Spring Security to version 5.8.7 to resolve vulnerabilities and prepare for the upgrade to Spring Security 6.0 (via Spring Boot 3).
  • Audit log : Export details are now correctly included in the audit log.
  • Support for multiple members in a given level of the Sign-Off scope: When specifying the scope of the Sign-Off tasks, you can now select multiple members within a given level. Previously, only one member could be selected.
  • Unique task definition names : Task definitions must now be created with a unique name. Creating a task definition with a name that already exists in the database results in an error. Uniqueness is enforced at the point that a task definition is published. Existing task definitions are unaffected.

Known issues


Dependency versions


Updated 2024-04-12: This version of Atoti Sign-Off is not compatible with Atoti UI version 5.1.16 or higher.

Component Version
Adjustments Services API 2.2.0
Atoti Server 6.0.9
Atoti UI 5.1.x
Java JDK17
Sign-Off API 2.1.0
UI Components 5.0.28


Issue Key Details
SO-448 When an application server fails and restarts, previous adjustments are automatically applied for tasks that are not yet approved.


Issue Key Details
SO-471 You can now select multiple members in the given level in a sign-off task’s scope.
SO-474 Reduced Sonar issues.
SO-477 Upgraded to Atoti Server 6.0.9, including Spring Security 5.8.
SO-478 Upgraded to Java 17.
SO-482 Task definitions must now be created with a unique name.


Issue Key Details
SO-426 Fixed a bug where export details were not included in audit log.
SO-485 RestTemplates are now configured to support standard cookie spec which stops the appearance of WARN log messages when requests are made to application servers.



Download the distribution files here

You can download the following zipped distribution files:

  • UI source code
  • UI build that does not require an installation and can be directly deployed.


This is a UI-only release that allows you to disable adjustments on restricted data and to create sign-off tasks for all available application servers.


This version of the Sign-Off Module can only be used with Business Cubes that are on Atoti UI 5.1.x.
Updated 2024-04-12: This version of the Sign-Off Module is not compatible with Atoti UI version 5.1.16 or higher.

Dependency versions

Component Version
Atoti Server 6.0.1
Atoti UI 5.1.x
Java JDK11
UI Components 5.0.23
Signoff-ext module 2.1.0


Issue Key Details
BAS-1368 Prevent adjustments based on data.
BAS-1414 Allow the creation of sign-off tasks for all available application servers.



Download the distribution files here

You can download the following zipped distribution files:

  • UI source code
  • UI build that does not require an installation and can be directly deployed.


This is a UI-only release that makes the Sign-Off Module compatible with Atoti UI version 5.1.0 or higher.


This version of the Sign-Off Module can only be used with Business Cubes that are on Atoti UI 5.1.x.
Updated 2024-04-12: This version of the Sign-Off Module is not compatible with Atoti UI version 5.1.16 or higher.

Dependency versions

Component Version
Atoti Server 6.0.1
Atoti UI 5.1.x
Java JDK11
UI Components 5.0.22
Signoff-ext module 2.1.0



Download the distribution files here

You can download the following zipped distribution files:

  • UI source code

  • UI build that does not require an installation and can be directly deployed.

  • Source files that can be used to build the module.

  • Maven repository required to build the project and run the tests.


    The Atoti Server 6.0.1 Maven repository files have been removed from this zip, so you’ll need to download them separately. Click here to locate them.

  • Offline documentation that can be served by the module.


This is a UI-only release that resolves an issue with combining the UIs of Atoti Sign-Off and Atoti Market Risk.

  • Accelerator-sdk: Upgraded to 5.0.20
  • Atoti UI: Upgraded to 5.0.23

Dependency versions

Component Version
Atoti Server 6.0.1
ActiveUI 5.0.23
Java JDK11
accelerator-sdk 5.0.20
signoff-ext module 2.1.0


Issue Key Details
UIACL-314 Fixed the settings in Signoff-sdk that prevented a UI combination of Sign-Off and Atoti Market Risk.



Download the distribution files here

You can download the following zipped distribution files:

  • UI source code

  • UI build that does not require an installation and can be directly deployed.

  • Source files that can be used to build the module.

  • Maven repository required to build the project and run the tests.


    The Atoti Server 6.0.1 Maven repository files have been removed from this zip, so you’ll need to download them separately. Click here to locate them.

  • Offline documentation that can be served by the module.


This is a UI-only release that completely rewrites the Sign-Off widgets. They look and work mostly the same but are much more stable and performant.

Some settings and exports have been renamed.

This version of the UI can work with both version 5.0.0 and versions 4.2.x of the Sign-Off Module.

  • Upgrade to Accelerator-sdk 5.0.16
  • Upgrade to ActiveUI 5.0.20
  • Refactoring and new design of the Sign-Off Toolbox
  • Refactoring of the Sign-Off Daily Progress and Sign-Off Task Definitions Widgets
  • Refactoring of the Adjustments Widgets

Dependency versions

Component Version
Atoti Server 6.0.1
ActiveUI 5.0.20
Java JDK11
accelerator-sdk 5.0.16
signoff-ext module 2.1.0


Issue Key Details
SO-377 Fixed bug preventing tasks with a multi-hierarchy from being copied or edited.
SO-387 Fixed Category dropdown in Toolbox repeating categories if tasks were created on different Cubes.
SO-391 Fixed limitation preventing more than one Sign-Off Toolbox per dashboard. The Sign-Off Toolbox is now restricted to one instance per page in the dashboard.



Download the distribution files here

You can download the following zipped distribution files:

  • UI source code

  • UI build that does not require an installation and can be directly deployed.

  • Source files that can be used to build the module.

  • Maven repository required to build the project and run the tests.


    The ActiveViam 6.0.1 Maven repository files have been removed from this zip, so you’ll need to download them separately. Click here to locate them.

  • Offline documentation that can be served by the module.


  • Upgrade to ActivePivot 6.0.1.


    As the definition of REST services has changed between ActivePivot 5.x and ActivePivot 6.x, the Sign-Off Module 5.0.0 is only compatible with ActivePivot 6.x applications.

  • Upgrade to ActiveUI 5.0.18 and Accelerator SDK 5.0.14.

Known issues

Issue Key Details
SO-377 Tasks with a multi-hierarchy cannot be copied or edited.
SO-387 Category dropdown in Toolbox will repeat categories if tasks were created on different cubes.
SO-391 Limitation: only one Sign-Off Toolbox can be used in one dashboard at a time (including dashboards with multiple tabs). If more than one Sign-off Toolbox widget is present in a dashboard, the interaction with the back-end can result in an infinite loop of query cancellations in the Sign-Off back-end.

Dependency versions

Component Version
ActivePivot 6.0.1
ActiveUI 5.0.18
Java JDK11
accelerator-sdk 5.0.14
signoff-ext module 2.1.0


Issue Key Details
SO-416 Upgraded Sign-off Module to ActivePivot 6.0.1
UIACL-83 Changed deserialization of temporal fields (dates and instants) following the use of Spring MVC to define REST services.
UIACL-84 Changed URL of Level Path REST service.


Issue Key Details
SO-410 Fixed incorrect session ID cookie name in security configuration.
UIACL-82 Fixed a null check being too strict when supported adjustments were retrieved.