Migration notes 5.2

This page explains the changes required to migrate to the stated version of Atoti Sign-Off.

Migrate to 5.2.1

Headline announcement

  • Modified UI settings : Added adjustmentCubeSettings, changed fields and removed adjustmentsAsOfDateLevel and adjustmentsTaskLevel.

Configuration files


Modification Property New value Old value
New adjustmentCubeSettings {name: string, asOfDate: {dimensionName: string, hierarchyName: string, levelName: string}, task: {dimensionName: string, hierarchyName: string, levelName: string}}
Modified fields Record<string, ScopeHierarchy[]> ScopeHierarchy[]
Deleted adjustmentsAsOfDateLevel string
Deleted adjustmentsTaskLevel string

Migrate to 5.2.0

Upgrading from version 5.1.0 See Atoti Sign-Off 5.2.0 Release Notes.

Atoti Sign-Off is using Atoti Server 6.0.13-sb3, Atoti UI 5.1.x, and Sign-Off API 4.0.1 .

For new features and fixes included in these releases, please see:

Headline announcement

  • Atoti Server upgrade : Atoti Sign-Off has been upgraded to Atoti Server 6.0.13-sb3.
  • Spring Boot upgrade : We have upgraded Spring Boot to version 3.2.0, which uses Spring Framework 6.
  • Common Parent POM and Common Dependencies BOM upgrade: The Common Parent POM and the Common Dependencies BOM have both been upgraded to version 2.0.0.
  • Activiti upgrade : We have upgraded Activiti to version 8.1.0 to be compatible with Spring Boot 3.
  • UI Activation : An import of react-query is required when using signoff-sdk. See UI activation for more details.

Breaking changes

  • Upgrades:
    • The version of Spring Boot has been upgraded to version 3.2.0, which includes breaking changes. See the Spring migration guide for more information.
    • In order to be compatible with Spring Boot 3.2.0 we have upgraded Activiti to version 8.1.0. This requires including extension.json files with each workflow file.

Spring Boot 3 upgrade

The main change in the Spring Boot 3 upgrade involves migrating javax.** imports to jakarta.xx imports.

Activiti upgrade

In order to upgrade Activiti users must now supply an **-extensions.json file for each of their workflows. These extension files externalize information about the workflow and provide it to Activiti’s runtime engine. An example **-extension.json file may look as follows:

  "extensions": {
    "process-definition-id": {
      "properties": {},
      "mappings": {
        "start.event.id": {
          "mappingType": "MAP_ALL"
        "user.task.id": {
          "mappingType": "MAP_ALL"
        "service.task.id": {
          "mappingType": "MAP_ALL"
      "constants": {}

In the example above:

  • process-definition-id corresponds to the id of a process definition. This maps to a single BPMN file.
  • start.event.id corresponds to the id of a Start Event.
  • user.task.id corresponds to the id of a User Task.
  • service.task.id corresponds to the id of a Service Task.
  • "mappingType": "MAP_ALL" tells Activiti to map all input and output variables throughout the workflow.

When upgrading, we added mappings for all Start Events, User Tasks and Service Tasks and expect users will have to do likewise for any of their custom workflows or customizations to our default workflows.

Input file formats

No changes.

Configuration files


Deleted properties:

Property Name Comment
**.hibernate.dialect As of Spring Boot 3, the H2Dialect is no longer required for the H2 connection and so was removed from our configuration. The hibernate.dialect property may be required for other connections.


No changes.


No changes.

Context values

No changes.