Navigation :
test ../../../ test user-ref.html
User & Reference Guide
test ../../../ test overview.html
test ../../../ test getting-started.html
Getting started with the Sign-Off Module
test ../../../ test getting-started/about.html
- Using this guide
test ../../../ test getting-started/whats-new.html
- What's New
test ../../../ test getting-started/data-model-user.html
- Data model
test ../../../ test dashboards.html
Sign-off widgets
test ../../../ test approvals.html
Sign-off approvals - process and workflow
test ../../../ test adjustments.html
Sign-off adjustments
test ../../../ test configuration.html
Configuration files
test ../../../ test cube.html
Cube Reference
test ../../../ test dev.html
Developer Guide
test ../../../ test dev/dev-overview.html
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release.html
Release and migration notes
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/release-notes.html
-- Changelog
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/migrate-4.1.1.html
-- Migration notes 4.1.1
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration.html
Previous migration notes
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-4.1.0.html
--- Migration notes 4.1.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-4.0.0.html
--- Migration notes 4.0.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-4.0.0-alpha.html
--- Migration notes 4.0.0-alpha
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-3.1.html
--- Migration notes 3.1
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-3.1.0-alpha.html
--- Migration notes 3.1.0-alpha
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-3.0.0.html
--- Migration notes 3.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-2.3.0.html
--- Migration notes 2.3
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-2.2.0.html
--- Migration notes 2.2
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-2.1.0.html
--- Migration notes 2.1
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-2.0.0.html
--- Migration notes 2.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-getting-started.html
Getting Started
test ../../../ test dev/dev-adjustments.html
Sign-Off Adjustment support
test ../../../ test dev/dev-extensions.html
Customizing sign-off workflow
test ../../../ test dev/dev-ref-impl.html
Sign-Off default implementation
test ../../../ test dev/dev-core.html
Workflow Core
test ../../../ test datastore.html
Migration notes 2.1
This page explains the changes required to migrate to the stated version
of the Sign-Off Module.
Migrate to 2.1.0
Upgrading from version 2.0.0.
The Sign-Off Module is using ActivePivot 5.8.14-jdk8 and 5.8.14-jdk11
together with ActiveUI 4.3.7. For new features and fixes included in
these releases, please see the ActiveUI
and ActiveUI Migration
Notes ,
and the release notes for
ActivePivot .
Configuration files
Files Modified
Number of retries attempted when an ActivitiOptimisticLockingException is thrown when an Activiti signal event is received.
Delay between two retries when an ActivitiOptimisticLockingException is thrown when an Activiti signal event is received
Other Changes
The signoff-intf folder containing the interface classes between the
Sign-Off Module and the application server has been added to the
project. It was omitted in the 2.0.0 release.