The file contains properties used throughout the entire application

Location: limits-starter\src\main\resources\properties.


Section: data loading

Property Value Description
csvSource.polling.delay 10000 Time (in milliseconds) a Real-Time listener waits between querying file structure for updates 2018-09-28 Cob date data folder to load at runtime
default.multiple.regulation.separator , Multiple regulation or file separator

Section: Content server

Property Value Description ROLE_USER User entitlement capable of creating calculated members in the content server ROLE_USER User entitlement capable of creating KPIs in the content server 3600 The time to live (in seconds) of the entitlement cache
contentServer.remote.api.uri http://localhost:9093/content URI of the content server used by the RemoteContentServiceConfig
contentServer.prefix limits Content server prefix
contentServer.factory-reset false DEVELOPMENT ONLY: Resets the content server’s contents to those provided in the Solution’s release
contentServer.factory-reset.filename limits-content-server.json Filename of the release version of the content server contents
contentServer.factory-reset.folder-name limits-content-server The folder containing the release version of the content server contents.
contentServer.bookmarks.default-owners ROLE_ADMIN The default owners for any bookmark
contentServer.bookmarks.default-readers ROLE_USER The default readers for any bookmark

Section: Cloud properties


Values for Google properties are empty in properties file because they come from a specific JSON file you need to import.

Property Value Description
aws.bucket limits Name of AWS S3 bucket
aws.root_directory data-samples Name of the data folder within the AWS S3 bucket
aws.region us-east-1 AWS region
azure.container limits Name of the Azure container
azure.root_directory data-samples Name of the root data folder within the Azure container
google.container Name of the Google container
google.root_directory Name of the root data folder within the GCP container
cloud.fetch.thread 12 Azure is up to 60 MiB/s per block blob and the same per share. Active Cloud API bypasses it with several connections. This is the parameter to control the number of connections from APS to Azure storage.

Section: Data Extraction Engine (DEE)

Property Value Description
data.extraction.service.base.dir.path ./src/test/resources/extractionOutput Path to the folder in which the files will be generated for the extractions
data.extraction.service.http.base.url http://localhost:3090 URL mount point to access the folder as a Web File Server for the extractions
data.extraction.service.with.user.folders false Include the user name in the folder path generated. Ex: /Output/User1/extraction.csv
enhanced.drillthrough.base.dir.path ./src/main/resources/extractionOutput Path to the folder in which the files will be generated for the extractions
enhanced.drillthrough.http.base.url http://localhost:3090 URL mount point to access the folder as a Web File Server for the extractions

Section: Other

Property Value Description local,local-content List of available Spring profiles
limits.datastore.url http://localhost:3090/pivot/rest/v5/datastore The URL of the Limits server’s Datastore REST service
fx-rates.common-currency USD The base currency when performing Foreign Exchange calculations
default.parameter.set ISDA Default parameter set
limit.evaluation.query.timeout the value of IMdxContext.IQueriesResultLimit on the connected Atoti server The MDX query timeout in seconds when triggering the Limit evaluation endpoint