You can customize the Utilization calculation by adding a bean that implements the IUtilizationCalculator interface. Here’s how to do this:
1. Create the Spring Bean
The IUtilizationCalculator contains two methods that need to be overridden:
* @param copperContext
* Creates the utilization measure in the Limits cube using copper
*/voidcreateUtilizationMeasure(ICopperContext copperContext);/**
* @param incident
* @return the utilization value as per the evaluation
*/doublecomputeUtilization(Incident incident);
The createUtilizationMeasure method is used to create the utilization measure in the Limits cube. The computeUtilization method is used to compute the
once a limit has been evaluated, and is visible in the Limits Status screen. The class DefaultUtilizationMeasureCalculator handles the default calculation.
If you want to implement your own utilization calculation, for instance exposurelimitValue, the custom Spring Bean will look as follows: