UI settings

Module settings

A module is designed to operate on top of an existing server. This interaction is configured through the Module Settings, and because this is specific to each setup, these do not come with a default value.

Cube-specific module settings

These settings have to be specified for each applicable Cube of each applicable server under the availableApplicationServers module setting. You can use the "*" key as a wildcard to apply a unique configuration to all the Cubes within that server.

A server key not listed in this setting is considered excluded from the scope of the module.

  availableApplicationServers: {
    [serverKey: string]: {
      [cubeName: string | *]: {
        // Cube-specific module settings go here
Key Type Description Example
asOfDateDimensionName string The name of the as-of date dimension of this Cube.
asOfDateHierarchyName string The name of the as-of date hierarchy of this Cube.
asOfDateLevelName string The name of the as-of date level of this Cube.

Limits module settings

Key Type Description Example
serverNameToServerKey Record<string, string> Maps an application server name as known by the Limits server to its server key as known by the UI. {"FRTB": "FRTB", "MarketRisk": "MR"}

Limits settings

Key Type Description Example
limitsServerName string The server key for the server hosting Atoti Limits. "LIMITS"
auditTrailNodeColors {green: string[]; blue: string[]; red: string[]} Maps a color to a list of statuses. This helps classifying statuses in the limit audit trail panel.
exceptionAuditTrailNodeColors { yellow: string[]; red: string[] } Maps a color to a list of statuses. This helps classifying statuses in the exception audit trail panel.
limitsWorkflowParticipants Record<string, string[]> Maps each limit workflow name to a list of participant types. {FourEyes: ["Approvers"]}
exceptionWorkflowParticipants Record<string, string[]> Maps each exception workflow name to a list of participant types. {Exception: []}
roles string[] The list of roles available to be selected as workflow participants. ["ROLE_USERS", "ROLE_MANAGERS"]
limitsRESTEndpoint string The service part of the URL of Atoti Limits REST services. /limits/rest/v2
utilizationDashboards Record<string, string> Maps a limit name to a dashboard ID to be used when investigating the limit’s utilization. { "Equity position Limits": "2a9" }
restrictedScopes { dimensionName: string, hierarchyName: string, namePath: string[]}[] List of the dimension, hierarchy, and name path to the restricted data that should be excluded from the scope dropdowns. restrictedScopes: [{ dimensionName: "Risk", hierarchyName: "Risk Classes", namePath: ["AllMember", "RiskData"]}]