Migration notes 1.0.0

This page explains the changes required to migrate to the stated version of the Limits Module.

Migrate to 1.0.0

Upgrading from version 1.0.0 Alpha See Limits 1.0.0 Release Notes.

The Accelerator is using ActivePivot 5.10.9 and ActiveUI 5.0.12.

For new features and fixes included in these releases, please see the ActiveUI documentation and ActiveUI Migration Notes, and the release notes for ActivePivot.

Headline announcement

  • Separate Limit Change and Exception workflows: Redesigned the workflow to separate the limit change/update/delete workflow and the limit exception/breach/warning workflow. The Limit Change workflow now has Straight-through and four-eyes options. The Limit Exception workflow handles the breach and warning events. The workflow associated with exceptions is defined in the application.yml property file.
  • StraightThrough workflow is required: Your application.yml must define a limits.workflow-types “StraightThrough” property. This is required to load Limit Definitions. You can use the reference limit-process-straight-through bpmn file included in limits-starter/src/main/resources/processes.


To make sure your limit workflow works as expected, please discard any previous testing data in the datastore and Activiti databases. On top of the workflow name changes, the reference implementation now has the Role_Users by default to be able to create the limit definition instead of Role_Managers.

Input file formats


Modification File Field Optional Description
Replaced limits_approve.csv WorkflowStatus -> LimitStatus N Renamed to represent a Limit’s status, not a Workflow’s status.

Configuration files

Files Modified


New properties:

Property Name Comment Value
alert.evaluation.parallel.tasks Number of Alerts to evaluate in parallel integer
discovery-manager.polling-delay Milliseconds that the connected cube description is valid for before needing to be refreshed. If the cube is expected to change frequently then this should be decreased. -1 to disable. integer
canTheApproverBeTheSameAsTheCreator When set to true, the limit creator can also approve the limit. false
scope.force-unambiguous-level-paths false Boolean flag to enable if we want to force Scopes to be Unambiguous on Multi-Level Hierarchies. Please see scope.force-unambiguous-level-paths for more.
scope.autofill-unambiguous-level-paths false Boolean flag to enable if we want to autofill Scopes to its Unambiguous Multi-Level values. Please see scope.force-unambiguous-level-paths for more.

Removed properties:

Property Name Note
parent-child.levels Specifying Parent Child Levels is now handled automatically. Two new notable properties have been added dealing with-Multi Level Hierarchies: scope.force-unambiguous-level-paths and scope.autofill-unambiguous-level-paths .

New properties:

Property Name Comment Value
exception Maps the ‘exception’ workflow type used for breaches/warnings to the ‘limit-process-instance.exception’ workflow. limit-process-instance.exception


Some modifications to the Datastore have been made in order to better incorporate Workflows into the Limits Module.


Datastore Previous Field Name Current Field Name Value
LimitsDefinition Workflow Status Renamed to Limit Status No change.

Cube schema


Cube Dimension Hierarchy Levels Datastore fields Details
Limits Exception Status Exception Status Exception Status Exception Status Exception workflow status. The options are:
Limits Exception Category Exception Category Exception Category Exception Category When reviewing the breach, the reviewer needs to select the reason of the breach. The current options are:
1. Technical Data Issue
2. Real Breach
Limits Exception Comment Exception Comment Exception Comment Exception Comment Any comment the reviewer adds to the exception.


Cube Dimension Hierarchy Levels Datastore fields Details
Limits Limit Status Limit Status Limit Status Limit Status The status of a Limit. The options are:

Context values

No changes.

Other changes

No changes.