What's New

This page provides a brief overview of the user-facing new features and improvements in the latest version of the Limits Module.

For bug fixes and developer-facing changes, see our Changelog.

1.0.0 Alpha


  • New workflow names
  • Added property to specify the URL of the Limits Module
  • Audit trail screen
  • Added validation to Limit Definition
  • Ui improvements
  • Upgrade to AUI 5.0.11
  • Upgrade to Accelerator-sdk 5.0.7
  • Limits on Calculated Measures
  • Workflow triggered after editing and deleting a limit

New features

Audit trail screen

An audit trail screen has been added to the Limits Inventory Widget, allowing you to see the audit history of the selected limit.

See Viewing the audit history for details.


  • New workflow names: The workflows have been renamed.
    - Straight through: no approval needed, created in approved state.
    - Four eyes: previously called single eye. One person creates the workflow, another person approves.
    - Six eyes: previously called 4 eyes. One person creates the workflow, two people approve.

To make sure your limit workflow works as expected, please discard any previous testing data in the datastore and Activiti databases. On top of the workflow name changes, the reference implementation now has the Role_Users by default to be able to create the limit definition instead of Role_Managers.

  • Added property to specify the URL of the Limits Module: Limits now supports being run from any location; previously Limits was assumed to be running at localhost.
  • Added validation to Limit Definition: Limit Definitions are validated when loaded through CSV or File Upload.
  • Limits on Calculated Measures : Limits can now be created on Calculated Measures via File Upload.

Limits cannot be created on calculated measures through the UI. See LIM-320 in the Known Issues

  • UI improvements: Enabled Lazyloading for Limits Inventory Widget, numerous bug fixes, added column sorting to the Limits Inventory Widget, enabled Storytelling, better error handling.
  • Workflow after editing and deleting a limit: After editing or deleting a limit in the Limits Inventory Widget, the workflow is triggered. Editing triggers the Limit Change Workflow, deleting triggers the Straight through workflow and an audit record is created in the audit database.
  • Roles: All the KPIs created by the Limits module now have LIM_ROLE as the owner and viewer.



  • UX re-design : Based on feedback from demos we have redesigned the UX of the Limits Module.
  • Upgrade to ActivePivot 5.10.7 and ActiveUI 5.0.6.
  • Amber support : Amber support has been added through the use of warningThreshold field. This lets you specify a percent of the limit value where the KPI should show amber status. For more information, see Create a New Limit.
  • New KPI Types : Previously, all limits were interpreted as “Greater Than”. Now, through the KPI Type field, you can specify “Less Than”, “Between”, and “Not Between”. For more information, see Create a New Limit.
  • Added support for Atoti+: For steps on how to use the Limits Module with Atoti+ please read the Integrating the Limits Module with Atoti+ page.
  • Added support for workflow: Integrating the Limits Module with Atoti+ page.



  • Support Multiple ActivePivot Instances : The Limits Module now supports multiple ActivePivot instances. Clients can use one Limits Module to monitor and create KPI in the Limits Inventory Dashboard, such as monitoring MRA and FRTB in one place.
  • On-Demand Limits Monitoring : LimitEvaluation restful endpoint is available for clients to trigger the evaluation on demand. The result is written into alert csv files with timestamps and exposed in the Breach Count measure.
  • Trend Analysis of Limits: By including AsOfDate hierarchy in the business cubes, users can now analyze KPI goal changes over a period of time.
  • Upgrade to AUI 4.3.17
  • Documentation Improvements