RESTful endpoints

The Limits Module provides several RESTful endpoints for developers to utilize in the AUI and ActivePivot instance communication and to customize the business logics.

Limit breach and warning evaluation

Please see the Alert On-Demand Limits Evaluation section.

Create a new limit

REST endpoint: /limits/rest/v1/limitDefinition/create Method: POST Example Endpoint: http://localhost:3090/limits/rest/v1/limitDefinition/create Example body:

    "serverName": "FRTB",
    "comment": "Limit Comment",
    "group": "Limit Group",
    "id": "id_1234",
    "name": "Limit Name",
    "validFrom": "2018-09-28",
    "validTo": "2022-01-04",
    "cubeName": "StandardisedApproachCube",
    "currency": "USD",
    "frequencyType": "official",
    "userId": "admin",
    "breachWorkflow": "Single Eye",
    "warningWorkflow": "Single Eye",
    "limitChangesWorkflow": "Single Eye",
    "breachWorkflowParameters": {
        "Examiners": "USERS"
    "warningWorkflowParameters": {
        "Examiners": "USERS"
    "limitChangesWorkflowParameters": {
        "Examiners": "USERS"
    "measureName": "FX Risk Charge",
    "pollingFrequency": "EOD",
    "kpiType": "Less than...",
    "limitValues": [
    "warningThreshold": 0.0,
    "scope": {
        "Desk": [
            "Balance Sheet Management"

Upload a file of new limits

REST endpoint: /limits/rest/v1/limitDefinition/upload Method: POST Example Endpoint: http://localhost:3090/limits/rest/v1/limitDefinition/upload Example body (text representation of binary file):

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="<insert file name>.csv"
Content-Type: text/csv


REST endpoint: /limits/rest/v1/limitDefinition/export Method: POST Example Endpoint: http://localhost:3090/limits/rest/v1/limitDefinition/export Example body:


Check if the logged-in user can start the workflow

Endpoint: http://localhost:3090/limit-process-definition/canStart Method: GET Example: http://localhost:3090/limit-process-definition/canStart

Approve the workflow

Endpoint: http://localhost:3090/limit-process-instance/approve Method: PUT Example:

    "definitionName": "GIRR Risk Charge Demo",
    "exportStatusDetails": null,
    "comment": null,
    "serverName": "FRTB",
    "asOfDate": [