Navigation : test ../ test dev.html Developer Guide test ../../ test dev/dev-release.html - Release and migration notes test ../../ test dev/dev-release/release-notes.html -- Release Notes test ../../ test dev/dev-release/migrate-1.0.0-alpha.html -- Migration notes 1.0.0 Alpha test ../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration.html -- Previous migration notes test ../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-0.2.0.html --- Migration notes 0.2.0 test ../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-0.2.0-alpha.html --- Migration Notes 0.2.0-alpha test ../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-0.3.0.html --- Migration notes 0.3.0 test ../../ test dev/getting-started/getting-started.html - Getting started test ../../ test dev/dev-configure.html - Configuring the Limits Module test ../../ test dev/dateroll/date-roll.html - Date Roll test ../../ test dev/alert.html - Alerts test ../../ test dev/integration.html - How to Integrate Limits to ActivePivot test ../../ test dev/dev-restful.html - Limit RESTful Endpoints test ../../ test dev/limit-workflow.html - Limit Workflow test ../../ test user-ref.html User & Reference Guide test ../../ test user-ref/limits-overview.html - Limits Module Overview test ../../ test user-ref/whats-new.html - What's New test ../../ test user-ref/widgets/limits-inventory.html - Limits Inventory test ../../ test user-ref/storytelling/story-telling.html - Storytelling test ../../ test user-ref/input-files.html - Input file formats test ../../ test user-ref/configuration.html - Configuration files test ../../ test user-ref/cube.html - Cubes test ../../ test user-ref/datastore.html - Datastores Previous migration notes Here you will find migration notes for the previous releases of the Limits module that are still supported. Migration notes 1.0.0 Alpha Migration notes 0.2.0