Migration notes 0.2.0

This page explains the changes required to migrate to the stated version of the Limits module.

Migrate to 0.2.0

Upgrading from version 0.1.0 See Limits 0.1.0 Release Notes.

The module is using ActivePivot 5.10.6 and ActiveUI 5.0.3.

For new features and fixes included in these releases, please see the ActiveUI documentation and ActiveUI Migration Notes, and the release notes for ActivePivot.


Modification File Field Optional Description
Added limits.csv ServerName The ActivePivot server the limit belongs to, like MRA, or FRTB. The value needs to match the key in the acc.url.map of the limits.properties.

Configuration files

Files Modified


New properties:

Property Name Comment Value
acc.url.map A map of ServerName and URL pair. {‘MRA’: ‘http://localhost:10010/risk-activepivot’, ‘FRTB’: ‘http://localhost:8080/frtb-starter’}
alert.output.data.dir.path Path to where the directory alerts are saved. It needs to be part of the input.data.root.dir.path as the csv source picks up the alert file real time and saves the alert to the datastore. ${input.data.root.dir.path}/data/alert


No change.

Cube schema

No change.


No change.

Context values

No change.

Other changes

LookUpPostProcessor needs a new property in order to support limit trend analysis. Please see Integrating the Limits Module with ActivePivot.
