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Properties in Atoti Server

The configuration properties defined and used in Atoti Server are centralized in a single accessor/setter. These properties are now also defined and documented in a single file.

The new mechanism for property handling in Atoti allows the usage of JVM arguments, system/environment properties, and external property files.

Atoti Server Properties

Properties in Atoti are now defined and documented in the ActiveViamProperty class. They correspond to the properties used to configure Atoti as well as other ActiveViam products.

The PropertyRegistry

The PropertyRegistry class contains the information about resolved properties and their current values.

By default, Atoti Server provides the property handling mechanism that can use the following sources for Atoti properties :

  • System properties (JVM -Dxxx arguments)
  • Environment variables

We also provide the following ActiveViamPropertyFromSpringConfig configuration class, which allows you to use Spring-specific annotations or methods.

Properties defined in the Spring environment through property files or other means are resolved during the Bean-initializing phase ONLY IF the ActiveViamPropertyFromSpringConfig configuration class was imported in the Spring configuration. In that case, the properties resolving order follows the Spring logic for handling properties (see the Spring Boot documentation)

For example, you can import properties through Spring annotations :

  • @Import annotation declares an import of a Configuration class allowing you to logically load either or both of the following:

    • beans
    • nested Configurations defined by another
  • @ContextConfiguration annotation defines the Configurations classes to load in a Test class. To work properly in tests, it requires the following annotation: @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)

Once the Registry has been instantiated, you cannot dynamically reload registry properties from the Sources. To programmatically change Atoti Server Properties you must use the ActiveViamPropertyRegistry API.

The ActiveViamPropertyRegistry provides several methods to handle properties :

  • Type-specific accessors with default fallback value: getString() , getInteger(), getLong(), getBoolean(),getDouble
  • Type-specific accessors with required value: getRequiredString() , getRequiredInteger(), getRequiredLong(), getRequiredBoolean(),getRequiredDouble(). When a requested property is not defined in the PropertyRegistry while calling these methods, an exception is thrown.
  • Generic setter set()
  • Entry deletion methodclear()

Resolving Properties

The properties are resolved in the following order, from the highest priority source to the lowest:

  • Properties defined in the Spring Environment (if ActiveViamPropertyFromSpringConfig class is imported)
  • System properties (-DXXX arguments)
  • Environment variables