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Connect to Redshift

DirectQuery Redshift connector is using Redshift JDBC driver to connect to a database.

User and Role

To connect DirectQuery to Redshift, you will first need a User linked to a Role with sufficient privileges.
You can perform these following actions with a Redshift 'power user' account.

Create a Role

This reference can help you to create a Role.

Grant required privileges to this Role

DirectQuery required privileges are :

  • USAGE privilege on target schema
  • SELECT privilege on schema queryable objects (tables, views)

This reference will help you to grant these to your new role.

Create a User linked to this Role

Last step is to create a User with the following attributes :

  • login
  • password

For more help on this step you may refer to user management help section.

And then assign the role to the user with a GRANT ROLE command.

Basic authentication connection

Connection is done through DirectQuery Redshift connector passing the minimal following properties :

Authentication connection with AWS IAM credentials

After configuring AWS, the credentials are usually stored into the file ~/.aws/credentials. If the location is different, it can be set with the AWS_CREDENTIAL_PROFILES_FILE environment variable.

The AWS user needs the AWS permissions redshift:DescribeClusters and redshift:GetClusterCredentials.

Then you only need to provide the connection string, which will start with the following jdbc:redshift:iam://.

For more details, check the AWS documentation.