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Connect to BigQuery


DirectQuery delegates the credentials handling to a Google BigQuery Java client.

Service Account key file

A classic way to authenticate is to use a Service Account key file.

This consists in creating a Google Cloud service account with the correct permissions, save the secret key on your machine and use it.

There are 2 common ways to use this service account key file to the BigQuery Java client:

Authenticate as user

Instead of a service account, it is also possible to use the credentials of a specific user using OAuth2 flow. This is a bit more advanced but can be achieved by following this guide.


The service account or user used by DirectQuery must have the permissions to access the datasets and run jobs in BigQuery.

A simple way to achieve this is to give the BigQuery User and BigQuery Data Viewer roles to the user.

If this is too many permissions, you can also create a role with this minimal set of permissions:

  • bigquery.datasets.get
  • bigquery.readsessions.create
  • bigquery.readsessions.getData
  • bigquery.readsessions.update
  • bigquery.routines.get
  • bigquery.tables.get
  • bigquery.tables.getData
  • bigquery.tables.list