Migration Notes - 2.2.2

This page explains the changes required to migrate to the 2.2.3-AP5.10 version of Data-Connectors.

Migrate to 2.2.3 Overview

No migration needed.

Migrate to 2.2.2 Overview

Use the new DlcMessageHandler class with your CSV IMessageChannel in your CSV Source Config.

Additionally, a new method formatRawOutput has been added to IOutputHandler to allow for formatting N/A values to empty for SearchFactsQueries. This method is used to format raw rows of data.

Message Handler Changes

If an exception is thrown during tuple publishing, by default, the IMessageChannel created from a CSVMessageChannelFactory logs the exception, but doesn’t notify the DLC. Because of this, the DLC responds with a successful status rather than a failure status.

To notify the DLC when an exception occurs, a DlcMessageHandler needs to be added to the IMessageChannel created from the CSVMessageChannelFactory.

For more information on these changes and customizations, see CSV Message Handlers.

There are two ways to implement this:


Using the new DlcCSVMessageChannelFactory to create your IMessageChannel is preferred, as it adds a layer of protection to guarantee that only a DlcMessageHandler or implementing class is used with the created channel.

The DlcCSVMessageChannelFactory extends the CSVMessageChannelFactory and creates a DlcStoreMessageChannel. The DlcStoreMessageChannel’s IMessageHandler is a DlcMessageHandler by default. Trying to set the message handler on the DlcStoreMessageChannel will throw an exception if it is not an instance of DlcMessageHandler.

This way you can simply replace your instances of CSVMessageChannelFactory with DlcCSVMessageChannelFactory.


If you cannot use a DlcCSVMessageChannelFactory, you must ensure that you add an implementation of the DlcMessageHandler to the DlcCSVMessageChannelFactory's created IMessageChannel by passing an implementation of the DlcMessageHandler to IMessageChannel.withMEssageHandler().

Please read the CSV Message Handlers section for more information on extending and implementing you own custom DlcMessageHander.
