Navigation :
test ../../../ test user-ref.html
User & Reference Guide
test ../../../ test getting-started.html
Getting started
test ../../../ test getting-started/overview.html
- Atoti Market Risk overview
test ../../../ test getting-started/data-model.html
- Market Risk Data Model
test ../../../ test getting-started/directquery.html
- DirectQuery
test ../../../ test getting-started/about.html
- Using this guide
test ../../../ test getting-started/whats-new.html
- What's New
test ../../../ test dashboards.html
test ../../../ test calculations.html
Calculations Guide
test ../../../ test cube.html
Cube Reference
test ../../../ test datastore.html
test ../../../ test input-files.html
Input file formats
test ../../../ test properties.html
test ../../../ test what-if.html
What-If Analysis
test ../../../ test database.html
test ../../../ test sign-off.html
Sign-Off Approvals
test ../../../ test limits.html
Limit monitoring
test ../../../ test dev.html
Developer Guide
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release.html
Release and migration notes
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/release-notes.html
-- Changelog
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/migrate-5.4.html
-- Migration notes 5.4
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/migrate-5.4-prereleases.html
-- Updates since 5.4 pre-releases
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration.html
Previous migration notes
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-5.3.html
--- Migration notes 5.3
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-5.3-beta-to-final.html
--- Migration notes from beta
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-5.2.html
--- Migration notes 5.2
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-5.1.html
--- Migration notes 5.1
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-5.0.html
--- Migration notes 5.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-4.1.0.html
--- Migration notes 4.1.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-4.0.0.html
--- Migration notes 4.0.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-3.1.0.html
--- Migration notes 3.1.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-3.0.0.html
--- Migration notes 3.0.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-2.1.0.html
--- Migration notes 2.1.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-2.0.0.html
--- Migration notes 2.0.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-1.10.0.html
--- Migration notes 1.10.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-1.9.1.html
--- Migration notes 1.9.1
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-1.9.0.html
--- Migration notes 1.9.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/migrate-1.8.0.html
--- Migration notes 1.8.0
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release/previous-migration/previous-migration.html
test ../../../ test dev/dev-getting-started.html
Getting Started
test ../../../ test dev/dev-ui-config.html
Configuring the UI
test ../../../ test dev/dev-mr-application.html
The Market Risk Application
test ../../../ test dev/dev-libraries.html
Market Risk Libraries
test ../../../ test dev/dev-extensions.html
Extending Atoti Market Risk
test ../../../ test dev/dev-tools.html
Configuring tools and methodologies
test ../../../ test dev/dev-sign-off.html
test ../../../ test dev/dev-whatif.html
test ../../../ test dev/dev-direct-query.html
test ../../../ test pdf-guides.html
PDF Guides
Migration notes 1.10.0
This page explains the changes required to migrate to the stated version
of the Market Risk Accelerator.
Migrate to 1.10.0
Upgrading from version 1.10.0. See Market Risk Accelerator 1.10.0
Release Notes .
The Accelerator is using ActivePivot 5.8.15-jdk8 or ActivePivot
5.8.15-jdk11 and ActiveUI 4.3.13. For new features and fixes included in
these releases, please see the ActiveUI
and ActiveUI Migration
Notes ,
and the release notes for
ActivePivot .
For clients licensed to use ActiveMonitor, a skeleton module based on
version 5.8.15-jdk8 or 5.8.15-jdk11 is included with the Market Risk Accelerator
1.10.0 release.
Datastore fields
Field name
VaR-ES Cube (for aggregated import only)
VaR Value
VaR-ES Cube (for aggregated import only)
ES Value
VaR-ES Cube (for aggregated import only)
VaE Value
VaR-ES Cube (for aggregated import only)
ETG Value
Field name
VaR-ES Cube (for aggregated import only)
RESTful services
In the ISignOffService
interface and in the corresponding
implementation class, the unused method: Set<String> members(String[] hierarchy)
has been removed.
Data load
In the InitialDataLoadConfig class
, we now wait for the completion of
the transaction listeners used for the parent/child data processing to
ensure stores are loaded in the expected order in the datastore
(i.e. the base store is loaded last).