DirectQuery annotations

This section gives you an overview on how you can use the Spring annotations defined in Atoti Market Risk to simplify the configuration when DirectQuery is used.

How it works

Some Spring annotations have been defined to make the definition of Beans easier. You can define these annotations at the Bean level or at the Class level.

Annotation Description
@ConditionalOnAdjustmentsWithDirectQuery Annotation used on configuration classes and beans to specify that the read-only adjustments are activated with DirectQuery. Equivalent to @ConditionalOnSignOffEnabled and @ConditionalOnDirectQueryDatabase
@ConditionalOnClickHouse Annotation that can be used to only create a Spring configuration if DirectQuery is set to run with ClickHouse.
@ConditionalOnDatabricks Annotation that can be used to only create a Spring configuration if DirectQuery is set to run with Databricks.
@ConditionalOnDirectQueryDatabase This annotation is conditional on DirectQuery being enabled. Used in the definition of the following Spring configuration condition:
- BeanMissingSource
@ConditionalOnInMemoryDatabase This annotation is conditional on DirectQuery being disabled, that is, on the in-memory datastore being used. Used in the definition of the following Spring configuration conditions:
- BeanEnabledSignoff
- ConfigurationLocalFileSystem
- ConfigurationAzureData
@ConditionalOnMSSQL Annotation that can be used to only create a Spring configuration if DirectQuery is set to run with Microsoft SQL Server.
@ConditionalOnNoAdjustmentsWithDirectQuery Annotation used on configuration classes and beans to specify that the adjustments are deactivated with DirectQuery and Sign-Off compatibility Equivalent to ConditionalOnSignOffEnabled and ConditionalOnDirectQueryDatabase.
@ConditionalOnSignOffDisabled Annotation used on configuration classes and beans to specify that the adjustments and Sign-Off are disabled.
@ConditionalOnSignOffEnabled Annotation used on configuration classes and beans to specify that the adjustments and Sign-Off are activated.
@ConditionalOnSignOffHierarchy Annotation used on configuration classes and beans to specify that the Sign-Off hierarchy has to be displayed whenever the Sign-Off is really working (in the case of DirectQuery).
@ConditionalOnSnowflake Annotation that can be used to only create a Spring configuration if DirectQuery is set to run with Snowflake.