
File purpose

The default Spring Boot application properties file. Controls application parameters and start-up modes.

File location

The file is located in the folder mr-application\src\main\resources.

File values

The file uses the YAML language to define properties in a hierarchical structure. When loaded into the application, the properties follow the default dot notation.

The indentation levels used in the following table mirror the file itself.

Key Value Description
server: Subsection for application server properties.
    port: 10010 The port used for the application external services.
    servlet: Servlet configuration.
        context-path: “/mr-application” The context path of the application.
management: Subsection for Spring Actuator application management.
    endpoints: Actuator endpoints.
        web: Web endpoints.
               exposure: Exposed endpoints.
                  include: “*” The endpoint IDs to include.
health: Actuator health key.
    elasticsearch: Actuator sub key for elasticsearch.
        enabled: false Elasticsearch sub key to enable or disable this component of Actuator.
        active: “local-content” Active Spring profiles.
springdoc: Springdoc URL to list all the Rest endpoints.
    enabled: Set to true to see the Swagger UI and navigate to /swagger-ui/index.html
logging: Subsection for application logging.
    config: classpath:logback-spring.xml Location of the logging configuration file.
    serverUrl: http://localhost:10010/mr-application Base URL for all starter web apps (i.e. DoctorPivot, Content Service UI, Documentation).
    javadocBaseUrl: Javadoc base URL for DoctorPivot.
    javadocVersion 1.2.0 Javadoc version for DoctorPivot
    documentationRoot Default.htm Documentation root file to redirect index.html to
configuration: Subsection for the application start-up modes.
    sign-off: Sign-off configuration.
        enabled: false Toggle for including Sign-Off configuration and services in the running application.
        scheduler-pool-size: 1 Size of the thread pool used to pool the status of Sign-Off adjustments.
            db: The properties used to configure the database of the Content service.
               hibernate.dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect
               hibernate.show_sql: false Enable/disable the logging of all generated SQL statements to the console.
               hibernate.format_sql: false Enable/disable formatting the generated SQL statement. Enabling this makes the statement more readable, but takes up more screen space.
      Property is commented out Hibernate database schema generation process. Possible values are: none, create-only, drop, create, create-drop, validate, update.
               hibernate.connection.provider_class: org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.internal.DatasourceConnectionProviderImpl Implementation of the ConnectionProvider.
               url: jdbc:h2:%{dbfile};DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1 The URL of the Hibernate connection to the content server.
      mr_ref_impl_content_service The name of the dbfile used in the Hibernate connection URL.
               defaultAutoCommit: false The default auto-commit state of connections created by this pool.
               driverClassName: org.h2.Driver The fully qualified Java class name of the JDBC driver to be used.
               jdbcInterceptors: org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.interceptor.ConnectionState A semicolon-separated list of classnames, extending the org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.JdbcInterceptor class. These interceptors will be inserted as an interceptor into the chain of operations on a java.sql.Connection object.


DirectQuery’s startup properties can be found in the dedicated DirectQuery Configuration Properties page.