The FXRATES table contains all the FX Rates. It is an isolated table and not part of any cube facts.

FX Rates are looked up via the default implementation of IFXRates API.

Column Name Type Not Null Default Value1 Description
AS_OF_DATE DATE Y Timestamp (at close of business) for the data.
MARKET_DATA_SET STRING Y N/A String defining the market data set.
BASE_CCY STRING Y N/A The left side of the currency pair.
COUNTER_CCY STRING Y N/A The right side of the currency pair.
TERM STRING Y N/A The term of the rate.
FX_RATE DOUBLE Y 1.0 Forex rate between the two currencies.
RISK_FACTOR_ID STRING N/A Risk factor id used to compute FX risk

Unique Key


  1. If the default value is marked as empty, it means that the default value is 'null' for nullable fields, and that a value needs to be explicitly set for non-nullable fields.  ↩︎