File purpose
The logback-spring.xml file defines the logging configuration for testing the MR application.
File location
The file is located in the folder mr-application\src\main\resources.
File values
The logback-spring.xml file uses Logback configuration. See the official Logback documentation for details about Logback concepts: https://logback.qos.ch/documentation.html
The file has the following attributes:
Element | Attribute | Value | Description |
<configuration> | debug | false |
Flag used to enable/disable Logback debug mode |
<appender> | name | STDOUT |
The name of the Logback appender used for logging |
class | ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender |
The implementation Logback appender used for logging | |
<encoder> | |||
<pattern> | %n%date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS z} %relative [%thread] %logger - %level: %message %throwable |
The formatting pattern of the logging output | |
<logger> | name | org.springframework.core |
The logger for the Spring package that provides basic classes for exception handling and version detection, and other core helpers that are not specific to any part of the framework. |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | org.springframework.util |
The logger for the Spring package that contains Miscellaneous utility classes, such as utilities for working with strings, classes, collections, reflection, etc. |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | org.springframework.beans |
The logger for the Spring package that contains interfaces and classes for manipulating Java beans. |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | org.springframework.context |
The logger for the Spring package that builds on the beans package to add support for message sources and for the Observer design pattern, and the ability for application objects to obtain resources using a consistent API. |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | org.springframework.web |
The logger for the Spring package that contains Common, generic interfaces that define minimal boundary points between Spring’s web infrastructure and other framework modules. |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | org.springframework.security |
The logger for Spring Security |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.security |
The logger for ActivePivot security |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.monitoring.impl.XmlaMonitorListener |
Class used to output current time and size of XMLA response |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.webservices |
The logger for the core ActivePivot webservices package |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.streaming |
The logger for the core ActivePivot streaming package |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.tech.streaming |
The logger for ActivePivot streams (stateful components publishing events to a publishe) |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.qfs.pivot.rest.discovery |
The logger for the ActivePivot discovery service |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.qfs.pivot.rest.query |
The logger for the ActivePivot queries service |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.qfs.pivot.websocket |
The logger for the ActivePivot websockets |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.pivot.mdx |
The logger for the MDX engine |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.impl.TimerActivePivotQueryExecutor |
A simple query executor that times each query that goes through it, and logs the timings at the Level.INFO |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.impl.ActivePivotVersion |
The logger for the ActivePivot version instance |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.query.aggregates |
The logger for the retrieval of aggregated values |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.postprocessing |
The logger for ActivePivot post-processors |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | org.springframework.http |
The logger for the Spring package containing a basic abstraction over client/server-side HTTP. |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | org.springframework.remoting |
The logger for the exception hierarchy for Spring’s remoting infrastructure, independent of any specific remote method invocation system. |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.qfs.msg |
The logger for the handling of messages in the Composer |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.qfs.msg.csv |
The logger for the handling of messages related to CSV sources in the Composer |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.qfs.msg.csv.impl.Parser |
The logger for the class that parses a char buffer into records. |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.qfs.store |
The logger for classes related to stores in the Datastore |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.qfs.store.transaction |
The logger for classes related to transactions in the Datastore |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.transaction |
The logger for classes related to transactions in the cubes |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.qfs.util.timing |
The logger for classes related to the ActivePivot stopwatch |
level | INFO |
<root> | level | INFO |
Root logger level |
<appender-ref> | ref | STDOUT |
The name of the Logback appender used by the root logger |
<contextListener> | class | ch.qos.logback.classic.jul.LevelChangePropagator |
Implementation of the Logback context listener |
<resetJUL> | true | Flag used to reset all previous level configurations of all j.u.l. loggers |