File purpose
The logback-spring-file.xml file defines the logback configuration for the MR application in production.
File location
The file is located in the folder mr-application\src\main\resources.
File values
The logback-spring-file.xml file uses Logback configuration. See the official Logback documentation for details about Logback concepts: https://logback.qos.ch/documentation.html
The file has the following attributes:
Element | Attribute | Value | Description |
<configuration> | debug | true |
Flag used to enable/disable Logback debug mode |
<shutdownHook | class | ch.qos.logback.core.hook.DelayingShutdownHook |
Install a JVM shutdown hook to shut down logback and release associated resources. |
<jmxConfigurator/> | Allows the configuration of logback via JMX | ||
<conversionRule> | conversionWord | thread |
Configuration of a custom converter to retrieve the current thread generating the log |
converterClass | com.activeviam.apm.logging.impl.APMThreadConverter |
Configuration of a custom converter to retrieve the current thread generating the log | |
<conversionRule> | conversionWord | user |
Configuration of a custom converter to retrieve the current user generating the log |
converterClass | com.activeviam.apm.logging.impl.APMUserConverter |
<conversionRule> | conversionWord | instance |
Configuration of custom converter to retrieve the instance name of the application |
converterClass | com.activeviam.apm.logging.impl.APMInstanceConverter |
<timestamp> | key | startupDateTime |
Indicates that a timestamp will be generated at configuration parsing time |
datePattern | yyyyMMdd-HHmmss |
Pattern of the generated timestamp | |
<property> | name | logDirRootPath |
Name of the property used to define the folder in which the logs will be printed out |
value | ${LOG_PATH:-.}/logs} |
Value of that property | |
<property> | name | logFileNamePrefix |
Name of property used to define the prefix of the log files |
value | mr-application_${startupDateTime}_%i-startup_ |
Value of that property | |
<property> | name | logFileNameRollingTag |
Name of the property used to define the tag used in the rolled logs |
value | %d{yyyyMMdd}-period |
Value of that property | |
<property> | name | logFileNameExt |
Name of the property used to define the exension of the generated log files |
value | .log.zip |
Value of that property | |
<property> | name | logFileRollingMaxHistory |
Name of the property used to define the maximum number of rolled-over files to keep |
value | 30 |
Value of that property | |
<property> | name | logFileRollingMaxFileSize |
Name of the property used to define the maximum size of a log file |
value | 200GB |
Value of that property | |
<property> | name | logPattern |
Name of the property used to define the layout of the logs |
value | %n%date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS z} %relative [%thread] %logger%n%level: %message%n%throwable |
Value of that property | |
<appender> | name | JSON |
Appender used to output JSON logs |
class | ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender |
Rolling file appender | |
<file> | ${custom.json.log.dir}/activepivot.log |
The name of the file to write to | |
<rollingPolicy> | class | ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy |
Rolls over files primarily by date, but also limits the size of each log file |
<fileNamePattern> | ${logDirRootPath}/${logFileNamePrefix}main_${logFileNameRollingTag}${logFileNameExt} |
Name of the rolled-over log files | |
<maxHistory> | ${logFileRollingMaxHistory} |
Controls the maximum number of rolled-over files to keep | |
<maxFileSize> | ${logFileRollingMaxFileSize} |
Controls the maximum size of rolled-over files | |
<cleanHistoryOnStart> | true |
If set to true, roll over removal will be executed on appender start-up | |
<encoder> | class | net.logstash.logback.encoder.LogstashEncoder |
The encoder class used to transform an event into an output stream |
<timestampPattern> | [UNIX_TIMESTAMP_AS_NUMBER] |
Writes the timestamp value as a numeric unix timestamp | |
<excludeMdcKeyName> | user_name |
Excludes that field from the Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) | |
<excludeMdcKeyName> | thread_name |
Excludes that field from the Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) | |
<fieldNames> | |||
<timestamp> | log_timestamp |
Defines the name of the timestamp field | |
<thread> | [ignore] |
Prevents the thread field from being output by setting the field name to [ignore] | |
<provider> | class | net.logstash.logback.composite.loggingevent.LoggingEventPatternJsonProvider |
Class that provides support for JSON outputs |
<pattern> | { "user_name": "%user", "thread_name": "%thread", "instance_name": "%instance" } |
Adds that JSON pattern to the logs | |
<appender> | name | MAIN |
Appender used to output main logs |
<class> | class | ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender |
Rolling file appender |
<rollingPolicy> | class | ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy |
Rolls over files primarily by date, but also limits the size of each log file |
<fileNamePattern> | ${logDirRootPath}/${logFileNamePrefix}main_${logFileNameRollingTag}${logFileNameExt} |
Name of the rolled-over log files | |
<maxHistory> | ${logFileRollingMaxHistory} |
Controls the maximum number of rolled-over files to keep | |
<maxFileSize> | ${logFileRollingMaxFileSize} |
Controls the maximum size of rolled-over files | |
<encoder> | |||
<pattern> | ${logPattern} | Pattern used for the log output | |
<appender> | name | QUERIES |
Appender used to output logs specific to queries |
<class> | class | ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender |
Rolling file appender |
<rollingPolicy> | class | ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy |
Rolls over files primarily by date, but also limits the size of each log file |
<fileNamePattern> | ${logDirRootPath}/${logFileNamePrefix}queries_${logFileNameRollingTag}${logFileNameExt} |
Name of the rolled-over log files | |
<maxHistory> | ${logFileRollingMaxHistory} |
Controls the maximum number of rolled-over files to keep | |
<maxFileSize> | ${logFileRollingMaxFileSize} |
Controls the maximum size of rolled-over files | |
<encoder> | |||
<pattern> | ${logPattern} | Pattern used for the log output | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.monitoring.impl.XmlaMonitorListener |
The logger for the class used to output the current time and size of the XMLA response |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.webservices |
The logger for the core ActivePivot webservices package |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.streaming |
The logger for the core ActivePivot streaming package |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.tech.streaming |
Logging for ActivePivot streams (stateful components publishing events to a publisher) |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.qfs.pivot.rest.discovery |
The logger for the ActivePivot discovery service |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.qfs.pivot.rest.query |
The logger for the ActivePivot queries service |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.qfs.pivot.websocket |
The logger for ActivePivot websockets |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.pivot.mdx |
The logger for the MDX engine |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.impl.TimerActivePivotQueryExecutor |
A simple query executor that times each query that goes through it, and logs the timings at the Level.INFO |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.impl.ActivePivotVersion |
The logger for the ActivePivot version instance |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.query.aggregates |
The logger for the retrieval of aggregated values |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.postprocessing |
The logger for ActivePivot post-processors |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | org.springframework.http |
The logger for the Spring package that contains a basic abstraction over client/server-side HTTP. |
level | INFO |
The level of printed out logs for that logger | |
<logger> | name | org.springframework.remoting |
The logger for the exception hierarchy for Spring’s remoting infrastructure, independent of any specific remote method invocation system. |
<root> | level | INFO |
Root logger level |
<appender-ref> | ref | STDOUT |
The name of the Logback appender used by the root logger |
<contextListener> | class | ch.qos.logback.classic.jul.LevelChangePropagator |
Implementation of Logback context listener |
<resetJUL> | true | Flag used to reset all previous level configurations of all j.u.l. loggers |