File purpose

The file is used to configure the DEE service tool that is intended to perform data extractions.

File values

Key Value Description
generated.files.base.dir.path ${} Base dir path where all the generated files will be generated. This property is needed by the Download service.
download.files.http.base.url http://localhost:10010/risk-activepivot/pivot/rest/v4/download URL used for the Download service.
enhanced.drillthrough.base.dir.path ${generated.files.base.dir.path}/dtrepo/ Path for the generation of enhanced DT result files (server-side location).
enhanced.drillthrough.http.base.url ${download.files.http.base.url}/dtrepo URL for the distribution of enhanced DT result files.
data.extraction.templates.base.dir.path ./src/main/resources/dee-templates/ Path to retrieve the data extraction templates.
data.extraction.service.base.dir.path ${generated.files.base.dir.path}dee Path for the generation of data extraction result files (server-side location).
data.extraction.service.http.base.url ${download.files.http.base.url}/dee URL for the distribution of data extraction result files.