What's New
This page provides a brief overview of the user-facing new features and improvements in the latest version of the Market Risk Accelerator.
For bug fixes and developer-facing changes, see our Changelog.
This release follows the developments of the 2.1.0 Alpha for the Sign-off features.
- The Sign-Off Analysis Hierarchy has been redesigned. The sign-off task and the adjustment are now under the same Sign-off dimension. See [Sign-Off Adjustment] and [Sign-off Status]
- The sign-off rollback removes all the adjustments and reverts to the latest version of the data.
- The sign-off features of the alpha release have been improved.
- Documentation explaining the Accelerator’s FX Calculation theory, plus details on how Sensitivity ladders are used in the Accelerator.
2.1.0 Alpha
Known issues
Issue Key | Details |
MRA-1138 | When a cube-level adjustment request is sent to the MRA, the slicing hierarchies not explicitly present in the filters are not handled. |
MRA-1091 | Create Harrell-Davis VaR |
MRA-1139 | Roll-over of PnL vectors: The Pnl values are not shifted properly. |
- Azure data loading support: MRA supports data loading from Azure Blob storage.
- Cube configuration: VaR, sensitivities and PnL cubes can now be disabled using properties.
- Cube-level adjustments: MRA handles adjustments of aggregated measures.
- Fact-level adjustments: Overrides and scaling are now handled in addition to add-ons.
- New approval mechanism for approvals: The sign-off approval mechanism now uses a specific analysis hierarchy instead of the epoch hierarchy.
- Harrell-Davis VaR: Harrell-Davis VaR has been implemented.
- Day count computation: The day count computation is now computed differently.
New features
Calendar Improvement
The day count computation now uses MraSimpleTenorConverter
and DayCount30on360ISDA
instead of using LegacyTenorConverter
and DayCountA365Fixed
This change results in almost the same duration.
Component | Use | Behaviour | Convention |
LegacyTenorConverter | Tenor to Date converter | Convert a tenor by using 30 days for a month and 360 days for a year. | 30/360 |
MraSimpleTenorConverter | Tenor to Date converter | Convert a tenor using the exact computation. | Exact |
DayCountA365Fixed | Date interval to days converter | Convert a date interval to an exact number of days. | A001 |
DayCount30on360ISDA | Date interval to days converter | Convert a date interval to a number of days by using 30 days for a month and 360 days for a year. | A005 |
The two conventions produce almost the same result, except for the pillars represented by:
- A number of days above 30D.
- A number of weeks above 4W.
- An exact date.
- The end of month (31st is assumed to be a 30th, February end of month is assumed to be a 28th (or 29th)).
The year fraction will be interpreted as Year / Month / Day by assuming that 1M = 1/12Y such that:
- 0.5Y=6M
- 0.25Y=3M
- 1.5Y=1Y6M
See Indicator: Method of Interest Computation Indicator for the convention.
This change highly impacts the Theta metric.
You can change the convention if required.
Azure data loading support
MRA supports loading data from Azure Blob storage. The azureCredentials.properties file defines the necessary credential information for connecting to an Azure Blob container.
Cubes enabling/disabling
VaR, sensitivities and PnL cubes can now be activated or disabled from the configuration file risk.properties.
Cube-level adjustments
Cube-level adjustments are now supported. The logic relies on the concept of location digest and uses a look-up in the datastore to retrieve the overriding value for a measure. The overridden measures have the “_Adjusted” suffix.
Fact-level adjustments
Overrides and roll-over are now supported.
Harrell-Davis VaR
Harrell-Davis VaR is now implemented.
New approval mechanism for approvals
The sign-off approval mechanism now uses a specific analysis hierarchy instead of the epoch hierarchy.
Known issues
Fixed Issues
New features
Usage of the common library
Several class are now shared with other accelerators. They are located in the file ‘shared*.jar’.
The maven dependency is :
The package name is : com.activeviam.accelerator.common
Sign-off profile
The **enable-signoff **Spring Profile has been added to the Market Risk Accelerator, grouping all Sign-off functionality in a single toggled configuration.
Adjustments 2.0
Interfaces have been integrated allowing interaction with the Sign-Off Module.
For details about supported adjustments, see Supported Sign-off Adjustments.
Corporate Actions
The dividends, coupons, stock splits or merge are now taken in account for PnL calculations.
For details, see Corporate Actions
New measures
The correlation measure is a two-risk factor sensitivity that relies on a single market data. For a correlation RF1 * RF2, the market data name will be RF1/RF2. The market data separator is defined by the property correlation.risk.level.split. Apart from these specifics, it behaves like a delta metric. It can handle one maturity.
The cross-gamma measure is a two-risk factor sensitivity that relies on
two distinct market data. The PnL explain is calculated by applying the
two PnL formulas PnL = f_RF2(f_RF1(crossGamma, MD_1_d, MD_1_d-1), MD_2_d, MD_2_d-1)
sequentially. This measure does not handle any
tenors, maturities or moneyness.
- Upgrade to AP5.9 : The accelerator now uses Active Pivot 5.9.x, which also means that only Java 11 is supported.
- JUnit 5: Most of the tests now use JUnit 5.
- Data Connectors: The DEE feature is now integrated into an import/export toolbox library called “Data Connectors” prefixed with ‘com.activeviam.io’.
- Datastore Helper 2.0 : The Datastore Helper tool for defining and customizing the datastore schema has been upgraded to version 2.0.
- Spring configuration : The Spring configuration templates for cube and datastore definition are in common with FRTB.
Previous releases
Known issues
Issue Key | Details |
MRA-806 | Real-time updates in MarketData.csv file are not taken into account. |
MRA-1028 | MRA SDK has an unmet dependency that causes build to fail. It is fixed now and the new version is uploaded. The old one is marked as broken. |
New features
Bug fixes
- Bug fix in export feature: In cube and aggregated exports, cube measures were not put in the output columns. This has been fixed.
- Parent/child data load: The system now waits for parent-child processing to complete before loading main stores.
Known issues
New features
- Minor bug fixes
- Configuration of sparse vectors: Sparse vectors can be used on any double[] vector and activated below a defined threshold.
Known issues
The accelerator doesn’t handle the real-time update on market data.
New features
The sign-off is handled by an external application, only the export services stay under the responsibility of MRA.
The common accelerator export tool is embedded in MRA.
Market Data Retrieval Service
The Market Data computation and retrieval is handled by a specific spring bean that is customisable at will by the user. For details, see Market Data Retrieval Service.
Cash metric
A new metric that computes the risk linked to a foreign currency position.
Theta metric
A new metric that takes in account the time decay on the PnL.
Incremental metrics
The whole incremental metrics has been reviewed and is customizable from the property file, with new reference metrics introduced: - Compared to the top location - Compared to a specific level - Slicing on any hierarchy
For details, see risk.properties.
Active Pivot Core
Upgrade to AP 5.8.14
Known issues
New features
Product Control
Product control features were added in a new separate module which can be used if those features are required. The instructions of how to do it is in the migration notes.
Known issues
New features
Back-port bug fixes from MRA 1.8.0
Known issues
New features
Data Load Controller
The Data Load Controller has now been integrated into the accelerator. It provides the ability to better manage loading (and unloading) data. A REST service is provided, so that your data orchestration service (the process that is responsible for delivering data to the accelerator), can trigger the loading of data into ActivePivot.
The REST service will allow loading (and unloading) of topics (or groups of topics, called aliases) by scope. Currently the scope allows the specification of an as-of date, however it can easily be customized to support, for example, desks or legal entities. The scope helps the data load controller find the data when loading, and becomes the criteria for removing data when unloading. For example, it is possible to load (or unload) all Delta sensitivities (the topic alias) for the as-of date 2019-08-09 (the scope).
Known issues
New features
Fixed weighted VaR and weighted ES computations in the case PnL vectors are loaded from the oldest to the latest date
Known issues
Calculation error for weighted measures
There is a calculation error for the weighted measures when the PnL data are present from oldest to newest in the input vectors (MRA-783)
Best scenario measure is incorrectly implemented
The best scenario measure is incorrectly implemented (MRA-785)
ActivePivot incompatible with latest OpenJDK ActivePivot
5.8.7 (and all earlier versions) are incompatible with the latest version of OpenJDK 11 (Version 11.0.6, released 2020-01-15). This is due to a breaking change in OpenJDK (JDK-8211919)
New features
Support for Java 8 and Java 11
Starting from version 1.6.0, the MRA is delivered in 2 versions, one that supports Java 8 and one that supports Java 11. For more details, see the Migration Notes for 1.6.0.
Taylor VaR
First version of Taylor VaR to compute VaR from market data shifts and sensitivities.