
Download sample file: Countries.csv

File pattern match

The pattern match for the Countries file is **Countries*.csv

For information on the glob patterns used and how to customize them, see note on File name patterns.

Field Key Null FieldType Description Example
AsOfDate Y N String with format ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ Indicates the date of the file. See Note on AsOfDate.
CountryCode Y N String Unique three-letter country identifier code. “GBR”, “FRA”
Region N Y String The region in which the country is located.
SubRegion N Y String The sub-region in which the country is located.
Country N Y String Name of the country.
Latitude N Y Double The latitude of the country in the decimal degrees format. “51.514451”
Longitude N Y Double The longitude of the country in the decimal degrees format. “0.127723”