DRC Trade Level (IMA)

Download sample file: DRC_Trade_NONSEC.csv

This file describes the recovery rates for the IMA DRC trades using a linear approach.

This DRC Trade Level (IMA) file type is identified using the pattern: **/DRC_Trade_*.csv (as specified by drc.trade.file-pattern). This file is loaded using the DRC topic. See the Topic Aliases table for an understanding of the topic aliases associated with each topic.

Field Key Null FieldType Description Example
AsOfDate Y N Date ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ Timestamp (at close of business) for the data. 2018-06-29
TradeId Y N String If coming from multiple systems may need to prepend source system to the id for uniqueness “IR_IRSWAP_LIBOR3M”, “EQ_12345677”, etc.
RiskClass String Applicable to SA only Not used for IMA
ObligorId Y N String ID of the Obligor. For IMA, must match ObligorId in DRC Scenarios file.
ObligorCategory String Applicable to SA only Not used for IMA.
Instrument LGD Type String Applicable to SA only Not used for IMA
Seniority N N String Seniority of the exposure. For IMA, must match Seniority in DRC Scenarios file. Senior
Direction String Applicable to SA only Not used for IMA
Maturity N Y String Maturity of the trade “1D”, “2W”, “12M”, “1Y”, or date “YYYY-MM-DD”
Rating String Applicable to SA only Not used for IMA
Notional Double Applicable to SA only Not used for IMA
MarketValue Double Applicable to SA only Not used for IMA
GrossJTD String Applicable to SA only Not used for IMA
Ccy N N String Currency code for ‘RecoveryValues’. USD
Tranche String Applicable to SA only Not used for IMA
Region String Applicable to SA only Not used for IMA
AssetClass String Applicable to SA only Not used for IMA
Attachment Double Applicable to SA only Not used for IMA
Detachment Double Applicable to SA only Not used for IMA
RecoveryRates N N Vector of doubles

Recovery Rate for the Obligor in the given scenario.

Note: If linear scenarios approach is used, then this field must contain a vector of generic recovery rates (for example, 0;0.5;1) for linear interpolation of simulated PL (see RecoveryValues field) based on simulated recovery rates (see linear scenarios file).

RecoveryValues N N Vector of doubles

Recovery Values corresponding to the Recovery Rate.

Note: If linear scenarios approach is used, then this field must contain a vector of jump-to-recovery values, corresponding to the RecoveryRates vector.

Type N N String DRC Sec non-CTP Rating Type, DRC Sec CTP Rating Type; Rating type: STC / non-STC STC stands for Simple Transparent Comparable STC
RiskWeight N N Double Applicable to SA only Not used for IMA
Adjustment N N Double Applicable to SA only Not used for IMA
Bucket N N String Applicable to SA only Not used for IMA
Zero Risk Weight N N String Applicable to SA only Not used for IMA

This file is also used in the SA, see DRC trade level (SA)