Book Description

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This file provides a description of books.

This Book Description file type is identified using the pattern: **/{BookDescription,BookDescription}*.csv{,.gz} (as specified by book-description.file-pattern). This file is loaded using the BookDescription topic. See the Topic Aliases table for an understanding of the topic aliases associated with each topic.

These files are expected to include all combinations of “Book”, “IRT Group”, and “AsOfDate”.

Field Key Null FieldType Description Example
Book Y N String Name of the Book.
Desk N Y String Name of the Desk to which the Book belongs.
AsOfDate Y N Date ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ Timestamp (at close of business) for the data.
IRT Flag N Y ‘Y’ or ‘N’ Indicates whether the desk is an Internal Risk Transfer (IRT) desk. ACR is calculated separately for desks flagged as IRT. Defaults to ‘N’