This section covers the ETL specifics for the DRC files. It provides an overview of ETL for DRC, starting with a dataflow diagram for DRC.

It also provides a table showing the fields that are included in each row of a DRC CSV Input Data file, indicating which Stores these fields are copied to during the ETL process.

Additionally, it shows which are the key fields for vector creation and which fields have the potential to be populated with vectors, as opposed to always containing scalar values.

Dataflow Diagram

DRC files IMA ETL dataflow

Vectorization and Interpolation

Vectorization is used within the ETL procedure for DRC; therefore interpolation is required also.


DRC-relevant Stores

The stores that are relevant for DRC are:

DRCIMABase Store
DRCScenarios Store
DRCScenariosCount Store

Column Calculators and Tuple Publishers

Column Calculators are used within the ETL procedure for DRC.

The Tuple Publisher and Publisher Classes

The function of the TuplePublisher and its associated Publisher classes is to separate data in the incoming file row according to relevance to particular stores and applying ETL logic to incoming rows.

The publishers that are employed, together with their descriptions, are listed in the following table:

Tuple Publisher Class Function