There are two cubes which are tied together via FRTBCombinedCube:
The PLCube for recent data at the trade level (where investigations and sign-off can take place)
The PLSummaryCube for historical data at the book and legal entity levels (to fill out one-year history)
The FRTBCombinedCube seamlessly ties the two together.
PL Cube
The PL Cube:
Collects recent data at the trade (or position) level, including the VaR P&L vectors.
It is expected that this cube will be customized to support analysing exceptions/outliers.
PL Cube data can be exported via PLCubeExport DEE Template Order found within the
directory frtb-starter/src/main/resources/DEETemplateOrders/PLCubeExport.jsonFor details, see Using DEE Template Orders
PL Summary Cube
The PL Summary Cube:
Collects aggregated data with a long history (at least the 1 year required by the regulations) at the desk and firm-wide levels. Including:
Daily P&L values (actual, hypothetical, and risk-theoretical).
Daily VaR P&L vectors
Combined Cube
The Combined Cube:
Includes the analytics required for P&L Attribution Tests and Backtesting. Including:
The Spearman correlation metric; i.e. the correlation between Risk-Theoretical P&L and Hypothetical P&L.
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test metric, i.e. the similarity of the distributions of Risk-Theoretical P&L and Hypothetical P&L.
A count of the number of exceptions when comparing the Actual P&L and Hypothetical P&L against the VaR at the 97.5% and 99% confidence levels.