Parameter Sets

Users can analyse calculations under different parameter values side-by-side by using [Parameter Set].[Parameter Set] hierarchy.

The “Parameter Sets” widget under WhatIf Simulations category can be used to display base and experimental parameter values. For the sets having a parent, you may need to activate the toggle “Lineage” to view the overrides together with the based values.


The set includes these regulatory parameters for the BA approach:

The set includes these regulatory parameters for the SA approach:


Parameters are organized into categories, which you can select on top left of the “Parameter Sets” widget.

The “CVARC Parameters” category is used for parameters that are set as constants:

Key Reference Description
ba.rho [50.14] Correlation ρ in the BA-CVA approach
ba.beta [50.20] Parameter β in the BA-CVA approach
ba.r_hc.legalRelation [50.26] Correlation rhc for single name having a legal relation with counterparty c
ba.r_hc.same [50.26] Correlation rhc for single name which is the same as counterparty c
ba.r_hc.sameSectorRegion [50.26] Correlation rhc for single name which shares sector and region with counterparty c
ba.r_hc.shareNothing [50.26] Correlation rhc for single name which does not have any relation to counterparty c
sa.default.multiplier [50.41] CVA multipler mCVA
sa.default.disallowance. parameter [50.52] Disallowance parameter correlation [50.55] Correlations γbc for IR delta correlation [50.55] Correlations γbc for IR vega correlation [50.58](4) Correlation between interest rate volatilities and the inflation rate volatilities correlation [50.60] Correlations γbc for FX delta
sa.fx.vega.cross.bucket. correlation [50.60] Correlations γbc for FX vega [50.61](3) Risk weights for FX delta risk factors correlation.sameEnity. differentTenors [50.65](4) Correlation ρkl between different tenors of the same entity correlation.sameCreditQuality. sameTenors [50.65](5)(a) Correlation ρkl between unrelated entities of the same credit quality, same tenors correlation.sameCreditQuality. differentTenors [50.65](5)(b) Correlation ρkl between unrelated entities of the same credit quality, different tenors correlation.differentTenors [50.65](6)(b) Correlation ρkl between unrelated entities of the different credit quality, different tenors correlation.sameTenors [50.65](6)(b) Correlation ρkl between unrelated entities of the different credit quality, same tenors correlation.legallyRelated. sameTenors [50.65](7)(a) Correlation ρkl between legally related entities, same tenors correlation.legallyRelated. differentTenors [50.65](7)(b) Correlation ρkl between legally related entities, different tenors bucket.correlation [50.71] Correlations γbc for all cross-bucket pairs that fall within bucket numbers 1 to 10. otherbucket.correlation [50.71] Correlations γbc for all cross-bucket pairs that include bucket 11.
sa.eq.vega.cross. bucket.correlation [50.71] Correlations γbc for all cross-bucket pairs that fall within bucket numbers 1 to 10.
sa.eq.vega.cross. otherbucket.correlation [50.71] Correlations γbc for all cross-bucket pairs that include bucket 11. bucket.correlation [50.75] Correlations γbc for all cross-bucket pairs that fall within bucket numbers 1 to 10. otherbucket.correlation [50.75] Correlations γbc for all cross-bucket pairs that include bucket 11.
sa.comm.vega.cross. bucket.correlation [50.75] Correlations γbc for all cross-bucket pairs that fall within bucket numbers 1 to 10.
sa.comm.vega.cross. otherbucket.correlation [50.75] Correlations γbc for all cross-bucket pairs that include bucket 11.

The other categories include parameters set as matrices:

  1. “Interest Rate Delta Correlation” category sets correlations defined in [MAR50.56](4)
  2. “Counterparty Credit Spread Delta Cross Bucket Correlation” category sets correlations defined in [MAR50.64]
  3. “Reference Credit Cross Bucket Correlation” category sets correlations defined in [MAR50.67]
  4. “Sa Cva Vega Risk Weight” displays vega risk weights variables RWσ and c set in [MAR50.58](3), [MAR50.62](3), [MAR50.69](3), [MAR50.73](3), [MAR50.77](3)
  5. “Interest Rate Delta Risk Weight” category sets risk weights defined in [MAR50.56](3)
  6. “Counterparty Credit Spread Delta Risk Weight” category sets out risk weights defined in [MAR50.65](3)
  7. “Reference Credit Delta Risk Weight” category sets out risk weights defined in [MAR50.68](3)
  8. “Equity Delta Risk Weight” category sets out risk weights defined in [MAR50.72](3)
  9. “Commodity Delta Risk WEight” category sets out risk weights defined in [MAR50.76](3)
  10. “Liquid Interest Rate Currency” sets the list of currencies for the purposes of [MAR50.56]

See also