
File purpose

The logback-test.xml file defines the logback configuration for Atoti CVA Risk Capital in testing.

File location

The file is located in the folder cvarc-starter\src\main\resources.

File values


The logback-test.xml file uses Logback configuration. See the official Logback documentation for details about Logback concepts: https://logback.qos.ch/documentation.html

Element Attribute Value Description
<property> name LOGS Name of the property used to define the folder in which the logs will be printed out.
value ./logs Value of that property.
<appender> name Console The name of the Logback appender used for logging.
class ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender The implementation Logback appender used for logging.
<layout> class ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout The implementation Logback pattern layout used for logging.
<pattern> %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %logger%n%level: %message%n%n%throwable The formatting pattern of the logging output.
<appender> name RollingFile Rolling file appender.
class ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender Rolling file appender class.
<file> ${LOGS}/cvarc-accelerator.log The name of the log.
<encoder> class ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder The implementation Logback pattern layout encoder for logging.
<Pattern> %d %p %C{1.} [%t] %m%n The formatting pattern of the …
<rollingPolicy> class ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy Rolls over files primarily by date.
<fileNamePattern> ${LOGS}/archived/cvarc-accelerator-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.%i.log Name of the rolled-over log files.
<timeBasedFileNamingAndTriggeringPolicy> class ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedFNATP Specifies the rollover times. The rollover can be set up to occur once per day, per week, or per month.
<maxFileSize> 200GB Controls the maximum size of rolled-over files.
<logger> name org.springframework.core The logger for the Spring package that provides basic classes for exception handling and version detection, and other core helpers that are not specific to any part of the framework.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name org.springframework.util The logger for the Spring package that contains miscellaneous utility classes, such as utilities for working with strings, classes, collections, reflection, etc.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name org.springframework.beans The logger for the Spring package that contains interfaces and classes for manipulating Java beans.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name org.springframework.context The logger for the Spring package that builds on the beans package to add support for message sources and for the Observer design pattern, and the ability for application objects to obtain resources using a consistent API.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name org.springframework.web The logger for the Spring package that contains common, generic interfaces that define minimal boundary points between Spring’s web infrastructure and other framework modules.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name org.springframework.security The logger for Spring security.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.security The logger for Atoti Server security
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name quartetfs.activepivot.xmla The logger for the XMLA endpoints, connecting to Microsoft Excel or Tableau.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.monitoring.impl.XmlaMonitorListener Class used to output current time and size of XMLA response
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.webservices The logger for the core Atoti Server webservices package.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.streaming The logger for the core Atoti Server streaming package.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.quartetfs.tech.streaming The logger for Atoti Server streams (stateful components publishing events to a publishe)
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.qfs.pivot.rest.discovery The logger for the Atoti Server discovery service.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.qfs.pivot.rest.query The logger for the Atoti Server queries service.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger
<logger> name com.quartetfs.pivot.mdx The logger for the MDX engine.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.impl.TimerActivePivotQueryExecutor A simple query executor that times each query that goes through it, and logs the timings at the Level.INFO
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.impl.ActivePivotVersion The logger for the Atoti Server version instance.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.query.aggregates The logger for the retrieval of aggregated values.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.postprocessing The logger for Atoti Server post-processors.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name org.springframework.http The logger for the Spring package containing a basic abstraction over client/server-side HTTP.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name org.springframework.remoting The logger for the exception hierarchy for Spring’s remoting infrastructure, independent of any specific remote method invocation system.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.qfs.pivot.websocket The logger for the Atoti Server websockets.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.qfs.msg The logger for the handling of messages in the Composer.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.qfs.msg.csv The logger for the handling of messages related to CSV sources in the Composer.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.qfs.msg.csv.impl.Parser The logger for the class that parses a char buffer into records.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.qfs.store The logger for classes related to stores in the Datastore.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.qfs.store.transaction The logger for classes related to transactions in the Datastore.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.quartetfs.biz.pivot.transaction The logger for classes related to transactions in the cubes.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<logger> name com.qfs.util.timing The logger for classes related to the Atoti Server stopwatch.
level INFO The level of printed out logs for that logger.
<root> level INFO Root logger level.
<appender-ref> ref RollingFile The name of the Logback appender used by the root logger.
<appender-ref> ref Console The name of the Logback appender used by the root logger.
<contextListener> class ch.qos.logback.classic.jul.LevelChangePropagator Implementation of the Logback context listener.
<resetJUL> true Flag used to reset all previous level configurations of all j.u.l. loggers.