Sign-Off default implementation

The Sign-Off Module is provided in two logical blocks:

  • Core: Represents code that generally is not modified by clients. It comprises the workflow mechanisms and will be maintained by ActiveViam. See Sign-Off Core.

  • Starter: Represents the sample implementation. It is essentially a starter project on which customizations are likely be made, to conform with client data models, structures, naming conventions, etc.

    It provides the definition of the workflows used for the sign-off operations.

Modules and artifacts

The Maven modules represent a complete workflow approval project. The goals of the default implementation are to provide:

  • A complete out-of-the-box project that loads files in our file format (compiles to executable JAR files).
  • Starting point for any workflow approval project.
  • Sample code demonstrating how to use the core.

The default implementation configures the Core and uses it for all workflow processes.

Below is a list of all the maven modules that form the default implementation of the Sign-Off Module.

Module name Delivery Type Description
workflow-core Source code Contains the code to handle generic operations on workflows and the interaction with Activiti for the execution of the workflows.
signoff-activeviam Source code Configuration classes and abstract classes used for the definition of the datastore that caches data present in the databases.
signoff-starter Source code Sample implementation where the Activiti workflows are defined. Client customization should be done in this module.

Artifact signoff-ext

The signoff-ext artifact contains the DTO classes that are used to invoke RESTful services on the Accelerator back-end, for example, export operations. This artifact is a dependency of both the Sign-Off module and the Accelerator server. See the signoff-ext module documentation.

For full details on the Sign-Off default implementation, see the following topics: