Sign-Off Adjustment support

Supported Adjustments

Interfaces and implementations that allow the Sign-Off Module to request from the application server the list of supported adjustment types and the required inputs for adjustment execution.


An interface allowing retrieval of:

  • The full set of supported adjustments
  • Supported adjustments for a given measure name
  • A specific adjustment, by key
  • A set of rejected adjustment types


An implementation of the ISignOffSupportedAdjustmentsService interface.

The service forwards the requests to the application server identified by the “serverName” input. See SupportedAdjustmentsService in the signoff-ext module documentation for details about the service on the application server side.


DTO Description
TypedFieldDTO Data object containing a field name and a type.
LevelTypedFieldDTO Extension of the TypedFieldDTO object, with an added levelPath property.
SupportedAdjustmentDTO Data object for the definition of the supported adjustment. Holds information about:
* The stores the adjustment applies to
* Required filters (as a set of LevelTypedFieldDTO)
* Supported measures
* Required inputs (as a set of TypedFieldDTO)

Adjustment execution

Interfaces and implementations to allow the submission of adjustments requests.

ISignOffAdjustmentExecutionService interface

An interface providing an adjustment execution endpoint which returns an execution ID for use with the status service.


An implementation of the ISignOffAdjustmentExecutionService interface.

The service forwards the requests to the application server identified by the “serverName” field in the AuditableAdjustmentRequestDTO object. See AdjustmentExecutionService in the signoff-ext module documentation for details about the service on the application server side.


DTO Description
NamedValueDTO Data object containing a name and a value.
AuditableAdjustmentRequestDTO Request object defining:
* The server name to which the execution request is sent
* The key of the adjustment type
* The user and task for which the adjustment is requested
* A set of NamedValueDTO filters
* A set of measures for which the adjustment applies and the required input (as a set of NamedValueDTO) .

Execution status

Interfaces and implementations that publish the status of a given adjustment request.

ISignOffAdjustmentStatusService interface

An interface containing an endpoint for the retrieval of the status of an execution task.


An implementation of the ISignOffAdjustmentStatusService interface.

The service forwards the requests to the application server identified by the “serverName” field in the AuditableAdjustmentRequestDTO object. See AdjustmentStatusService in the signoff-ext module documentation for details about the service on the application server side.


DTO Description
Status An enum object holding the status of an execution task for the execution Id.

The Status Enum

The Status Enum provides a set of possible statuses for an execution:

  • Requested
  • Pending
  • Executed
  • Failed
  • Cancelled
  • Deleting
  • Deleted

Further Reading

REST services

All adjustment services are also wrapped in REST services for interoperability. For more information, see SignOff REST endpoints

REST Service Details
SignOffSupportedAdjustmentsRestService * Supported adjustments retrieval (including by measure - see SignOffSupportedAdjustmentsService)
* Rejected adjustments retrieval (see SignOffSupportedAdjustmentsService)
SignOffAdjustmentExecutionRestService * Adjustment execution (see SignOffAdjustmentExecutionService
SignOffAdjustmentStatusRestService * Status retrieval (see SignOffAdjustmentStatusService)