Navigation :
test ../../../ test dev.html
Developer Guide
test ../../../ test dev/dev-release.html
Release and migration notes
test ../../../ test dev/getting-started.html
Getting started
test ../../../ test dev/dev-ui-config.html
Configuring the UI
test ../../../ test dev/dev-extensions.html
Extending the Module
test ../../../ test dev/integration.html
How to Connect Limits to an Atoti Server
test ../../../ test dev/persistence.html
test ../../../ test dev/alert-tasks.html
Evaluating Limits
test ../../../ test dev/scopes.html
Limit scopes
test ../../../ test dev/limit-workflow.html
Limit Workflow
test ../../../ test dev/date-roll.html
- Date Roll
test ../../../ test dev/rest-services.html
- REST Services
test ../../../ test dev/roles.html
Roles and Permissions
test ../../../ test user-ref.html
User & Reference Guide
test ../../../ test user-ref/limits-overview.html
Atoti Limits Overview
test ../../../ test user-ref/whats-new.html
- What's New
test ../../../ test user-ref/videos.html
- Video walk-throughs
test ../../../ test user-ref/using-limits.html
Manage limits
test ../../../ test user-ref/manage-incidents.html
Manage incidents
test ../../../ test user-ref/input-files.html
Input file formats
test ../../../ test user-ref/cube.html
Cube reference
test ../../../ test user-ref/cube/dimensions.html
test ../../../ test user-ref/cube/measures.html
test ../../../ test user-ref/cube/measures/limits-cube.html
Limits cube
test ../../../ test user-ref/cube/measures/business-cube.html
Business cubes
test ../../../ test user-ref/cube/available_amount.html
---- Available Amount
test ../../../ test user-ref/cube/utilization_percentage.html
---- Utilization %
test ../../../ test user-ref/properties.html
test ../../../ test user-ref/datastore.html
Business cubes
Atoti Limits decorates the cubes on the business server with additional measures (created as calculated members)
that are useful for monitoring and analyzing the limits. These measures are created in the connected server’s cube
and are linked with the limit KPI from which they are derived.
This section describes these measures.
Please refer to the Atoti UI User Guide to learn about finding and displaying the measures using widgets.