Navigation : test ../../../ test dev.html Developer Guide test ../../../ test dev/getting-started/build-deploy.html - Building and deploying the module test ../../../ test dev/getting-started/dev-configure.html - Configuring Atoti Limits test ../../../ test user-ref.html User & Reference Guide test ../../../ test user-ref/limits-overview.html - Atoti Limits Overview test ../../../ test user-ref/whats-new.html - What's New test ../../../ test user-ref/videos.html - Video walk-throughs test ../../../ test user-ref/using-limits.html - Manage limits test ../../../ test user-ref/manage-incidents.html - Manage incidents test ../../../ test user-ref/input-files.html - Input file formats test ../../../ test user-ref/cube.html - Cube reference test ../../../ test user-ref/cube/dimensions.html -- Dimensions test ../../../ test user-ref/cube/dimensions/evaluation.html --- Evaluation test ../../../ test user-ref/cube/dimensions/evaluation-date.html --- Evaluation Date test ../../../ test user-ref/cube/dimensions/limit.html --- Limit test ../../../ test user-ref/cube/dimensions/limit-structure.html --- Limit Structure test ../../../ test user-ref/cube/dimensions/technical.html --- Technical test ../../../ test user-ref/cube/evaluation-key.html ---- Evaluation Key test ../../../ test user-ref/cube/limitid.html ---- limitId test ../../../ test user-ref/cube/system-state.html ---- System State test ../../../ test user-ref/cube/measures.html -- Measures test ../../../ test user-ref/properties.html - Properties test ../../../ test user-ref/datastore.html - Datastores Technical The Technical dimension contains the following hierarchies: Evaluation Key limitId System State Warning Threshold Evaluation Key