Alerts Definition

This object contains data on breaches and warnings identified by AlertTasks.


Column Key Type Description
Limit ID N long Limit reference from the golden source.
Name Y string Limit name used as KPI name in the business cube.
Start Date Y timestamp Effective Start Date
End Date Y timestamp Effective End Date
Polling Frequency Y string Specifies how often the limits are evaluated against the business cubes.
Limit Ccy N string Currency in which the value of the KPI is expressed.
Scope N string This determines which members the new limit applies to. You can choose any level of the currently selected cube and a corresponding value from said level. An example scope filter is “Desk=Rates”. Multiple scope filters can be added to a single limit definition. Every scope filter is separated by a pipe.
Breach or Warning N list of double A breach or warning is created during the evaluation.
Measure Value N integer The value of the measure which is breaching the limit.
KPI Type N string The KPI type: Greater Than or Less Than.
Limit Value N integer The limit value.
Level Member N string The Level member where the breach was detected (only when scope is wildcard).
Cube Name Y string The business cube where the KPI is created.
Server Name Y string The business ActivePivot instance which contains the business cube.
MDX N string The MDX query used to detect the breach.
BreachCount N integer The number of breaches on a measure.
Evaluation Timestamp Y timestamp Timestamp of when the breach or warning was detected by AlertTask.
Session ID N string Unique ID created at server startup shared by all alert store tuples.
limitKey Y integer Unique reference to a single limit definition from the Limits Definition datastore.