Atoti+ Python

This section walks you through integrating the Limits Module with the Atoti+ Python API.


The process differs between Limits 1.1.0 and earlier releases. Please see the previous release notes if you are connecting the Atoti+ Python API with a Limits 1.0.X release.


Tool Minimum Version
Atoti+ Python API 0.6.4



We have created and published a python plugin that will allow the Python API to auto-connect to a running Limits server once the session and cube have been created. To use the plugin:

Steps to connect

1. Install the plugin


In order to install the plugin a user must be in the Crowd groups granting them access to the required Artifactory repositories. If the use does not already have access they should contact the Customer Success team.

Like the core atoti package and the other plugin packages, atoti-limits can be installed as a Python package or as a Conda package but pip, poetry , or conda need some extra configuration to be able to download the package from private repositories.

In the commands below, replace {{username}} and {{password}} with your credentials, escaping them if they contain reserved characters.

pip install atoti-limits --extra-index-url https://{{username}}:{{password}}

First, follow Poetry’s instructions to configure as a private repository:

# Name our repo `jfrog`
poetry source add jfrog

# Note that if your password contains reserved characters you should enclose it in quotes (eg `pa$$word`)
# Percent-encoding will not work here
poetry config http-basic.jfrog <username> <password>


poetry add atoti-limits

Add the atoti channel:

conda config --add channels https://{{username}}:{{password}}

Install atoti-limits:

conda install atoti-limits

2. Start the Limits server

Start the Limits server using the installation instructions and wait for a connection request.

3. Start the Python API

Create a session using the Python API, create a cube and wait for the python API to connect to the running Limits server. By default, the atoti-limits plugin will attempt to connect to Limits using the following properties:

Property Default http://localhost:3090/limits/rest/v1/
limits.auth YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
ap.auth YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
content.server.auth YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=

Note that it is no longer required to register the LookUpPostProcessor as per previous Limits versions.

Example code to create the session and cube would look as follows:

import atoti as tt
from atoti import Session

# Create the session
session = tt.Session(

# At this point the Atoti+ session will attempt to connect to Limits. However, as the cube 
# has not yet been created the connection request will not be sent.

# So let's create the cube:
# 1. Create the data table
        "CarName": tt.type.STRING,
        "Price": tt.type.FLOAT,
        "Date": tt.type.LOCAL_DATE,
    keys=["CarName", "Date"]

# Note that we need to supply a slicing "Date" hierarchy. This is required by the LookUpPostProcessor 
# to evaluate the Limit.

# 2. Load some data into the table

# 3. Create the cube from the table
cube = session.create_cube(

# 4. Set the date hierarchy as slicing, as per above 
cube.hierarchies["Date"].slicing = True

At this point the Atoti+ session will send a connection request to the running Limits server and Limits will connect to the cube.

Limits is registered!

Now your Atoti+ instance is ready to wire into the Limits module.

You can now create Limit definitions in the Limits Module and configure the Limits Module to use your Atoti+ instance as an AP instance.