Date Roll

Limits uses the asOfDate.csv file to roll the date. This file sets the asOfDate for the Limits application. The asOfDate is used for evaluating limits against connected accelerators.

The application assumes there is one AsOfDate. Every start of the business date, the Limits module expects the clients to send in as_of_date.csv with the new date to roll over the AsOfDate.

The Limits module uses the AsOfDate during the evaluation against the business cubes. It first queries the valid limit definitions where StartDate <= AsOfDate <= EndDate then composes the MDX queries with the AsOfDate against the business cubes.

How to roll the date

The client can roll the date by sending the updated as_of_date.csv file via Data Load Controller as following:

Restful end point: http://localhost:3090/custom/rest/load-controller/execute Method: Post

{ "operation":"LOAD",
"topics": ["AsOfDate"],
"scope": {