This post-processor computes the value at risk of a Double[] type metric.

import com.activeviam.accelerator.common.postprocessor.impl.VaR;

// ...
injectAll(ITailMeasureCalcAware.class, new TailMeasureCalc());

// ...
CopperMeasure pnlVector = Copper.sum("PnLVector");

CopperMeasure nop = VaR.measure(pnlVector, 99.0)

The post-processor uses one bean :

  • ITailMeasureCalc computes the worst PnL index that will be returned depending on the double array size.

If the confidence level is not set, the post-processor will use the IVaRConfidenceContextVal to retrieve it.

Here are the parameters of the measure function:

Parameters Type Mandatory Usage
underlyingMeasure CopperMeasure X The underlying measure, a double array that contains a PnL.
confidenceLevel Double An optional confidence level.