Date Shifting feature
Atoti Common Libraryprovides all the tools for the date slicing feature. It mainly provides a slicing post-processor and an analysis hierarchy.
The DateSlicerHierarchy
works with the shift post-processor. It provides a list of available dates
and specific dates such as Yesterday, Last End Of Month, and so on.
See the DateSlicerHierarchy documentation for how to set up the hierarchy.
This post-processor is derived from the NeighborValuePostProcessor
with the following extra features:
- It removes any filter set on the date hierarchy to allow the shift even if the date set has been filtered.
- It can shift depending on the
selected member in its setup.
For setup details, see UnfilteredDateShiftPostProcessor.
When used on a distributed environment, the nodes that don’t have specific level members won’t be part of a query.
That could be problematic when using some day-to-day features with the DateSlicerHierarchy
. For instance if we want to perform
the difference between today (2018-02-28) and 2018-02-25 by setting the DateSlicerHierarchy
to 2018-02-25, as today’s cube doesn’t hold 2018-02-25 it won’t be called for today’s date.
Therefore, this DefaultMemberHierarchyPostProcessor
resets the hierarchy to the default value.
For setup details, please see DefaultMemberHierarchyPostProcessor.
Metric | Post-Processor | Underlying |
DtD | Formula | Today, Shifted |
Shifted | UnfilteredDateShiftPostProcessor | Native |
Today | DefaultMemberHierarchyPostProcessor | Native |
Native |
Fixed days
The property SpecificDates
used by the DateSlicerHierarchy
and the UnfilteredDateShiftPostProcessor
is filled with the specific fixed date markers.
It is a comma-separated list of use value equals technical value, for instance: “Yesterday=DAY-1,Tomorrow=DAY+1,End Of Month=EOM-1,End Of Quarter=EOQ-1,End Of Year=EOY-1”
The technical value is composed of a three-character identifier followed by an integer.
The shifters are registered on the Atoti registry and implement the interface IMoveKind
Here are the possible provided values:
Key | Shifter | Number | Explanation |
DAY | DayMoveKind | number of days | Shifts the current day for a certain amount of days. |
EOM | EndOfMonthMoveKind | number of months | Shifts the current month for a certain amount and selects the last opened day. |
EOQ | EndOfQuarterMoveKind | number of quarters | Shifts the current quarter for a certain amount and selects the last opened day. |
EOY | EndOfYearMoveKind | number of years | Shifts the current year for a certain amount and selects the last opened day. |
WDA | WeekDayMoveKind | day of the week | Shifts to the last selected day of the week or before if the day is closed. |
The date shifts use an IBusinessDayCalendar
to find out the business days.
Here is the template to create a custom date shift:
@QuartetExtendedPluginValue(intf = IMoveKind.class, key = EndOfYearMoveKind.PLUGIN_KEY)
public class EndOfYearMoveKind implements IMoveKind {
public static final String PLUGIN_KEY = "EOY";
private final long amount;
public @NonNull LocalDate moveToBusinessDay(@NonNull LocalDate date, @NonNull IBusinessDayCalendar calendar) {
date = LocalDate.of(date.getYear() + 1, Month.JANUARY, 1).plusYears(amount);
return DayMoveKind.dayMove(date, calendar, -1);
public String getType() {
return PLUGIN_KEY;