activeUIOverlayRootIdThe id
that should be given to the ActiveUI overlay-root element.
applicationMenuItemAboutApplicationMenuItem that opens a modal displaying the versions of ActivePivot and ActiveUI.
applicationMenuItemAddSavedWidgetApplication menu item for adding a saved widget into the dashboard.
applicationMenuItemDocumentationApplicationMenuItem that opens the documentation in a new tab.
applicationMenuItemInsertSavedFiltersApplication menu item for inserting saved filters to the selected widget.
applicationMenuItemInsertSavedMeasuresApplication menu item for inserting saved measures into the selected widget.
applicationMenuItemSurveyApplicationMenuItem that opens the user survey in a new tab.
applicationSubMenuHelpApplicationSubMenu containing menu items to give information about Atoti UI, in particular: - applicationMenuItemAbout - applicationMenuItemDocumentation - applicationMenuItemSurvey
darkActiveViamThemeThe default dark theme.
drawerQueryContextEditorDrawer allowing to edit the query context of a target widget, page or dashboard.
drawerQueryEditorDrawer allowing to see and edit the MDX query of the selected widget.
drawerStateEditorDrawer allowing to see and edit the widgetState
of the selected widget. In particular, this drawer can be handy to manually edit the configuration of charts.
drawerStyleEditorDrawer allowing to see and edit the style of the selected widget.
getParentPathsReturns the paths to the parents of the nodes identified by the given paths
isMdxCompoundIdentifierReturns whether mdx
represents a compound identifier.
isMdxFunctionReturns whether mdx
represents a function. The name attribute is optional. If given, it must be in all lowercase.
lightActiveViamThemeThe default light theme.
opacitizeReturns the rgba color corresponding to the given color with the given opacity
pluginCellPivotTableCellPlugin allowing users to expand header cells and sort columns in a CellSet table.
pluginCellStyleDrillthroughTableCellStylePlugin adding an alternate backgrounds to rows and indicating changing cells.
pluginCellStylePivotTableCellStylePlugin hiding neighboring header cells with the same value and adding an alternate background to leaf rows.
pluginCellStyleTableCellStylePlugin hiding neighboring header cells with the same value and adding an alternate background to leaf rows.
pluginCellTableCellPlugin displaying a cell in a table.
pluginCellTreeTableCellPlugin displaying the row header of a pivot table as a tree and allowing users to expand header cells and sort columns.
pluginMenuItemCopyQueryMenuItemPlugin allowing to copy the MDX query of a widget, if it has one.
pluginMenuItemDuplicateWidgetMenuItemPlugin allowing to duplicate a widget in a dashboard.
pluginMenuItemExportDrillthroughToCsvMenuItemPlugin allowing to download the data represented by a drillthrough widget as a CSV file.
pluginMenuItemExportToCsvMenuItemPlugin allowing to download the data represented by a widget as a CSV file.
pluginMenuItemFilterOnEverythingButSelectionMenuItemPlugin allowing to filter a widget and/or its siblings by showing everything except what is selected.
pluginMenuItemFilterOnSelectionMenuItemPlugin allowing to filter a widget and/or its siblings on its current selection.
pluginMenuItemFullScreenMenuItemPlugin allowing to display a widget in full screen.
pluginMenuItemHideColumnsMenuItemPlugin allowing to hide columns in a table widget.
pluginMenuItemOpenDrillthroughMenuItemPlugin allowing to open a drillthrough from a data visualization widget.
pluginMenuItemRefreshQueryMenuItemPlugin allowing to refresh a widget.
pluginMenuItemRemoveSortMenuItemPlugin allowing to remove sorting on a data visualization widget.
pluginMenuItemRemoveWidgetMenuItemPlugin allowing to remove a widget.
pluginMenuItemSaveWidgetMenuItemPlugin allowing to save a widget from within a dashboard.
pluginMenuItemSaveWidgetAsMenuItemPlugin allowing to save a new widget from within a dashboard.
pluginMenuItemShowHideChartTotalsMenuItemPlugin allowing to show and hide totals on a bar, line or column Plotly chart widget.
pluginMenuItemShowHideTotalsMenuItemPlugin allowing to show and hide totals on a data visualization widget.
pluginMenuItemSortChartAscendinglyMenuItemPlugin allowing to sort a chart widget ascendingly.
pluginMenuItemSortChartDescendinglyMenuItemPlugin allowing to sort a chart widget descendingly.
pluginMenuItemSortDrillthroughTableAscendinglyMenuItemPlugin allowing to sort a drillthrough table ascendingly.
pluginMenuItemSortDrillthroughTableDescendinglyMenuItemPlugin allowing to sort a drillthrough table descendingly.
pluginMenuItemSortPivotTableAscendinglyMenuItemPlugin allowing to sort a widget representing a CellSet ascendingly without breaking the hierarchies.
pluginMenuItemSortPivotTableDescendinglyMenuItemPlugin allowing to sort a widget representing a CellSet descendingly without breaking the hierarchies.
pluginMenuItemSortTableAscendinglyMenuItemPlugin allowing to sort a widget representing a CellSet ascendingly without regard to the hierarchy.
pluginMenuItemSortTableDescendinglyMenuItemPlugin allowing to sort a widget representing a CellSet descendingly without regard to the hierarchy.
pluginMenuItemSwitchQuickFilterModeMenuItemPlugin allowing to change the display mode of a quick filter widget.
pluginMenuItemSynchronizeSavedWidgetMenuItemPlugin allowing to synchronize a widget in a dashboard with its original saved widget's latest version on the content server.
pluginSelectionListenerFilterOtherWidgetsSelectionListenerPlugin automatically filtering other widgets in the dashboard page based on the selection on the target widget, each time this selection changes.
pluginTitlebarButtonEditTextWidgetTitleBarButtonPlugin allowing to put a pluginWidgetTextEditor widget in edit mode.
pluginTitleBarButtonFullScreenTitleBarButtonPlugin allowing to display a widget in full screen.
pluginTitleBarButtonRemoveWidgetTitleBarButtonPlugin allowing to remove a widget.
pluginTitleBarButtonToggleQueryModeTitleBarButtonPlugin allowing to toggle a widget's query between realtime and paused.
pluginWidgetDrillthroughTableTableWidgetPlugin running an MdxDrillthrough query and presenting its result as a table.
pluginWidgetKpiData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying one or several high level KPIs. Can optionally be used to display comparisons of KPIs, for instance across 2 dates or 2 scenarios. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPivotTableData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a pivot table. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotly100StackedAreaChartData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly stacked area chart, normalized in order to highlight the relative contribution of each series to each point on the X axis. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotly100StackedBarChartData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly stacked bar chart, normalized in order to highlight the relative contribution of each series to each point on the Y axis. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotly100StackedColumnChartData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly stacked column chart, normalized in order to highlight the relative contribution of each series to each point on the X axis. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotlyAreaChartData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly area chart. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotlyBulletChartData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly bullet chart. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotlyClusteredBarChartData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly clustered bar chart. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotlyClusteredColumnChartData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly clustered column chart. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotlyComboChartData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly "columns and lines" chart. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotlyDonutChartData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly donut chart. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotlyGaugeChartData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly gauge chart. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotlyLineChartData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly line chart. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotlyPieChartData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly pie chart. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotlyRadarChartData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly radar chart. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotlyScatterPlotData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly scatter plot. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotlyStackedAreaChartData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly stacked area chart. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotlyStackedBarChartData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly stacked bar chart. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotlyStackedColumnChartData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly stacked column chart. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotlyTreeMapData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly treemap. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetPlotlyWaterfallChartData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a Plotly waterfall chart. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetQuickFilterWidgetPlugin displaying a Component allowing to select members of a chosen hierarchy, in order to filter all widgets in the dashboard page on these members.
pluginWidgetTableData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a table. Can be switched to any other data visualization widget plugin.
pluginWidgetTextEditorText editor WidgetPlugin with Markdown
support. It offers an edit
and a view
mode. - Dashboard builders can use the edit mode to document a dashboard or one of its pages, before sharing it.
pluginWidgetTreeTableData visualization WidgetPlugin displaying a tree table. A tree table is just like a pivot table, but the columns of its row header are squashed together. These columns are displayed as a tree.
traverseMdxWalks through mdx
recursively and calls callback
on each node. If callback
explicitly returns false
when evaluated on a node, the function execution is stopped, and false
is returned.