AccessLogProperty | Type | Description |
id | string | |
lastOpened | number |
ActionThe Redux actions dispatched by ActiveUI to update its state.
- ActivePageChangedAction
- ActiveDrawerChangedAction
- DashboardLoadedAction
- DashboardUnloadedAction
- DashboardUpdatedAction
- DashboardSavedAction
- IsOpenDashboardPopupVisibleAction
- IsPresentingAction
- StatusNotificationAddedAction
- StatusNotificationSettledAction
- StatusNotificationRemovedAction
- IsSavingAction
- IsDeferredAction
- WidgetSelectedAction
- ExpandedFolderPathsInHomePageAction
ActionProps- WidgetActionProps<WidgetState, SelectionType>
- WidgetInDashboardActionProps<WidgetState, SelectionType>
ActiveDrawerChangedActionRedux action to change the active drawer. See activeDrawerKey
in State.
Property | Type | Description |
drawerKey | string | null | |
type | "activeDrawerChanged" |
ActivePageChangedActionRedux action to change the active dashboard page. See activePageKey
in State.
Property | Type | Description |
pageKey | string | |
type | "activePageChanged" |
ActivePivotClientProvides methods to interact with an ActivePivot server:
Allows to run MDX queries against ActivePivot via a websocket.
Allows to perform REST calls against ActivePivot.
Property | Type | Description |
url | string | The server's URL. |
webServiceVersion | ServiceVersion | The version of the APIs offered by the server's REST and websocket endpoints. |
connectionStatus | ConnectionStatus | The current connection status of the client. |
dataModel | DataModel | undefined | The DataModel if it is already loaded. See loadDataModel . |
drillthroughColumns | { [cubeName: string]: { drillthroughColumns?: DrillthroughColumn[]; isLoading: boolean; error?: Error; }; } | The list of DrillthrouhgColumn per cube, if they are already loaded. See loadDrillthroughColumns . |
Method | Description |
addConnectionStatusListener | Registers listener to be called whenever the client status changes. |
addDataModelListener | Registers listener to be called whenever the data model changes. |
addDrillthroughColumnsListener | Registers listener to be called whenever the drillthrough columns change. |
addQueryListener | Registers listener to be called whenever the Query identified by queryId is updated. listener is also called synchronously once, in case this query already exists. |
addQueryResultListener | Registers listener to be called whenever a new QueryResult is received for the Query identified by queryId . listener is also called synchronously once, in case results were already received for this query. |
connect | Asynchronously connects the client to the ActivePivot server's query streaming service. Resolves immediately if the client is already connected. |
disconnect | Disconnects the client from the ActivePivot server's query streaming service. |
fetchAvailableDrillthroughColumns | Deprecated: use activepivotClient.drillthroughColumns instead. Asynchronously returns the list of available DrillthroughColumn for query . |
getQuery | Returns the Query identified by queryId if it exists. |
getQueryResult | Returns the latest QueryResult for the Query identified by queryId . |
loadDataModel | Asynchronously loads the DataModel, making it available through ActivePivotClient. Can be called several times to load an up-to-date version. |
loadDrillthroughColumns | Asynchronously loads the list of DrillthroughColumn for cube cubeName , making it available through ActivePivotClient. |
refreshQuery | Re-executes a paused query once. |
removeConnectionStatusListener | Removes listener and stops calling it whenever the client status changes. |
removeDataModelListener | Removes listener and stops calling it whenever the data model changes. |
removeDrillthroughColumnsListener | Removes listener and stops calling it whenever the drillthrough columns change. |
removeQueryListener | Removes listener and stops calling it when the Query identified by queryId is updated. |
removeQueryResultListener | Removes listener and stops calling it when a new QueryResult is received for the Query identified by queryId . If it was the last listener on the results of the Query identified by queryId , stops the query. |
setQuery | Updates the Query identified by queryId or register it if it did not exist. Marks the query as loading and sends a message to the server. |
ActivityInformation about the past usage of ActiveUI by the current user. Useful to provide shortcuts to recently used elements, and more. Regroups all pieces of information stored on the Content Server, belonging to a user and which are not settings.
Property | Type | Description |
recentlyOpenedDashboards | AccessLog[] | The ids of the dashboards recently opened by the current user, ordered by last opened |
userFilters | (T extends "serialized" ? MdxString : Mdx)[] | Filters attached to the current user and applying to all dashboards she visits. |
userQueryContext | QueryContextEntry[] | Query context attached to the current user and applying to all dashboards they visit. |
ActivityListener(value: Activity[K]) => void
ADataModelNodeA node in a data model tree, under a cube.
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
cubeName | string | |
serverKey | string |
AFilterA filter is always contextual to a hierarchy
HierarchyCoordinates & {
isExclusionFilter?: boolean;
AllMeasuresInMappingA tile in the widget mapping, representing all measures.
Property | Type | Description |
type | "allMeasures" |
AMdxCompoundIdentifierThe common attributes shared by all types of MdxCompoundIdentifier.
Property | Type | Description |
elementType | "CompoundIdentifier" | |
identifiers | MdxIdentifier[] |
AMetaDataProperty | Type | Description |
isFolder | boolean | |
name | string |
ANodeProperty | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean |
ApiKey- "sentinel"
- "jwt"
- "pivot"
- "repository"
- "content"
- "reporting"
- "activeviam/sentinel"
- "activeviam/jwt"
- "activeviam/pivot"
- "activeviam/repository"
- "activeviam/content"
- "activeviam/reporting"
APluginType extended by every plugin type. Each plugin must specify its key and can come with its own translations.
Property | Type | Description |
key | string | |
translations | { [locale: string]: TranslationTree<string>; } |
ApplicationMenuAn Antd.Menu.SubMenu that contains the submenu itself, and its children. The children can be more subMenus, or menuItems.
Property | Type | Description |
children | (ApplicationMenu | ApplicationMenuItem)[] | |
component | ComponentType | By convention, always an Antd.Menu.SubMenu. |
key | string |
ApplicationMenuItemAn Antd.Menu.Item that is displayed in the application menu.
Property | Type | Description |
component | ComponentType | By convention, always an Antd.Menu.Item. |
key | string |
Argument- "PLACE_HOLDER" /** * boolean, int, double, date, … */
- "SCALAR" /** * function keyword */
- "KEYWORD" /** * string (means will be surrounded by single quotes) */
AttributeRoleAttribute roles define what happens when the user switches from one type of widget to another. For instance, when the user switches from a pivot table to a line chart, the fields belonging to each role are mapped to the attributes of the same role in the target widget.
In the case of a line chart xAxis
is primaryOrdinal
, values
is primaryNumeric
, splitBy
is secondaryOrdinal
and secondaryValues
(values mapped to the secondary Y axis) is secondaryNumeric
. In the case of a pivot table rows
is primaryOrdinal
, measures
is primaryNumeric
and columns
is secondaryOrdinal
- "primaryNumeric"
- "primaryOrdinal"
- "secondaryNumeric"
- "secondaryOrdinal"
- "subplot"
AWidgetStateThe state of any widget. Note that this type is typically extended by each individual widget plugin. If linked to a saved widget, contains a reference to its id
and the version
that was used when the copy was made. See WidgetMetaData
IsLinkedToSavedWidget extends true ? AWidgetState<T, false> & {
version: number;
id: string;
hasDivergedFromOriginal: boolean;
} : {
isFullScreen?: boolean;
filters?: (T extends "serialized" ? MdxString : Mdx)[];
queryContext?: QueryContextEntry[];
name?: string;
widgetKey: string;
AxisProperty | Type | Description |
hierarchies | { dimension: DimensionName; hierarchy: HierarchyName; }[] | |
id | AxisId | |
maxLevelPerHierarchy | number[] | |
positions | Member[][] | |
range | AxisRange |
AxisId- -1
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
AxisName- "COLUMNS"
- "0"
- "ROWS"
- "1"
AxisRangeProperty | Type | Description |
from | number | |
to | number | |
axisLength | number | |
entireAxis | boolean |
BasicDashboardPropsProperty | Type | Description |
activePageKey | string | |
className | string | |
initialPageState | Omit<DashboardPageState, "name"> | |
isExportingToPDF | boolean | |
LeafComponent | ComponentType<LeafProps> | |
onActivePageChange | (newActivePageKey: string) => void | |
onChange | (newState: DashboardState) => void | |
onLoaded | () => void | |
onWidgetSelected | (newSelectedLeafKey: string) => void | |
selectedLeafKey | string | |
state | DashboardState | |
style | CSSProperties | |
tabBarExtraContent | ReactNode |
CalculatedMeasureMetaDataThe content of a calculated measure meta data file on the Content Server, representing a calculated measure in the calculated measure tree.
name: string;
isFolder?: boolean;
CatalogProperty | Type | Description |
cubes | Cube[] | |
name | string |
CatalogNodeA data model tree node representing a catalog
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
type | "catalog" |
CellProperty | Type | Description |
formattedValue | string | |
ordinal | number | |
properties | { [key in CellProperty]?: null | string | number | undefined; } | |
value | number | string |
CellIndicesIndices allowing to retrieve a cell in a cellSet.
rowIndex: number;
columnIndex: number;
cellIndex: number;
CellPluginPlugin useful for cell Components usable on table widgets.
Property | Type | Description |
key | string | |
translations | { [locale: string]: TranslationTree<string>; } | |
Cell | ForwardRefExoticComponent<CellPropsType & RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>> |
CellPluginForCellSetTableMost used variant of CellPlugin, suitable for table widgets representing a CellSet.
CellProperty- "BACK_COLOR"
CellPropsType extended by the props of CellPlugin Cell
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
className | string | |
columnIndex | number | |
height | number | |
isColumnFrozen | boolean | |
isRowFrozen | boolean | |
left | number | |
parentTotalRowIndex | number | |
rowIndex | number | |
size | "small" | "medium" | "large" | |
style | CSSProperties | |
top | number | |
value | string | number | |
width | number |
CellSetProperty | Type | Description |
axes | Axis[] | |
cells | Cell[] | |
cube | CubeName | |
defaultMembers | DefaultMember[] | |
epoch | number |
CellSetAxesSelectionThe tuples and levels corresponding to the selected positions (which can be headers in a table or ticks on a chart's axes).
- { id: AxisId; hierarchies?: (LevelCoordinates
- {
dimensionName: "Measures";
hierarchyName: "Measures";
positions?: Tuple[];
positionIndices?: number[];
CellSetCellsSelectionThe tuple and value corresponding to each selected Cell (which can be body cells in a table, or points on a chart).
- { tuple: Tuple; value?: number
- string; }[]
CellSetSelectionA selection of cells, positions and levels in a CellSet.
axes?: CellSetAxesSelection;
cells?: CellSetCellsSelection;
CellSetTableBodyCellPropsThe props of body cells in a CellSetTable.
LoadingTableCellProps & DerivedCellSetTableBodyCellProps
CellSetTableCellPropsThe props of cells in a CellSetTable.
- LoadingTableCellProps
- CellSetTableBodyCellProps
- CellSetTableHeaderCellProps
- CellSetTableStaticHeaderCellProps
CellSetTableHeaderCellPropsThe props of header cells in a CellSetTable.
LoadingTableCellProps & DerivedCellSetTableHeaderCellProps
CellSetTableStaticHeaderCellPropsThe props of static header cells in a CellSetTable.
LoadingTableCellProps & DerivedCellSetTableStaticHeaderCellProps
CellStylePluginPlugin useful to provide style to cells in table widgets.
Property | Type | Description |
key | string | |
translations | { [locale: string]: TranslationTree<string>; } | |
withCellStyle | <T extends CellPropsType = CellPropsType>(CellComponent: ForwardRefExoticComponent<T & RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>) => ForwardRefExoticComponent<PropsWithoutRef<T> & RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>> |
CellStylePluginForCellSetTableMost used variant of CellStylePlugin, suitable for table widgets representing a CellSet.
ClientParent interface for ActivePivot/Content Server/ActiveMonitor clients.
Property | Type | Description |
url | string | The server's URL. |
webServiceVersion | ServiceVersion | The version of the APIs offered by the server's REST and websocket endpoints. |
ClientsProperty | Type | Description |
activePivot | { [serverKey: string]: ActivePivotClient; } | |
contentClient | ContentClient |
ColorA string representing a color.
CompositeHierarchyInMappingA tile in the widget mapping, representing 2 hierarchies glued together. This can be created through an "expand by" action on a pivot table.
Property | Type | Description |
hierarchies | (LevelCoordinates & { expandedDownTo?: LevelName; })[] | |
type | "compositeHierarchy" |
ConfigurationObject describing how ActiveUI is configured. In particular, it describes which Plugins are registered, which has an impact both on the application functionalities and on the bundle size.
Property | Type | Description |
applicationName | string | |
drawers | Drawer[] | |
higherOrderComponents | ((wrappedComponent: ComponentType) => ComponentType)[] | Higher-order components (HOCs) wrapping the application. In particular, it allows to provide React contexts.See https://reactjs.org/docs/higher-order-components.html |
initialDashboardPageState | Omit<DashboardPageState, "name"> | |
leftApplicationMenu | (ApplicationMenu | ApplicationMenuItem)[] | Controls the menu items on the left of the header. They are usually specific to dashboards. |
pathToHome | string | The path to the ActiveUI home page. |
pluginRegistry | PluginRegistry | |
rightApplicationMenu | (ApplicationMenu | ApplicationMenuItem)[] | Controls the menu items on the right of the header. They are typically always available. |
storeEnhancers | StoreEnhancer[] | Redux store enhancers, allowing extensions to hook into the state of ActiveUI.It can be used by an extension to: - inject its own state into ActiveUI, so that the extension itself and other extensions can consume it - react to actions dispatched by ActiveUI or other extensionsThe store enhancers are composed, which allows to split state management on a per-extension basis.See https://redux.js.org/usage/configuring-your-store#extending-redux-functionality |
themes | { [themeKey: string]: Partial<Theme> & { primaryColor: Color; }; } | |
widgetLoadingOverlay | ComponentType<LoadingOverlayProps> | An overlay shown while a widget is loading. |
ConnectionStatusThe connection status of an ActivePivotClient. When "connected", queries can be run against it using useQueryResult.
- "disconnected"
- "connecting"
- "connected"
ContainingMode- "startsWith"
- "doesNotStartWith"
- "endsWith"
- "doesNotEndWith"
- "contains"
- "doesNotContain"
ContentClientProvides methods to interact with the Content Server.
Property | Type | Description |
url | string | The server's URL. |
webServiceVersion | ServiceVersion | The version of the APIs offered by the server's REST and websocket endpoints. |
Method | Description |
addActivityListener | Registers listener to be called whenever the value of the activity identified by activityKey is updated. |
addPermissionListener | Registers listener to be called whenever the value of the permission identified by permissionKey is updated. |
addSettingListener | Registers listener to be called whenever the value of the setting identified by settingKey is updated. |
addTreeListener | Registers listener to be called whenever the dashboards, filters, or widgets tree is reloaded. |
createFile | Asynchronously creates a dashboard or a widget file on the Content Server. Returns its id. |
createFolder | Asynchronously creates a dashboard or a widget folder on the Content Server. Returns its id. |
deleteFile | Asynchronously deletes a dashboard or a widget file on the Content Server. |
deleteFilesAndFolders | Asynchronously deletes the selected files and folders of type on the Content Server. |
deleteFolder | Asynchronously deletes a dashboard or a widget folder on the Content Server. |
fetchFile | Asynchronously returns the content of a dashboard or a widget file on the Content Server. Includes the file's metadata unless withMetaData: false is given, in which case pathToFolder is optional. |
fetchThumbnail | Asynchronously returns the thumbnail at path if it exists, undefined otherwise. |
fetchThumbnails | Asynchronously returns all accessible thumbnails in pathToFolder . Does not return thumbnails of subfolders. Returns a record object where values are the thumbnail images and keys are the ids of the files they relate to. |
getActivity | Returns the value of the activity identified by activityKey if it exists. |
getArePermissionsLoaded | Returns whether the permissions have been loaded by loadPermissions |
getAreSettingsLoaded | Returns whether the settings have been loaded by loadSettings |
getPermission | Returns the value of the permission identified by permissionKey , along with a flag indicating whether it is explicitly set in one of the permission files impacting the user. |
getSetting | Returns the value of the setting identified by settingKey if it exists. |
getTree | Returns the dashboards, filters, or widgets tree, if it is already loaded. |
loadActivity | Asynchronously loads the Activity of the current user and makes it available via getActivity . If the activity file's content is not a valid JSON object, a default empty activity object is loaded. |
loadPermissions | Asynchronously loads the permissions, making them available via getPermission . If one of the permissions file's content is not a valid JSON object, loads a set of default permissions values instead. |
loadSettings | Asynchronously loads the settings, making them available via getSetting . If one of the settings file's content is not a valid JSON object, loads a set of default settings values instead. |
loadTree | Asynchronously loads the tree of all accessible dashboards, widgets, filters or calculated measures. |
moveFile | Deprecated: use moveFiles instead. Asynchronously moves a dashboard or a widget into a folder on the Content Server. |
moveFiles | Asynchronously moves files from a same folder into a different folder on the Content Server. |
removeActivityListener | Removes listener and stops calling it when the value of the activity identified by activityKey is updated. |
removePermissionListener | Removes listener and stops calling it when the value of the permission identified by permissionKey is updated. |
removeSettingListener | Removes listener and stops calling it when the value of the setting identified by settingKey is updated. |
removeTreeListener | Removes listener and stops calling it whenever the dashboards or widgets tree is reloaded. |
updateActivity | Saves the new version of the user's Activity on the Content Server. |
updateFile | Asynchronously updates an existing dashboard or widget file on the Content Server. |
updateFilePermissions | Asynchronously updates an existing dashboard or widget file's permissions on the Content Server. |
updateFolder | Asynchronously updates an existing dashboard or widget folder on the Content Server. |
updateFolderPermissions | Asynchronously updates an existing folder's permissions on the Content Server. |
updatePermission | Asynchronously updates the value of the permission identified by key for the given user. Requires being authenticated as a user with admin priviledges. |
updateSetting | Asynchronously updates the value of the setting identified by key for the given user. |
ContentEntryProperty | Type | Description |
canRead | boolean | |
canWrite | boolean | |
content | Content | |
isDirectory | boolean | |
lastEditor | string | |
name | string | |
owners | string[] | |
readers | string[] | |
timestamp | number |
ContentNodeProperty | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
entry | ContentEntry<AMetaData> | |
id | string | |
metaData | MetaData | |
type | ContentNodeType |
ContentNodeType- "file"
- "folder"
- "server"
ContentRecordProperty | Type | Description |
children | { [childName: string]: ContentRecord<Content>; } | |
entry | ContentEntry<Content> |
ContentTreeMenuItemPropsProperty | Type | Description |
contentTree | ContentRecord | |
contentType | ContentType | |
onAfterSubmit | () => void | |
onEditStarted | (id: string) => void | |
pathToParentFolder | string[] | |
selectedFilesAndFolders | ({ id: string; record: ContentRecord<AMetaData>; metaData: AMetaData; } | { doesRepresentServer: true; })[] |
ContentType- "dashboard"
- "widget"
- "filter"
- "calculated_measure"
ContextValueDefinitionProperty | Type | Description |
category | string | |
description | string | |
name | string | |
type | string |
CubeProperty | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
contextValues | DefaultContextValue[] | |
defaultMembers | DefaultMember[] | |
dimensions | Dimension[] | |
kpis | Kpi[] | |
measureGroups | MeasureGroup[] | |
measures | Measure[] | |
name | CubeName | |
sets | Set[] |
CubeNodeA data model tree node representing a cube
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
name | string | |
serverKey | string | |
type | "cube" |
CubeSelectorPropsProperty | Type | Description |
cube | Cube | null | |
mdx | MdxSelect | If provided, mdx controls which cube options are disabled. |
onCubeSelected | (serverKey: string, cubeName: CubeName) => void | |
serverKey | string |
CurriedCellSetTableCellPropsThe props of CellSet table cells, which are curried by the CellSetTable Component.
Property | Type | Description |
cells | ({ caption: string; value: number | string; properties?: { [key in CellProperty]?: null | string | number | undefined; }; } | null)[][] | The cells forwarded to the underlying Table component. The dimensions of the array include the frozen rows and columns. Only the cells of the body are filled, as the rendering of the header cells depend on more information, present in the metaData. |
columnHeaderIndices | { hierarchyIndex: number; levelIndex: number; }[] | Represents the level corresponding to each frozen row of the column header. |
columnsAxis | Axis | undefined | |
cube | Cube | |
data | CellSet | |
defaultMeasure | DefaultMember | |
hierarchyIndicesInCellSet | HierarchyIndicesInCellSet | |
indexOfMeasureOnSlicer | number | |
mapping | DataVisualizationWidgetMapping | |
numberOfColumnsInBody | number | |
numberOfFrozenColumns | number | |
numberOfFrozenRows | number | |
numberOfRowsInBody | number | |
rowHeaderIndices | { hierarchyIndex: number; levelIndex: number; }[] | |
rowsAxis | Axis | |
slicerAxis | Axis | |
sort | { orderMode: OrderMode | undefined; tupleCoordinates?: TupleCoordinates; levelCoordinates?: LevelCoordinates; } | |
staticHeaderCoordinatesOnColumns | TableStaticHeaderCoordinates[] | |
staticHeaderCoordinatesOnRows | TableStaticHeaderCoordinates[] | |
staticHeadersOnColumns | TableStaticHeader[] | |
staticHeadersOnRows | TableStaticHeader[] | |
areFrozenColumnsIgnored | boolean | If the table is resized and becomes so thin that frozen columns would be larger than its total width, then they can be ignored so that the user can still scroll horizontally in order to see the columns to the right. This prop allows to control this behavior. |
isExpandable | (tuple: TupleCoordinates) => boolean | |
isExpanded | (tuple: TupleCoordinates) => boolean | |
onExpansionChanged | (tuple: Tuple, toLevel: LevelCoordinates, isExpanding: boolean) => void | |
onSortChanged | () => void | |
widgetState | DataVisualizationWidgetState |
CurriedDrillthroughTableCellPropsThe props of cells in drillthrough table that are curried by the DrillthroughTable Component.
Property | Type | Description |
headerCaptions | DrillthroughDataSetHeaderCell[] | |
headerValues | DrillthroughDataSetHeaderCell[] | |
onSortChanged | () => void | |
sort | { orderMode: "ASC" | "DESC"; drillthroughColumnUniqueName: string; } |
CustomFilterProperty | Type | Description |
type | "custom" |
DashboardContentThe content of a dashboard file on the Content Server.
Omit<DashboardState<"serialized">, "name">
DashboardLoadedActionRedux action to change the state of the dashboard when it is loaded.
Property | Type | Description |
dashboardState | DashboardState | |
type | "dashboardLoaded" |
DashboardMetaDataThe content of a dashboard meta data file on the Content Server, representing this dashboard in the dashboards tree.
DashboardPageStateThe state of a dashboard page. content
contains the state of each leaf. layout
represents how they are laid out.
content: {
[leafKey: string]: WidgetStateType;
filters?: (T extends "serialized" ? MdxString : Mdx)[];
queryContext?: QueryContextEntry[];
layout: Layout;
name: string;
DashboardSavedActionRedux action to mark the current dashboard as saved. It does not actually save the action on the Content Server. See dashboard
and lastSavedDashboardHash
in State.
Property | Type | Description |
dashboardState | DashboardState | |
type | "dashboardSaved" |
DashboardStateThe state of a dashboard. pages
contains the state of each page.
filters?: (T extends "serialized" ? MdxString : Mdx)[];
queryContext?: QueryContextEntry[];
name?: string;
pages: {
[pageKey: string]: DashboardPageState<T>;
pagesOrder: string[];
DashboardUnloadedActionRedux action to unload the dashboard. This action resets the undo/redo history. See dashboard
in State.
Property | Type | Description |
type | "dashboardUnloaded" |
DashboardUpdatedActionRedux action to change the state of the dashboard. See dashboard
in State.
Property | Type | Description |
dashboardState | DashboardState | |
type | "dashboardUpdated" |
DataModelDescribes the data contained in a server.
Property | Type | Description |
catalogs | Catalog[] | |
contextValues | ContextValueDefinition[] |
DataModelNodeA data model tree node
- T extends "with-hierarchy-folders" ? LegacyDataModelNode<T>
- HierarchyFolderNode : LegacyDataModelNode
DataOverridesPlotly overrides relative to the traces.
Property | Type | Description |
additionalTraces | Trace[] | |
commonTraceOverride | Partial<Trace> | |
overridesByTraceIndex | Partial<Trace>[] | |
overridesByTraceKey | { [traceKey: string]: Partial<Trace>; } |
DataVisualizationMappingFieldA field in a data visualization widget's mapping.
- AllMeasuresInMapping
- MeasureInMapping
- KpiPropertyInMapping
- HierarchyInMapping
- CompositeHierarchyInMapping
- NamedSetInMapping
DataVisualizationStyleStyle attributes of a data visualization widget.
Property | Type | Description |
measures | { [measureName: string]: MeasureStyle; } | |
tuples | { [tupleKey: string]: CSSProperties; } |
DataVisualizationWidgetMappingThe attributes to fields mapping, specific to a given type of data visualization widget. Contains deserialized fields.
For example:{ rows: [ { type: "hierarchy", dimensionName: "Currency", hierarchyName: "Currency", levelName: "Currency" } ]}
DataVisualizationWidgetStateProperty | Type | Description |
areFiltersDrivenByMdx | boolean | Whether the filters applied to the query when it is sent to the server are driven by: 1. widgetState.query.mdx (when true). It allows users to write filters as they like in the query editor. 2. dashboardState.filters , pageState.filters and widgetState.filters (when false). It allows a single source of truth for dashboard and page filters, preventing bugs.Defaults to false.In practice it is set to true when the user submits an MDX query in the query editor. It it set to false when filters are changed using other UI elements, such as the content or filter editor. |
query | Partial<Query<T extends "serialized" ? MdxString : MdxType>> | |
serverKey | string | |
shouldUseDefaultColumns | MdxType extends MdxDrillthrough ? boolean : never | Whether the columns specified in the drillthrough.defaultSelectedColumns setting are used in the drillthrough query. It is useful when performing a drillthrough from another widget, as it allows to create the drillthrough widget right away, while triggering the query only once the default columns have been fetched. |
mapping | T extends "serialized" ? SerializedDataVisualizationWidgetMapping : DataVisualizationWidgetMapping | |
style | Style | |
switchedTo | string |
DefaultContextValueProperty | Type | Description |
name | string | |
value | string |
DefaultMemberProperty | Type | Description |
captionPath | string[] | |
dimension | DimensionName | |
hierarchy | HierarchyName | |
path | string[] |
DerivedCellSetTableBodyCellPropsThe props specific to body cells in a CellSetTable.
Property | Type | Description |
properties | { [key in CellProperty]?: null | string | number | undefined; } | |
tuple | Tuple | null |
DerivedCellSetTableHeaderCellPropsThe props specific to header cells in a CellSetTable.
Property | Type | Description |
headerDepth | number | |
hierarchyIndex | number | |
levelIndex | number | |
positionIndex | number | |
tuple | Tuple | null |
DerivedCellSetTableStaticHeaderCellPropsThe props specific to static header cells in a CellSetTable.
Property | Type | Description |
staticHeaderCoordinates | TableStaticHeaderCoordinates |
DimensionProperty | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
defaultHierarchy | HierarchyName | |
description | string | |
hierarchies | Hierarchy[] | |
name | DimensionName | |
type | string | |
visible | boolean |
DimensionDraggedFromDataModelTreeProperty | Type | Description |
cubeName | CubeName | |
dimension | Dimension | |
fieldType | "dimension" | |
serverKey | string | |
type | "DATA_TREE_FIELD" |
DimensionNameThe readable name of a dimension in a cube.
For example:const dimensionName = 'Geography';
DimensionNodeA data model tree node representing a dimension
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
cubeName | string | |
serverKey | string | |
children | (T extends "with-hierarchy-folders" ? HierarchyNode | HierarchyFolderNode : HierarchyNode)[] | |
dimension | Dimension | |
type | "dimension" |
DraggedWidgetThe drag item corresponding to a widget being dragged into or within a dashboard.
Property | Type | Description |
getState | () => Promise<WidgetState> | |
isDraggedFromDashboard | boolean | |
state | WidgetState | |
type | "WIDGET" |
DrawerDrawer accessible by clicking its icon
in the vertical bar to the left of the ActiveUI application. Useful to allow users to edit the dashboard or interact with it.
Property | Type | Description |
component | ComponentType<EditorProps> | The component displayed when the user opens the drawer. |
icon | ComponentType<AntdIconProps> | The icon displayed in the left bar and on which the user can click in order to open or close this drawer. |
key | string | Identifies the drawer. |
shortcut | string | The key of the shortcut to open this drawer. For instance, "w" means that the user can open this drawer by pressing "Alt" + "w". |
translations | { [locale: string]: { [key: string]: string; }; } | Translations specific to this drawer. This is useful if you wish to include a drawer within an extension (see ExtensionModule) in order to make it reusable across projects. |
type | "double" | "single" | Whether the drawer contains two independently resizable parts, or if it is a single block. |
DrillthroughColumnThe drillthrough column as described by the server
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
name | DrillthroughColumnUniqueName | |
type | "String" | "double" | "int" | "long" | "LocalDate" | "LocalDateTime" | "Object" | |
visible | boolean |
DrillthroughColumnUniqueNameA unique identifier for a drillthrough column.
DrillthroughDataSetProperty | Type | Description |
headers | DrillthroughDataSetHeaderCell[] | |
rows | DrillthroughDataSetRow[] |
DrillthroughDataSetCell- string
- number
- Record<string, unknown>
DrillthroughDataSetHeaderCellDrillthrough's result column header description as returned by the server
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
name | string | |
type | "String" | "double" | "int" | "long" | "LocalDate" | "Object" |
DrillthroughResultDrillthrough query result as returned by the server
Property | Type | Description |
epoch | number | |
result | DrillthroughDataSet |
DrillthroughSelectionA selection of cells and/or headers in a DrillthroughResult.
Property | Type | Description |
columns | { header: DrillthroughDataSetHeaderCell; cells: DrillthroughDataSetCell[]; }[] | |
headers | DrillthroughDataSetHeaderCell[] |
DrillthroughTableCellPropsThe props of cells in a drillthrough table
CellProps & CurriedDrillthroughTableCellProps
DrillthroughTableWidgetState- WidgetWithQueryState<MdxDrillthrough> & {
initialCubeName?: CubeName;
columnWidths?: {
[drillthroughColumnUniqueName: string]: number;
}; sort?: { orderMode: "ASC" - "DESC"; drillthroughColumnUniqueName: string; }; }
EditorPropsProps received by content and style editors.
ElementTypeUsed for switching when visiting
- "Drillthrough"
- "Select"
- "SubSelect"
- "Axis"
- "CaseExpression"
- "CompoundIdentifier"
- "Formula"
- "Function"
- "From"
- "Identifier"
- "Literal"
- "MemberPropertyDefinition"
- "When"
ExpandedFolderPathsInHomePageActionRedux action to expand and collapse folders on the homepage. See expandedFolderPathsInHomePage
in State.
Property | Type | Description |
expandedFolderPathsInHomePage | string[][] | |
type | "expandedFolderPathsInHomePageUpdated" |
ExpansionActionAn action of expansion in a tree.
Property | Type | Description |
path | number[] | the path to the node that the user interacted with |
type | "expand" | "collapse" | whether the node was expanded or collapsed |
ExtensionModuleThe entrypoint module of an ActiveUI extension.
Property | Type | Description |
activate | (params: Configuration) => Promise<void> |
FieldDraggedFromDataModelTree- KpiPropertyDraggedFromDataModelTree
- MeasureDraggedFromDataModelTree
- DimensionDraggedFromDataModelTree
- HierarchyDraggedFromDataModelTree
- LevelDraggedFromDataModelTree
FieldUniqueName- "ALL_MEASURES"
- LevelUniqueName
- MeasureUniqueName
- KpiPropertyIdentifier
- "namedSet"
Filter- FilterOnMembers
- FilterOnTopBottomMembers
- FilterOnLowerOrGreaterValues
- FilterOnValuesRange
- FilterOnLowerOrGreaterCaptions
- FilterOnCaptionsRange
- FilterOnCaptionContaining
- FilterOnExistenceOfValue
- FilterOnDateRange
- FilterOnTimePeriodToDate
- FilterOnRecentDates
- CustomFilter
FilterMetaDataThe content of a filter meta data file on the Content Server, representing a filter in the filters tree.
name: string;
isFolder?: boolean;
FilterOnCaptionContainingA filter on the members of a level of a hierarchy with a caption starting, ending, containing (or not) the given string.
Property | Type | Description |
containingMode | ContainingMode | |
levelName | LevelName | |
token | string | |
type | "captionsContaining" |
Filter on employees with a last name alphabetically containing "son".
FilterOnCaptionsRangeA filter on the members of a level of a hierarchy with a caption alphabetically between the given limits.
Property | Type | Description |
isBetween | boolean | |
levelName | LevelName | |
lowerToken | string | |
type | "captionsRange" | |
upperToken | string |
Filter on employees with a last name alphabetically between "L" and "O".
FilterOnDateRangeA filter on a range of dates (only available for hierarchies of type time
Property | Type | Description |
endDate | Date | |
isRollingDate | boolean | |
levelName | string | |
startDate | Date | |
type | "dateRange" |
Filter on transactions between "2021/12/01" and "2021/12/20".
FilterOnExistenceOfValueA filter on the members of a level of a hierarchy with an existing value for the given measure.
Property | Type | Description |
doesExist | boolean | |
levelName | LevelName | |
measureName | MeasureName | |
type | "existenceOfValue" |
Filter on countries with a known GDP.
FilterOnLowerOrGreaterCaptionsA filter on the members of a level of a hierarchy with a caption alphabetically before or after a given limit.
Property | Type | Description |
levelName | LevelName | |
lowerOrGreaterMode | LowerOrGreaterMode | |
token | string | |
type | "lowerOrGreaterCaptions" |
Filter on employees with a last name alphabetically after "H".
FilterOnLowerOrGreaterValuesA filter on the members of a level of a hierarchy with a value of a given measure lower or greater than a defined limit.
Property | Type | Description |
levelName | LevelName | |
lowerOrGreaterLimit | number | |
lowerOrGreaterMode | LowerOrGreaterMode | |
measureName | MeasureName | |
type | "lowerOrGreaterValue" |
Filter on countries with a GDP above 500B$.
FilterOnMembersA filter on explicitly defined members of a hierarchy.
Property | Type | Description |
members | string[][] | |
type | "members" |
Filter on Currency = Dollar
FilterOnRecentDatesProperty | Type | Description |
levelName | LevelName | |
numberOfRecentDates | number | |
type | "recentDates" |
FilterOnTimePeriodToDateA filter on a range of dates from the beginning of the selected time period (for example month, quarter or year) to the current date. Only available for hierarchies of type time
Property | Type | Description |
levelName | LevelName | |
timePeriod | TimePeriod | |
type | "timePeriodToDate" |
Filter on transactions between the first day of the current year and today.
FilterOnTopBottomMembersA filter on the n members of a level of a hierarchy with the lowest or highest value for a measure.
Property | Type | Description |
levelIndex | number | |
limit | number | |
measureName | MeasureName | |
scope | FilterScope | |
topBottomMode | TopBottomMode | |
type | "topBottomMembers" |
Filter on the 3 best selling products of each category
FilterOnValuesRangeA filter on the members of a level of a hierarchy with a value of a given measure between or outside the given limits.
Property | Type | Description |
isBetween | boolean | |
levelName | LevelName | |
lowerLimit | number | |
measureName | MeasureName | |
type | "valuesRange" | |
upperLimit | number |
Filter on countries with a GDP between 200 and 500B$.
FilterScope- "overall"
- "ofEachParent"
FilterType- "members"
- "topBottomMembers"
- "lowerOrGreaterValue"
- "valuesRange"
- "lowerOrGreaterCaptions"
- "captionsRange"
- "captionsContaining"
- "existenceOfValue"
- "dateRange"
- "timePeriodToDate"
- "recentDates"
- "custom"
FormulaType- "SET"
GenericIndenterProperty | Type | Description |
indent | (needSpace?: boolean) => string | |
newLine | (needSpace?: boolean) => string | |
unindent | () => void |
GridKey- "staticHeader"
- "columnHeader"
- "rowHeader"
- "body"
GridRangeProperty | Type | Description |
columns | Range | |
rows | Range |
HashProperty | Type | Description |
expected | string[] | |
line | number | |
loc | { first_column: number; last_column: number; last_line: number; } | |
text | string |
HierarchyProperty | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
description | string | |
folder | string | |
levels | Level[] | |
maxNbResultsPerSearch | number | The maximum number of cells returned by the server when looking up members from the hierarchy, to avoid performance issues. Only applicable for virtual hierarchies. See virtual. |
name | HierarchyName | |
slicing | boolean | |
virtual | boolean | Whether the hierarchy is implemented as "virtual" or not on the server. Virtual hierarchies have a high cardinality, and their members are not represented in memory on the server. This limits what operations can be done on them, in particular when querying them through MDX. |
visible | boolean |
HierarchyCoordinatesThe dimension and hierarchy names identifying a hierarchy in a cube.
Property | Type | Description |
dimensionName | DimensionName | |
hierarchyName | HierarchyName |
const hierarchyCoordinates = { dimensionName: 'Geography', hierarchyName: 'City'};
HierarchyDraggedFromDataModelTreeProperty | Type | Description |
cubeName | CubeName | |
dimension | Dimension | |
fieldType | "hierarchy" | |
hierarchy | Hierarchy | |
serverKey | string | |
type | "DATA_TREE_FIELD" |
HierarchyFolderNodeA data model tree node representing a hierarchy folder.
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
cubeName | string | |
serverKey | string | |
children | (HierarchyNode | HierarchyFolderNode)[] | |
type | "hierarchyFolder" |
HierarchyIndicesInCellSetA map of hierarchy unique names to the index of the axis where the hierarchy can be found in cellSet.axes
and its own index in axis.hierarchies
HierarchyInMappingA tile in the widget mapping, representing a hierarchy.
Property | Type | Description |
expandedDownTo | LevelName | |
type | "hierarchy" |
HierarchyNameThe readable name of a hierarchy in a cube.
For example:const hierarchyName = 'City';
HierarchyNodeA data model tree node representing a hierarchy
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
cubeName | string | |
serverKey | string | |
dimension | Dimension | |
hierarchy | Hierarchy | |
type | "hierarchy" |
HierarchyUniqueNameA string representing the unique identifier of a hierarchy in a cube.
For example:const hierarchyUniqueName = '[Geography].[City]';
HighlightedCaptionPropsProperty | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
className | string | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
searchValue | string |
InternalNodeRepresents a node in a tree.
NodeType & {
path: number[];
parentNames: string;
IsDeferredActionRedux action to toggle deferred updates. See isDeferred
in State.
Property | Type | Description |
isDeferred | boolean | |
type | "isDeferredChanged" |
IsOpenDashboardPopupVisibleActionRedux action to change whether the 'Open Dashboard' popup is visible. See isOpenDashboardPopupVisible
in State.
Property | Type | Description |
type | "openDashboardPopupOpened" | "openDashboardPopupClosed" |
IsPresentingActionRedux action to change whether the application is displayed in "Present" mode. See isPresenting
in State.
Property | Type | Description |
isPresenting | boolean | |
type | "isPresentingChanged" |
Redux action to change whether there is any content (for instance the current dashboard, a widget, a filter, ...) in the process of being saved. See isSaving
in State.
Property | Type | Description |
type | "savingStarted" | "savingEnded" |
KpiProperty | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
description | string | |
expiry | string | |
folder | string | |
goal | string | |
name | string | |
start | string | |
status | string | |
statusPresenter | string | |
trend | string | |
value | string |
KpiFolderNodeA data model tree node representing a folder of kpis
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
cubeName | string | |
serverKey | string | |
children | KpiNode[] | |
type | "kpiFolder" |
KpiNodeA data model tree node representing a kpi
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
cubeName | string | |
serverKey | string | |
children | KpiPropertyNode[] | |
type | "kpi" |
KpiPropertyProperty | Type | Description |
kpiName | string | |
kpiPropertyName | KpiPropertyName | |
underlyingMeasureName | MeasureName |
KpiPropertyDraggedFromDataModelTreeProperty | Type | Description |
kpiName | string | |
kpiPropertyName | KpiPropertyName | |
underlyingMeasureName | MeasureName | |
fieldType | "kpiProperty" | |
type | "DATA_TREE_FIELD" |
For example:KPIStatus("my KPI"): pnl.SUM
KpiPropertyInMappingA tile in the widget mapping, representing a KPI property.
Property | Type | Description |
kpiName | string | |
propertyName | KpiPropertyName | |
type | "kpiProperty" | |
underlyingMeasureName | MeasureName |
KpiPropertyName- "KPIValue"
- "KPIGoal"
- "KPIStatus"
- "KPITrend"
- "KPIStart"
- "KPIExpiry"
KpiPropertyNodeA data model tree node representing a kpi property, such as its status
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
cubeName | string | |
serverKey | string | |
kpiName | string | |
kpiPropertyName | KpiPropertyName | |
underlyingMeasureName | MeasureName | |
type | "kpiProperty" |
KpisRootNodeA data model tree node representing a kpisRoot
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
cubeName | string | |
serverKey | string | |
children | (KpiFolderNode | KpiNode)[] | |
type | "kpisRoot" |
KpiWidgetStateProperty | Type | Description |
areFiltersDrivenByMdx | boolean | Whether the filters applied to the query when it is sent to the server are driven by: 1. widgetState.query.mdx (when true). It allows users to write filters as they like in the query editor. 2. dashboardState.filters , pageState.filters and widgetState.filters (when false). It allows a single source of truth for dashboard and page filters, preventing bugs.Defaults to false.In practice it is set to true when the user submits an MDX query in the query editor. It it set to false when filters are changed using other UI elements, such as the content or filter editor. |
query | Partial<Query<T extends "serialized" ? MdxString : MdxType>> | |
serverKey | string | |
shouldUseDefaultColumns | MdxType extends MdxDrillthrough ? boolean : never | Whether the columns specified in the drillthrough.defaultSelectedColumns setting are used in the drillthrough query. It is useful when performing a drillthrough from another widget, as it allows to create the drillthrough widget right away, while triggering the query only once the default columns have been fetched. |
mapping | T extends "serialized" ? SerializedDataVisualizationWidgetMapping : DataVisualizationWidgetMapping | |
style | Style | |
switchedTo | string | |
comparison | KpiComparison | |
titles | { [tupleKey: string]: string; } |
LayoutActiveUI 5 dashboard page layout Tree of widgets, not necessarily binary. Allows a more intuitive widget resizing behavior than the ActiveUI 4 binary layout.
Property | Type | Description |
children | (Layout | LayoutLeaf)[] | |
direction | "column" | "row" | |
size | number |
LayoutLeafProperty | Type | Description |
leafKey | string | |
size | number |
LeafPropsThe props provided by the dashboard to each of its leaves.
Property | Type | Description |
dashboardState | DashboardState | |
dragHandleRef | DragElementWrapper<DragSourceOptions> | |
isDeferred | boolean | |
layoutPath | number[] | |
leafKey | string | |
onActivePageChange | (newActivePageKey: string) => void | |
onDashboardChange | (newDashboardState: DashboardState) => void | |
onLoaded | () => void | |
pageKey | string | The key of the page containing the widget. |
widgetState | WidgetState |
LevelProperty | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
description | string | |
name | LevelName | |
type | string |
LevelCoordinatesThe dimension, hierarchy and level names identifying a hierarchy in a cube.
HierarchyCoordinates & {
levelName: LevelName;
const hierarchyCoordinates = { dimensionName: 'Geography', hierarchyName: 'City', levelName: 'City'};
LevelDraggedFromDataModelTreeProperty | Type | Description |
cubeName | CubeName | |
dimension | Dimension | |
fieldType | "level" | |
hierarchy | Hierarchy | |
level | Level | |
serverKey | string | |
type | "DATA_TREE_FIELD" |
LevelNameThe readable name of a level in a cube.
For example:const levelName = 'City';
LevelNodeA data model tree node representing a level
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
cubeName | string | |
serverKey | string | |
depth | number | |
dimension | Dimension | |
hierarchy | Hierarchy | |
level | Level | |
type | "level" |
LevelUniqueNameA string representing the unique identifier of a level in a cube.
For example:const levelUniqueName = '[Geography].[City].[City]';
LoadingOverlayPropsThe props provided to a loading overlay.
Property | Type | Description |
className | string | |
isInitiallyVisible | boolean | |
isLoading | boolean | |
timeBeforeContinueLoadingButtonAppears | number | |
tip | string |
LoadingTableCellPropsThe props of cells in a CellSetTable, in cases such as undefined cube or undefined data.
CellProps & CurriedCellSetTableCellProps
LocaleThe locale of the user
LowerOrGreaterMode- "Lower"
- "LowerOrEqual"
- "Greater"
- "GreaterOrEqual"
- "Equal"
- "NotEqual"
MdxThe Abstract syntax tree of an MdxString.
- MdxExpression
- MdxAxis
- MdxFromClause
- MdxFormula
- MdxDrillthrough
- MdxMemberPropertyDefinition
- MdxSelect
- MdxSubSelect
- MdxWhenClause
MdxAxisAn Mdx representing an axis such as ROWS
and its associated expression.
Property | Type | Description |
elementType | "Axis" | |
expression | MdxExpression | |
name | AxisName | |
nonEmpty | boolean | |
properties | Mdx[] |
MdxCaseExpressionAn Mdx representing a CASE
Property | Type | Description |
cases | MdxWhenClause[] | |
elementType | "CaseExpression" | |
elseExp | MdxExpression | |
match | MdxExpression | null | |
name | string |
MdxCompoundIdentifierThe subset of Mdxs that identify something using hierarchical dot notation, as in the MDX [Measures].[MyMeasure]
. Each segment is an MdxIdentifier.
- MdxUnknownCompoundIdentifier
- MdxDimensionCompoundIdentifier
- MdxHierarchyCompoundIdentifier
- MdxLevelCompoundIdentifier
- MdxMemberCompoundIdentifier
- MdxMeasureCompoundIdentifier
- MdxNamedSetCompoundIdentifier
MdxDimensionCompoundIdentifierA MdxCompoundIdentifier that represents a dimension.
Property | Type | Description |
elementType | "CompoundIdentifier" | |
identifiers | MdxIdentifier[] | |
dimensionName | DimensionName | |
type | "dimension" |
MdxDrillthroughAn Mdx representing a DRILLTHROUGH
Property | Type | Description |
columns | MdxExpression[] | |
elementType | "Drillthrough" | |
firstRow | number | |
maxRows | number | |
select | MdxSelect |
MdxErrorDetailsProperty | Type | Description |
expected | string[] | |
from | { line: number; ch: number; } | |
text | string | |
to | { line: number; ch: number; } |
MdxExpressionThe subset of Mdxs that can be used in expression contexts such as the expression of a calculated measure.
MdxFormulaAn Mdx representing an formula definition in the WITH
clause of a MdxSelect. An example formula: WITH Member [Measures].[MyConstant] AS 42
Property | Type | Description |
elementType | "Formula" | |
expression | MdxExpression | |
inlined | boolean | undefined | |
name | MdxNamedSetCompoundIdentifier | MdxMeasureCompoundIdentifier | MdxMemberCompoundIdentifier | MdxUnknownCompoundIdentifier | |
properties | MdxMemberPropertyDefinition[] | |
type | string |
MdxFromClauseAn Mdx representing a named cube for the FROM
clause of a MdxSelect. Does not represent a subselect expression in a FROM
clause – that is represented by a MdxSubSelect instead.
Property | Type | Description |
cubeName | CubeName | |
elementType | "From" |
MdxFunctionAn Mdx representing a function call. Some functions are called with syntax that makes them look like an operator or part of the language; see Syntax for the different syntaxes for calling functions.
Property | Type | Description |
arguments | MdxExpression[] | |
elementType | "Function" | |
name | string | |
syntax | Syntax |
MdxHierarchyCompoundIdentifierA MdxCompoundIdentifier that represents a hierarchy.
Property | Type | Description |
elementType | "CompoundIdentifier" | |
identifiers | MdxIdentifier[] | |
dimensionName | DimensionName | |
hierarchyName | HierarchyName | |
type | "hierarchy" |
MdxIdentifierAn Mdx representing an identifier – the name of a hierarchy, level, measure, KPI, etc. For example, this could represent the MDX Geography
or [Geography]
. A MdxCompoundIdentifier is made of these separated by dots.
Property | Type | Description |
elementType | "Identifier" | |
quoting | Quoting | |
value | string |
MdxLevelCompoundIdentifierA MdxCompoundIdentifier that represents a level.
Property | Type | Description |
elementType | "CompoundIdentifier" | |
identifiers | MdxIdentifier[] | |
dimensionName | DimensionName | |
hierarchyName | HierarchyName | |
levelName | LevelName | |
type | "level" |
MdxLiteralAn Mdx representing a literal value such as a number or string.
Property | Type | Description |
elementType | "Literal" | |
type | Argument | |
value | string |
MdxMeasureCompoundIdentifierProperty | Type | Description |
elementType | "CompoundIdentifier" | |
identifiers | MdxIdentifier[] | |
measureName | MeasureName | |
type | "measure" |
MdxMemberCompoundIdentifierA MdxCompoundIdentifier that represents a member.
Property | Type | Description |
elementType | "CompoundIdentifier" | |
identifiers | MdxIdentifier[] | |
dimensionName | DimensionName | |
hierarchyName | HierarchyName | |
levelName | LevelName | |
path | string[] | |
type | "member" |
MdxMemberPropertyDefinitionAn Mdx representing the definition of a property of a member that is defined in a MdxFormula. Some example property names are FORE_COLOR
Property | Type | Description |
elementType | "MemberPropertyDefinition" | |
expression | MdxExpression | |
name | string |
MdxNamedSetProperty | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
cube | CubeName | |
description | string | |
expression | MdxString | |
name | AxisName | |
serverUrl | string | |
type | "namedSet" |
MdxNamedSetCompoundIdentifierA MdxCompoundIdentifier that represents a named set.
Property | Type | Description |
elementType | "CompoundIdentifier" | |
identifiers | MdxIdentifier[] | |
setName | SetName | |
type | "namedSet" |
MdxOrderFunctionAn MdxFunction that represents a call to the [Order
- MdxFunction & MdxFunction & { arguments: [MdxExpression, MdxExpression, OrderModeMdxLiteral]
- [MdxExpression, MdxExpression]; name: "Order"; }
MdxSelectAn Mdx representing a SELECT statement.
Property | Type | Description |
axes | MdxAxis[] | |
cellProps | string[] | |
elementType | "Select" | |
from | MdxSubSelect | MdxFromClause | |
slicerAxis | MdxSlicerAxis | null | |
withClause | MdxFormula[] |
MdxSlicerAxisMdxAxis & {
name: "SLICER";
MdxStringA string representing an [MDX](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MultiDimensional\_eXpressions) query or a part of one.
For example:const mdx = 'SELECT\n [Measures].[contributors.COUNT] ON COLUMNS\n FROM [EquityDerivativesCube]';
const mdx = '[Measures].[contributors.COUNT]';
const mdx = '"a string in MDX"';
const mdx = '123';
MdxSubSelectAn Mdx representing a subselect expression.
Property | Type | Description |
axes | MdxAxis[] | |
elementType | "SubSelect" | |
from | MdxSubSelect | MdxFromClause | |
nonVisual | boolean | |
slicerAxis | MdxSlicerAxis | null |
MdxUnknownCompoundIdentifierA MdxCompoundIdentifier representing an unknown identifier.
Property | Type | Description |
elementType | "CompoundIdentifier" | |
identifiers | MdxIdentifier[] | |
type | "unknown" |
This type is used for any mdx compound identifier whose type cannot be identified. It is the case for all compound identifiers in the raw result of parsing an MDX string. It can then be further refined by confronting it to the dataModel and calling getSpecificCompoundIdentifier
MdxWhenClauseAn Mdx representing a WHEN
clause of a MdxCaseExpression, including the clause’s THEN
true result expression.
Property | Type | Description |
elementType | "When" | |
then | MdxExpression | |
when | MdxExpression |
MeasureProperty | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
folder | string | |
formatString | string | |
name | MeasureName | |
type | string | |
visible | boolean |
MeasureConditionalStyleContains the style for a measure and the conditions under which to apply it. The condition is described with 1 or 2 keys. When there are 2 keys, they are necessarily a pair of lt(e)/gt(e), matching all values between or outside 2 limits.
Property | Type | Description |
eq | number | |
gt | number | |
gte | number | |
lt | number | |
lte | number | |
neq | number | |
style | CSSProperties |
MeasureDraggedFromDataModelTreeProperty | Type | Description |
fieldType | "measure" | |
measure | Measure | |
type | "DATA_TREE_FIELD" |
MeasureGroupProperty | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
description | string | |
name | string |
MeasureInMappingA tile in the widget mapping, representing a measure.
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | Optional caption for query-scoped calculated measures. For regular measures, the caption defined in the cube is used. |
measureName | string | |
type | "measure" |
MeasureNameThe readable name of a measure in a cube.
For example:const measureName = 'pnl.SUM';
MeasureNodeA data model tree node representing a measure
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
cubeName | string | |
serverKey | string | |
measure | Measure | |
type | "measure" |
MeasuresFolderNodeA data model tree node representing a measuresFolder
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
cubeName | string | |
serverKey | string | |
children | MeasureNode[] | |
type | "measuresFolder" |
MeasuresRootNodeA data model tree node representing a measuresRoot
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
cubeName | string | |
serverKey | string | |
type | "measuresRoot" |
MeasureStyleThe style applied to the values of a Measure in the target widget.
Property | Type | Description |
conditional | MeasureConditionalStyle[] | |
default | CSSProperties | |
numberFormat | NumberFormat | |
numberOfDecimals | number |
MeasureUniqueNameA string representing the unique identifier of a measure in a cube.
For example:const measureUniqueName = '[Measures].[pnl.SUM]';
MemberProperty | Type | Description |
captionPath | string[] | |
namePath | string[] | |
properties | { [key in CellProperty]?: null | string | number | undefined; } |
MemberCoordinatesCoordinates identifying a Member.
HierarchyCoordinates & {
namePath: string[];
MenuItemPluginPlugin useful for items in the context menus of widgets or in the top right widget menu.
Property | Type | Description |
key | string | |
translations | { [locale: string]: TranslationTree<string>; } | |
Component | ComponentType<MenuItemProps<WidgetState, SelectionType>> | |
doesContextMenuCloseOnClick | boolean | Whether clicking the menu item closes the context menu. true by default. |
MenuItemPropsActionProps<WidgetState, SelectionType> & AntMenuItemProps
NamedSetInMappingA tile in the widget mapping, representing a named set.
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | |
type | "namedSet" |
NodeIconPropsProperty | Type | Description |
node | InternalNode & NodeType | |
style | CSSProperties |
NodePropsProperty | Type | Description |
caretStyle | CSSProperties | |
ContextMenu | ComponentType<TreeContextMenuProps> | |
data | InternalNode[] | |
getDefaultCaption | (node?: NodeType) => string | |
hasCheckbox | boolean | |
hasSelectedChildren | boolean | |
hoverStyle | CSSProperties | |
Icon | ComponentType<NodeIconProps> | null | |
index | number | |
isEdited | boolean | |
isExpandable | boolean | |
isExpanded | boolean | |
isSelected | boolean | |
onClick | (item: InternalNode, event: ReactMouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void | |
onEditCanceled | () => void | |
onEditEnded | (path: number[], caption: string) => void | |
onEditStarted | (path: number[]) => void | |
onExpandToggled | (item: InternalNode, isExpanding: boolean) => void | |
searchValue | string | |
selectionStyle | CSSProperties | |
style | CSSProperties | |
trees | TreeObject<NodeType>[] |
NumberFormatThe types of number format, corresponding to ways to abbreviate big numbers in order to make them more legible.
- "number"
- "thousands"
- "millions"
- "percentage"
- "billions"
OrderMode- "ASC"
- "DESC"
- "BASC"
OrderModeMdxLiteralA MdxLiteral that represents one of the OrderMode strings.
MdxLiteral & {
type: "STRING";
value: OrderMode;
PermissionThe permissions of a ContentEntry of a file or folder.
- { userName: UserName
- UserGroupName; type: PermissionType; isPending?: boolean; }
PermissionsFlat map containing the permissions of the user regarding the behavior of various parts of ActiveUI. Permissions can be defined on the Content Server for the whole organization, a role (= group of users), or an individual user. In case of conflict, the most permissive permission prevails. Contrarily to Settings, a non-admin user cannot change their own permissions.
Property | Type | Description |
canManageContent | boolean | Whether the user can create, save, edit, and move dashboards. |
canShare | boolean | Whether the user can share content. |
canUseCalculatedMeasures | boolean | Whether the calculated measures creation and edition popup is accessible. |
canUseUserFilters | boolean | Whether the "All dashboards" section is visible in the filters editor and taken into account by widgets. When enabled, it allows users to create filters that apply to all dashboards they visit. |
canUseUserQueryContext | boolean | Whether the "All dashboards" section is visible in the query context editor and taken into account by widgets. When enabled, it allows users to create a global query context, which applies to all dashboards they visit. |
drawers | Whitelist | The drawers available in the left bar, such as the Content editor. |
PermissionType- "reader"
- "editor"
PlotlyOverridesPlotly configuration overrides that can be made in the chart's configuration.
Property | Type | Description |
config | Partial<Plotly.Config> | |
data | DataOverrides | |
layout | Partial<Plotly.Layout> |
PlotlyStyleStyle attributes (widgetState.style
) of Plotly widgets.
Property | Type | Description |
measures | { [measureName: string]: MeasureStyle; } | |
tuples | { [tupleKey: string]: CSSProperties; } | |
areAxisTitlesVisible | boolean | |
isTextVisible | boolean | Whether values are displayed as text labels on chart elements. |
PlotlyWidgetStateProperty | Type | Description |
areFiltersDrivenByMdx | boolean | Whether the filters applied to the query when it is sent to the server are driven by: 1. widgetState.query.mdx (when true). It allows users to write filters as they like in the query editor. 2. dashboardState.filters , pageState.filters and widgetState.filters (when false). It allows a single source of truth for dashboard and page filters, preventing bugs.Defaults to false.In practice it is set to true when the user submits an MDX query in the query editor. It it set to false when filters are changed using other UI elements, such as the content or filter editor. |
query | Partial<Query<T extends "serialized" ? MdxString : MdxType>> | |
serverKey | string | |
shouldUseDefaultColumns | MdxType extends MdxDrillthrough ? boolean : never | Whether the columns specified in the drillthrough.defaultSelectedColumns setting are used in the drillthrough query. It is useful when performing a drillthrough from another widget, as it allows to create the drillthrough widget right away, while triggering the query only once the default columns have been fetched. |
mapping | T extends "serialized" ? SerializedDataVisualizationWidgetMapping : DataVisualizationWidgetMapping | |
style | Style | |
switchedTo | string | |
plotly | PlotlyOverrides | |
subplotLimits | SubplotLimits | |
visibleGrandTotals | AxisId[] | |
visibleSubTotals | LevelUniqueName[] |
PluginAny type of ActiveUI plugin.
- CellPlugin<any>
- CellStylePlugin<any>
- SelectionListenerPlugin<any>
- MenuItemPlugin<any>
- TitleBarButtonPlugin<any>
- WidgetPlugin<any>
PluginRegistryAll ActiveUI plugins registered by the application using the SDK.
Property | Type | Description |
"cell-style" | PluginsOfType<CellStylePlugin> | |
"menu-item" | PluginsOfType<MenuItemPlugin<any, any>> | |
"selection-listener" | PluginsOfType<SelectionListenerPlugin> | |
"titlebar-button" | PluginsOfType<TitleBarButtonPlugin<any, any>> | |
cell | PluginsOfType<CellPlugin> | |
widget | PluginsOfType<WidgetPlugin<any, any>> |
PluginsOfTypeThe plugins of a certain type (e.g. all registered widget plugins)
PluginsProviderPropsProperty | Type | Description |
value | PluginRegistry | null |
PluginTypeA type of Plugin.
- "cell"
- "cell-style"
- "selection-listener"
- "menu-item"
- "titlebar-button"
- "widget"
PositionInDashboardThe position of a widget within the dashboard. This information is available in all components in a widget when it is in a dashboard.
Property | Type | Description |
layoutPath | number[] | The path describing the location of the widget within the page's layout. Can be used for operations within the layout, such as moving to a different place in the page. |
leafKey | string | Identifies the leaf in the page where a widget is located. Allows the widget to retrieve its state in pageState.content. |
pageKey | string | Identifies which page the widget is on. |
QueryProperty | Type | Description |
context | { [key: string]: string | number | boolean; } | Context values usable as input for server-side calculations. E.g. the confidence level for value at risk calculation. |
mdx | T | Query to execute. |
ranges | { [axisId in AxisId]?: QueryRange; } | Ranges of positions that should be returned by the server. E.g. "only return the first 100 rows and the first 20 columns". |
updateMode | UpdateMode | Whether the query is only run once, or kept open in order to receive real-time updates. |
QueryContextEntryA piece of a query's context. Allows to parametrize the behavior of ActivePivot when it answers the query.
Property | Type | Description |
key | string | |
value | string | number | boolean |
Technical query context entries should not be accessible to end users. Functional query context entries can usually be replaced by analysis hierarchies, which offer a better experience to end users. Query context entries are still used by legacy projects, particularly in finance.
For example:timeout, target currency, VaR sensitivy.
QueryErrorProperty | Type | Description |
errorChain | { type: string; message: string; }[] | |
stackTrace | string |
QueryRangeThe range of results to fetch, in the case of infinite scrolling.
QueryResultProperty | Type | Description |
data | ResultType | The data for this result, either a CellSet or a DrillthroughResult |
error | QueryError | |
isLoading | boolean |
QuickFilterDisplayModeThe different ways in which a quick filter widget can be displayed.
- "select"
- "multi-select"
- "checkbox"
- "radio"
- "tree"
- "calendar"
QuickFilterWidgetStateThe state of a pluginWidgetQuickFilter.
Property | Type | Description |
query | { updateMode?: UpdateMode; } | |
cubeName | CubeName | |
levelCoordinates | LevelCoordinates | |
mode | QuickFilterDisplayMode | |
serverKey | string |
Quoting- "QUOTED" /** * Unquoted identifier, for example `Geography`. */
- "UNQUOTED" /** * Identifier quoted with an ampersand to indicate a key value, for example the second segment in `[Geography].&[France]`. */
RangeProperty | Type | Description |
from | number | |
to | number |
SelectionAnchorProperty | Type | Description |
columnIndex | number | |
gridKey | GridKey | |
rowIndex | number |
SelectionListenerPluginPlugin useful to define a function to be executed when the user makes (or clears) the selection on a widget. For example: function to execute when the user selects cells on a pivot table.
Property | Type | Description |
key | string | |
translations | { [locale: string]: TranslationTree<string>; } | |
SelectionListener | ComponentType<WidgetPluginProps<WidgetState, SelectionType> & { children: JSX.Element; selection?: SelectionType; }> |
SelectionRangeProperty | Type | Description |
anchor | SelectionAnchor | |
body | GridRange | |
columnHeader | GridRange | |
rowHeader | GridRange | |
staticHeader | GridRange |
SerializedDataVisualizationWidgetMappingThe attributes to fields mapping, specific to a given type of data visualization widget. Contains serialized fields. See DataVisualizationWidgetMapping
For example:{ rows: [ "[Currency].[Currency].[Currency]" ]}
ServerNodeA data model tree node representing a server
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
type | "server" |
ServiceVersionProperty | Type | Description |
id | string | |
restPath | string | |
wsPath | string |
SetProperty | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
description | string | |
expression | string | |
name | SetName |
SetNodeA data model tree node representing a set
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
cubeName | string | |
serverKey | string | |
set | Set | |
type | "set" |
SetsRootNodeA data model tree node representing a setsRoot
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
dragItem | any | |
isActionable | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isFolder | boolean | |
cubeName | string | |
serverKey | string | |
type | "setsRoot" |
SettingListener(value: Settings[K]) => void
SettingsFlat map containing the preferences of the user regarding the behavior of various parts of ActiveUI.
Property | Type | Description |
"calculatedMeasures.areEnabled" | boolean | Deprecated: Use the canUseCalculatedMeasures permission instead. Whether the calculated measures creation and edition popup is accessible. |
"dataModel.isSimplified" | boolean | When true , redundant/inactionable nodes of the data model tree are hidden: dimensions and the level of "single level hierarchies". When false , the data model tree displays the data model as it is. |
"drillthrough.defaultSelectedColumns" | { [cubeName: string]: DrillthroughColumnUniqueName[]; } | The set of columns that is selected by default when opening a drillthrough table, per cube. If none is specified for a given cube, all the available drillthrough columns in this cube are selected. |
"mdx.doesIncludeCalculatedMembers" | boolean | Whether calculated members are requested in MDX queries. Changing this setting only affects the queries generated by future user interactions. It does not have any impact on already saved widgets and dashboards. |
"search.maxResults" | number | The maximum number of search results. |
"smartFiltering.ignoredHierarchies" | string[] | The unique names of the hierarchies to ignore in the smart filtering context: - When adding a filter on an ignored hierarchy, all members are displayed for selection. - When adding a filter on another hierarchy, the filters on the ignored hierarchy are *not* taken into account to retrieve the list of members displayed for selection.This can typically be used to disable smart filtering for an analysis hierarchy. |
"smartFiltering.isEnabled" | boolean | Whether smart filtering is enabled. True by default. If switched to false, smart filtering is completely disabled for all hierarchies of all cubes. Smart filtering is the fact that, when the user opens the "Filter on" popover, only the members that exist in the scope of the filters they set above are presented to them. When it is disabled, all members are shown in this popover, even though filtering on some of them can make the widget empty because there is no data for these members in combination with the other filters already applied to the widget. Smart filtering can also be disabled on a per hierarchy basis, using the smartFiltering.ignoredHierarchies setting. |
"smartFiltering.nonEmptyEvaluationMeasureName" | string | The name of the measure used to filter out empty members in the list presented to the user when creating or editing a filter. Members with no value for this measure are considered empty and are omitted from this list. |
"table.animations.areEnabled" | boolean | Whether changes in tables are highlighted with green and red animations. |
"table.animations.duration" | number | The duration in seconds of the table animation. |
"table.animations.threshold" | number | { [measureName: "default" | string]: number; } | The threshold per measure of when changes in tables are highlighted by animations. When provided, animations only occur when the difference between the previous and the refreshed value is above the threshold. If just a number, then it is a global threshold for all measures. |
"table.copyColumnHeadersAsASingleRow" | boolean | Whether the table rows representing column headers are joined into a single row when copying and pasting data into another application such as Excel. |
"table.defaultSize" | "small" | "medium" | "large" | The default size of table widgets. Controls the column widths and the row heights. |
"table.tooltips" | boolean | Whether tooltips are present by default on numeric table cells. These tooltips can also be hidden or shown on a per table basis, using its style editor. |
"unsavedChangesPopup.isEnabled" | boolean | Whether a warning popup is displayed when leaving a dashboard with unsaved changes. |
"userFilters.areEnabled" | boolean | Deprecated: Use the canUseUserFilters permission instead. Whether the "All dashboards" section is visible in the filters editor and taken into account by widgets. When enabled, it allows users to create filters that apply to all dashboards they visit. |
"userQueryContext.isEnabled" | boolean | Deprecated: Use the canUseUserQueryContext permission instead. Whether the "All dashboards" section is visible in the query context editor and taken into account by widgets. When enabled, it allows users to create a global query context, which applies to all dashboards they visit. |
csvSeparator | string | The separator used between cells when converting to CSV. |
homePageLayout | "grid" | "list" | The layout mode for the homepage. |
theme | "light-activeviam" | "dark-activeviam" | string | Controls the style of all ActiveUI components. Must be "light-activeviam", "dark-activeviam" or the key of a theme provided through configuration.themes . See Configuration. |
Side- "center"
- "top"
- "right"
- "bottom"
- "left"
StateThe state of ActiveUI. It can be extended through Configuration.
Property | Type | Description |
activeDrawerKey | string | null | The unique key identifying the drawer currently open on the left of the screen. null if no drawer is open. |
activePageKey | string | null | The unique key identifying the dashboard page currently viewed by the user. |
dashboard | StateWithHistory<DashboardState | null> | The state of the dashboard, or null if no dashboard is loaded. |
expandedFolderPathsInHomePage | string[][] | The expanded folders in the dashboards tree in the home page. |
isDeferred | boolean | Whether deferred updates are enabled for MDX queries fired by widgets in the dashboard. |
isOpenDashboardPopupVisible | boolean | Whether the 'Open Dashboard' popup is visible. |
isPresenting | boolean | Whether the application is in presentation mode. |
isSaving | boolean | Deprecated: use state.statusNotifications . Whether any content (for instance the current dashboard, a widget, a filter, ...) is in the process of being saved. |
lastSavedDashboardHash | number | null | A hash of the dashboard state, useful to efficiently determine whether the dashboard has unsaved changes. See getHasUnsavedChanges |
statusNotifications | StatusNotification[] | The notifications about the status of asynchronous actions in progress. |
widgetSelection | WidgetSelectionState | null | The key of the selected widget in each page. |
StatusNotificationAddedActionProperty | Type | Description |
type | "statusNotificationAdded" |
StatusNotificationRemovedActionProperty | Type | Description |
type | "statusNotificationRemoved" |
StatusNotificationSettledActionProperty | Type | Description |
status | "fulfilled" | "rejected" | |
type | "statusNotificationSettled" |
SubmittedKpiComparison- HierarchyCoordinates & HierarchyCoordinates & { referenceMemberNamePath: string[]
- DynamicMemberNamePath; comparedMemberNamePath: string[]
- DynamicMemberNamePath; }
SubplotLimitsMaximum number of subplots that will be displayed horizontally and vertically.
Property | Type | Description |
horizontal | number | |
vertical | number |
SubtileActionOptionsArgument passed to wizard callbacks regarding actions occurring on a subtile.
Property | Type | Description |
isSubtile | true | |
subtilePosition | number |
Syntax- "Property" /** * Function style, e.g. `FUNCTION()` or `FUNCTION(args)`. */
- "Function" /** * Method style, e.g. `object.METHOD()` or `object.METHOD(args)`. */
- "Method" /** * Infix style, e.g. `arg OPERATOR arg` (typically for operators such as '+' or 'AND'). */
- "Infix" /** * Prefix style, e.g. `OPERATOR arg` (typically for unary operators such as '-'). */
- "Prefix" /** * Parentheses style, e.g. `(ARG,...)` (used for tuple expressions) */
- "Parentheses" /** * Braces style, e.g. `{
ARG, ...
}` (used for set expressions) */ - "Braces"
TableCellThe minimal information representing a cell in the Table component. Note that this has no reality in terms of the data fetched from ActivePivot and it is entirely specific to the Table component.
- { caption: string; value: number
- string; }
- null
TableStateDerivedFromCellSetThe information derived from data
and used by CellSetTable and its children (including plugins).
Property | Type | Description |
cells | ({ caption: string; value: number | string; properties?: { [key in CellProperty]?: null | string | number | undefined; }; } | null)[][] | The cells forwarded to the underlying Table component. The dimensions of the array include the frozen rows and columns. Only the cells of the body are filled, as the rendering of the header cells depend on more information, present in the metaData. |
columnHeaderIndices | { hierarchyIndex: number; levelIndex: number; }[] | Represents the level corresponding to each frozen row of the column header. |
columnsAxis | Axis | undefined | |
cube | Cube | |
data | CellSet | |
defaultMeasure | DefaultMember | |
hierarchyIndicesInCellSet | HierarchyIndicesInCellSet | |
indexOfMeasureOnSlicer | number | |
mapping | DataVisualizationWidgetMapping | |
numberOfColumnsInBody | number | |
numberOfFrozenColumns | number | |
numberOfFrozenRows | number | |
numberOfRowsInBody | number | |
rowHeaderIndices | { hierarchyIndex: number; levelIndex: number; }[] | |
rowsAxis | Axis | |
slicerAxis | Axis | |
sort | { orderMode: OrderMode | undefined; tupleCoordinates?: TupleCoordinates; levelCoordinates?: LevelCoordinates; } | |
staticHeaderCoordinatesOnColumns | TableStaticHeaderCoordinates[] | |
staticHeaderCoordinatesOnRows | TableStaticHeaderCoordinates[] | |
staticHeadersOnColumns | TableStaticHeader[] | |
staticHeadersOnRows | TableStaticHeader[] |
TableStaticHeader- {
type: "Measures";
} - Level
TableStaticHeaderCoordinates- {
dimensionName: "Measures";
hierarchyName: "Measures";
} - LevelCoordinates
TableWidgetPluginThe more specific WidgetPlugin interface, suited for table widgets.
Property | Type | Description |
key | string | |
translations | { [locale: string]: TranslationTree<string>; } | |
attributes | WidgetAttributes | |
category | WidgetCategory | |
Component | ComponentType<WidgetPluginProps<WidgetState, SelectionType>> | |
contentEditor | ComponentType<EditorProps<WidgetState>> | |
contextMenuItems | string[] | |
doesSupportMeasuresRedirection | boolean | |
filtersEditor | ComponentType<EditorProps> | |
Icon | ComponentType<IconProps> | |
initialState | WidgetState | |
lazyLoading | { chunkSizes: Partial<Record<"columns" | "rows", number>>; } | Configuration of the maximum number of rows and columns that this widget fetches. Past these values, lazy loading kicks in: more rows and columns are only fetched dynamically when the user scrolls. When this attribute is omitted, it means that the widget does not support lazy loading and will fetch the entirety of the required data upfront. |
menuItems | string[] | |
queryEditor | ComponentType<EditorProps<WidgetState>> | |
selectionListener | string | The key of a SelectionListenerPlugin to be executed whenever this widget's selection changes. |
style | Style | |
styleEditor | ComponentType<EditorProps<WidgetState>> | |
subCategory | string | |
titleBarButtons | string[] | |
cell | string | The key of the cell plugin to use. |
cellStyle | string | The key of the cell style plugin to use. |
TableWidgetStateProperty | Type | Description |
areFiltersDrivenByMdx | boolean | Whether the filters applied to the query when it is sent to the server are driven by: 1. widgetState.query.mdx (when true). It allows users to write filters as they like in the query editor. 2. dashboardState.filters , pageState.filters and widgetState.filters (when false). It allows a single source of truth for dashboard and page filters, preventing bugs.Defaults to false.In practice it is set to true when the user submits an MDX query in the query editor. It it set to false when filters are changed using other UI elements, such as the content or filter editor. |
query | Partial<Query<T extends "serialized" ? MdxString : MdxType>> | |
serverKey | string | |
shouldUseDefaultColumns | MdxType extends MdxDrillthrough ? boolean : never | Whether the columns specified in the drillthrough.defaultSelectedColumns setting are used in the drillthrough query. It is useful when performing a drillthrough from another widget, as it allows to create the drillthrough widget right away, while triggering the query only once the default columns have been fetched. |
mapping | T extends "serialized" ? SerializedDataVisualizationWidgetMapping : DataVisualizationWidgetMapping | |
style | Style | |
switchedTo | string | |
columnWidths | { [tupleKey: string]: number; } | The widths of columns that have been resized, in pixels. |
hiddenColumns | string[] | The tuple keys identifying the columns that have been hidden. |
TableWidgetStyleThe style attribute of a table widget state
Property | Type | Description |
measures | { [measureName: string]: MeasureStyle; } | |
tuples | { [tupleKey: string]: CSSProperties; } | |
areTooltipsVisible | boolean | Whether tooltips are accessible on numeric cells. |
size | "large" | "medium" | "small" | The overall spacing within the table. Drives default row heights and column widths. Columns can then be resized individually. |
TextEditorWidgetStateState of a pluginWidgetTextEditor widget.
Property | Type | Description |
displayMode | "view" | "edit" | |
text | string |
ThemeContains all style attributes used by ActiveUI components.
Property | Type | Description |
activeMenuItemBackgroundColor | Color | |
activeTabBackgroundColor | Color | |
alternateBackgroundColor | Color | |
alternateCellBackgroundColor | Color | |
backgroundColor | Color | |
black | Color | |
cellBackgroundDuringNegativeTransition | Color | |
cellBackgroundDuringPositiveTransition | Color | |
cellBorderColor | Color | |
disabledBackground | Color | |
disabledTextColor | Color | |
dropHintBorderColor | Color | |
dropHintColor | Color | |
errorColor | Color | |
grayScale | Color[] | |
headerActiveColor | Color | |
hoverColor | Color | |
inactiveTabBackgroundColor | Color | |
isDark | boolean | |
menuInlineSubmenuBg | Color | |
placeholderColor | Color | |
primaryColor | Color | |
selectedMenuItemBackground | Color | |
selectionColor | Color | |
selectionMarkDarkColor | Color | |
selectionMarkLightColor | Color | |
selectionOverlayColor | Color | |
shadowColor | Color | |
successColor | Color | |
textColor | Color | |
warningColor | Color | |
white | Color |
TileActionOptionsArgument passed to wizard callbacks regarding actions occurring on a tile.
Property | Type | Description |
isSubtile | false |
TimePeriod- "month"
- "quarter"
- "year"
TitleBarButtonPluginPlugin useful to define buttons accessible next to the top right menu of widgets.
Property | Type | Description |
key | string | |
translations | { [locale: string]: TranslationTree<string>; } | |
Component | ComponentType<ActionProps<WidgetState, SelectionType>> |
TitlePropsProperty | Type | Description |
children | React.ReactNode | |
disabled | boolean | |
level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
style | CSSProperties |
TopBottomMode- "TopCount"
- "TopSum"
- "TopPercent"
- "BottomCount"
- "BottomSum"
- "BottomPercent"
Trace- Omit<Partial<Plotly.PlotData>, "x"
- "y"
- "r"
- "theta"> & "theta"> & { _key: string; _styleKey?: string; _baseColor?: C; cellsIndices: (CellIndices[]
- null)[]; axisIndices?: (number
- null)[]; texttemplate?: string[]; } & (T extends "vertical" ? & (T extends "vertical" ? { x: (string
- null)[]; y: (number
- null)[]; } : unknown) & (T extends "horizontal" ? : unknown) & (T extends "horizontal" ? { x: (number
- null)[]; y: (string
- null)[]; } : unknown) & (T extends "scatter" ? : unknown) & (T extends "scatter" ? { x: (number
- null)[]; y: (number
- null)[]; } : unknown) & (T extends "radar" ? : unknown) & (T extends "radar" ? { r: (number
- null)[]; theta: string[]; } : unknown)
TraceTypeDefines whether the trace has an ordinal horizontal axis and a numeric vertical one, or the other way around.
- "horizontal"
- "vertical"
- "noaxis"
- "scatter"
- "radar"For example:
Lines and column charts are "vertical" whereas bar charts are "horizontal".
TranslationParameter- string
- number
- boolean
- Date
- undefined
- null
TranslationParametersObject containing TranslationParameter values identified by a key.
TranslationTreeA tree of translations identified by a key.
TreeContextMenuPropsProperty | Type | Description |
node | ANode & NodeType | |
onEditStarted | () => void | |
path | number[] | |
trees | TreeObject<NodeType>[] |
TreeListener- (value: ContentRecord<DashboardMetaData
- WidgetMetaData
- FilterMetaData
- CalculatedMeasureMetaData>) => void
TreeObjectT & {
children?: TreeObject<T>[];
Tuple(HierarchyCoordinates & Member)[]
TupleCoordinatesCoordinates identifying a Tuple.
UpdateModeUpdate mode for MDX query.
- "once"
- "realTime"
UserDescribes the current user.
Property | Type | Description |
username | string | |
userRoles | string[] |
UserGroupNameThe name of a group of users.
UserNameThe name of a user.
VersionsProperty | Type | Description |
apis | { [apiKey: string]: { versions: [ServiceVersion]; }; } | |
serverVersion | string | |
version | number |
WhitelistA list of strings representing allowed entities, e.g. which drawers should be shown in ActiveUI, or "*" if there are no restrictions.
- T[]
- "*"
WidgetActionPropsProperty | Type | Description |
className | string | |
onWidgetChange | (newWidgetState: WidgetState) => void | |
queryId | string | |
selection | SelectionType | |
widgetState | WidgetState |
WidgetAttributeProperty | Type | Description |
isMainAxis | boolean | Defines whether the attribute represents the main axis of the widget. Useful in the case of charts.The main axis of a line or column chart is xAxis . The one of a bar chart is yAxis . |
maxNumberOfFields | number | |
role | AttributeRole |
WidgetAttributesAn object containing WidgetAttribute values identified by their name.
WidgetCategory- "dataVisualization"
- "editor"
- "filter"
- "monitor"
- "misc"
WidgetContentThe content of the file to fetch in order to render a dashboard. Like SerializedDashboardState, but name and value.widgetKey are omitted.
- Omit<AWidgetState<"serialized">, "name"
- "widgetKey">
WidgetInDashboardActionPropsProperty | Type | Description |
className | string | |
onWidgetChange | (newWidgetState: WidgetState) => void | |
queryId | string | |
selection | SelectionType | |
widgetState | WidgetState | |
dashboardState | DashboardState | |
layoutPath | number[] | |
leafKey | string | |
onActivePageChange | (newActivePageKey: string) => void | |
onDashboardChange | (newDashboardState: DashboardState) => void | |
pageKey | string |
WidgetMetaDataThe content of the file to fetch in order to render the node representing a widget in the widgets tree.
Property | Type | Description |
isFolder | boolean | |
name | string | |
version | number | The version is copied to AWidgetState each time a saved widget is added to a dashboard. It is incremented each time the saved widget is updated. It is used to know whether a saved widget and a copy of it within a dashboard are in sync. |
widgetKey | string |
WidgetPluginPlugin defining a component that can be used in a dashboard.
Property | Type | Description |
key | string | |
translations | { [locale: string]: TranslationTree<string>; } | |
attributes | WidgetAttributes | |
category | WidgetCategory | |
Component | ComponentType<WidgetPluginProps<WidgetState, SelectionType>> | |
contentEditor | ComponentType<EditorProps<WidgetState>> | |
contextMenuItems | string[] | |
doesSupportMeasuresRedirection | boolean | |
filtersEditor | ComponentType<EditorProps> | |
Icon | ComponentType<IconProps> | |
initialState | WidgetState | |
lazyLoading | { chunkSizes: Partial<Record<"columns" | "rows", number>>; } | Configuration of the maximum number of rows and columns that this widget fetches. Past these values, lazy loading kicks in: more rows and columns are only fetched dynamically when the user scrolls. When this attribute is omitted, it means that the widget does not support lazy loading and will fetch the entirety of the required data upfront. |
menuItems | string[] | |
queryEditor | ComponentType<EditorProps<WidgetState>> | |
selectionListener | string | The key of a SelectionListenerPlugin to be executed whenever this widget's selection changes. |
style | Style | |
styleEditor | ComponentType<EditorProps<WidgetState>> | |
subCategory | string | |
titleBarButtons | string[] |
WidgetPluginInDashboardPropsProps received by a widget within a dashboard
Property | Type | Description |
isDeferred | boolean | |
onChange | (newState: WidgetState) => void | |
onLoaded | () => void | |
onSelectionChange | (newSelection: SelectionType) => void | |
queryId | string | |
style | CSSProperties | |
widgetState | WidgetState | |
dashboardState | DashboardState | |
layoutPath | number[] | |
leafKey | string | |
onActivePageChange | (newActivePageKey: string) => void | |
onDashboardChange | (newDashboardState: DashboardState) => void | |
pageKey | string |
WidgetPluginOutsideADashboardPropsProperty | Type | Description |
isDeferred | boolean | |
onChange | (newState: WidgetState) => void | |
onLoaded | () => void | |
onSelectionChange | (newSelection: SelectionType) => void | |
queryId | string | |
style | CSSProperties | |
widgetState | WidgetState |
WidgetPluginPropsProps received by a widget plugin component.
- WidgetPluginOutsideADashboardProps<WidgetState, SelectionType>
- WidgetPluginInDashboardProps<WidgetState, SelectionType>
WidgetSelectedActionRedux action to change the selected widget in a dashboard page. See widgetSelection
in State.
Property | Type | Description |
leafKey | string | |
pageKey | string | |
type | "widgetSelected" |
WidgetSelectionStateThe key of the selected widget in each page.
WidgetWithQueryPropsProps received by a widget with a query.
WidgetPluginProps<WidgetState, SelectionType> & {
queryResult: QueryResult<ResultType>;
onQueryRangesChanged: (newRanges: Partial<{
[axisId in AxisId]: QueryRange;
}>) => void;
WidgetWithQueryStateThe state of widgets using a query.
Property | Type | Description |
areFiltersDrivenByMdx | boolean | Whether the filters applied to the query when it is sent to the server are driven by: 1. widgetState.query.mdx (when true). It allows users to write filters as they like in the query editor. 2. dashboardState.filters , pageState.filters and widgetState.filters (when false). It allows a single source of truth for dashboard and page filters, preventing bugs.Defaults to false.In practice it is set to true when the user submits an MDX query in the query editor. It it set to false when filters are changed using other UI elements, such as the content or filter editor. |
query | Partial<Query<T extends "serialized" ? MdxString : MdxType>> | |
serverKey | string | |
shouldUseDefaultColumns | MdxType extends MdxDrillthrough ? boolean : never | Whether the columns specified in the drillthrough.defaultSelectedColumns setting are used in the drillthrough query. It is useful when performing a drillthrough from another widget, as it allows to create the drillthrough widget right away, while triggering the query only once the default columns have been fetched. |
WidgetWithQueryUpdateModeStateThe state of a widget with a query update mode. The difference with WidgetWithQueryState is that only the query update mode is configurable. The mdx and query context are managed internally by the widget.
Property | Type | Description |
query | { updateMode?: UpdateMode; } |
WithCubePropsThe props provided to a Component, when it is wrapped in withCube
Property | Type | Description |
cube | Cube | |
dataModel | DataModel | |
serverKey | string |
WizardActionOptionsArgument passed to wizard callbacks regarding actions occurring on a tile or subtile.
WizardSectionThe attributes describing a section that is passed to a Wizard.
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | |
isAddButtonVisible | boolean | |
placeholder | string | |
placeholderTooltip | string | |
tiles | (WizardTile | WizardTileWithChildren)[] |
WizardTileThe attributes describing a tile element that is passed to a WizardSection.
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | ReactElement | |
dragItem | { type: string; } & any | |
isCorrupt | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isEditable | boolean | |
isRemovable | boolean | |
isSavable | boolean | |
tooltipValue | string |
WizardTileWithChildrenThe attributes describing a tile element with subtiles that is passed to a WizardSection.
Property | Type | Description |
caption | string | ReactElement | |
dragItem | { type: string; } & any | |
isCorrupt | boolean | |
isDisabled | boolean | |
isEditable | boolean | |
isRemovable | boolean | |
isSavable | boolean | |
tooltipValue | string | |
subtiles | (WizardTile | WizardTileWithChildren)[] |